[125013300010] |Wammu - Mobile phone manager [125013300020] |Wammu is a mobile phone manager that uses Gammu as its backend. [125013300030] |It works with any phone that Gammu supports, including many models from Nokia, Siemens, and Alcatel. [125013300040] |It has complete support (read, edit, delete, copy) for contacts, todo, and calendar. [125013300050] |It can read, save, and send SMS. [125013300060] |It includes an SMS composer for multi-part SMS messages, and it can display SMS messages that include pictures. [125013300070] |Currently, only text and predefined bitmaps or sounds can be edited in the SMS composer. [125013300080] |It can export messages to an IMAP4 server (or other email storage). [125013300090] |Currently supported features: [125013300100] |* complete support (can read/edit/delete/copy) for contacts, todo, calendar [125013300110] |* can read/create/save/send/backup smses [125013300120] |* sending files to phone (OBEX and Sony Ericsson phones only) [125013300130] |* sms composer for multi part smses (currently only text and predefined bitmap/sound can be edited) [125013300140] |* display message including pictures and ringtones playback [125013300150] |* support for backup and import in various formats (vCard, vCalendar, vTodo, iCalendar, gammu own backup,…) [125013300160] |* export messages to mail (IMAP4, maildir and mailbox storages are supported) [125013300170] |* searching for phone [125013300180] |* translated into several languages [125013300190] |* rated as best on many software servers [125013300200] |You can check your phone model support from here [125013300210] |Install wammu in ubuntu 10.04/9.10 [125013300220] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013300230] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nijel/ppa [125013300240] |sudo apt-get update [125013300250] |sudo apt-get install wammu gammu [125013300260] |For more information check here [125013310010] |ExpoSong 0.7 released! [125013310020] |ExpoSong is a presentation software with a focus on Christian Worship Settings. [125013310030] |With ExpoSong you can easily manage your lyrics and you can also create text and image presentations. [125013310040] |It has a nice and easy to use background selector which supports image and gradient backgrounds. [125013310050] |With a schedule you can define an order of your presentations for a specific event. [125013310060] |There is also a full-text-search which helps you find your presentations. [125013310070] |Now we have released Version 0.7 which brings a lot of improvements. [125013310080] |

Changes in 0.7

[125013310090] |
  • Using OpenLyrics to store Lyrics. [125013310100] |This brings a lot of additional features and compatibility with other applications. [125013310110] |We will be integrating more in the future.
  • [125013310120] |
  • Improved Import and Export. [125013310130] |Import from SongSelect, or OpenSong.
  • [125013310140] |
  • User can change the output monitor in dual screen mode.
  • [125013310150] |
  • Print a Song or List of Presentations.
  • [125013310160] |


    [125013310170] |
  • Ubuntu/Debian package: exposong_0.7-1_all.deb
  • [125013310180] |
  • Windows installer: exposong-0.7-win32.msi
  • [125013310190] |
  • Source Code package: exposong-0.7.zip
  • [125013310200] |Please see our download page for more instructions. [125013310210] |

    Caveats/Help Needed

    [125013310220] |We have translated the application into German, and are looking for more translators! [125013310230] |Have a look at our Launchpad Translations page. [125013310240] |Note that translations are not working on Windows for this version. [125013310250] |If you’d like to help in other ways, please see how you can contribute. [125013310260] |Screenshot [125013320010] |How to install thunderbird 3.1.3 in Ubuntu 10.04(Lucid) using PPA [125013320020] |Mozilla Thunderbird is a total redesign of the Mozilla mail component to produce a cross-platform, stand-alone mail application using the XUL user interface language. [125013320030] |It has many new features, among them the ability to customize your toolbars the way you want them. a new look and feel with a large number of downloadable themes which alter the appearance of the client, and the ability to add UI extensions. [125013320040] |What is new in version 3.1.3 [125013320050] |You can check here for complete release notes [125013320060] |Install thunderbird 3.1.3 in Ubuntu 10.04 [125013320070] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013320080] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lucid-bleed/ppa [125013320090] |sudo apt-get update [125013320100] |sudo apt-get install thunderbird thunderbird-locales [125013330010] |Magic Trackpad drivers land in Ubuntu Maverick and Upstream! [125013330020] |If you’ve read some of my previous posts, you’ll note that I’ve been spending some time adding Magic Trackpad functionality to the current Magic Mouse driver in the kernel. [125013330030] |I’m pleased to report that the changes have landed both in Ubuntu and upstream in Jiri Kosina’s HID tree as it awaits merging into Linus’ tree. [125013330040] |It will be available in Ubuntu 10.10 and hopefully in Linux 2.6.37. [125013330050] |There is still one remaining issue with the driver, however. [125013330060] |The protocol used by the device is unique, and this poses challenges when trying to work with the HID layer. [125013330070] |In Ubuntu we are papering over the issue, but Michael Poole has a patch that may resolve it once and for all. [125013330080] |I plan to test the patch out soon, and I hope it is suitable for inclusion upstream. [125013330090] |Via Canonical [125013340010] |MirrorBrain - Download Redirector and generates Metalinks, Torrents and crypto-hashes [125013340020] |MirrorBrain is an open source framework to run a content delivery network using mirror servers. [125013340030] |It solves a challenge that many popular open source projects face - a flood of download requests, often magnitudes more than a single site could practically handle. [125013340040] |A central (and probably the most obvious) part is a “download redirector” which automatically redirects requests from web browsers or download programs to a mirror server near them. [125013340050] |Choosing a suitable mirror for a users request is the key, and MirrorBrain uses geolocation and global routing data to make a sensible choice, and achieve load-balancing for the mirrors at the same time. [125013340060] |The used algorithm is both sophisticated and easy to control and tune. [125013340070] |In addition, MirrorBrain monitors mirrors, scans them for files, generates mirror lists, and more. [125013340080] |Install mirror brain in ubuntu [125013340090] |First you need to make sure you have install Ubuntu LAMP server once you have this you need to Add package repository [125013340100] |edit /etc/apt/sources.list file [125013340110] |sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list [125013340120] |Add one of the following [125013340130] |For ubuntu 10.04 users add the following line [125013340140] |deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Apache:/MirrorBrain/Ubuntu_10.04/ / [125013340150] |For ubuntu 9.10 users add the following line [125013340160] |deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Apache:/MirrorBrain/xUbuntu_9.10/ / [125013340170] |Save and exit the file [125013340180] |Install GPG key [125013340190] |sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net --recv-keys BD6D129A [125013340200] |Update source list [125013340210] |sudo apt-get update [125013340220] |Install the MirrorBrain packages using the following command [125013340230] |sudo apt-get install mirrorbrain mirrorbrain-tools mirrorbrain-scanner libapache2-mod-mirrorbrain libapache2-mod-autoindex-mb [125013340240] |install an Apache MPM [125013340250] |sudo apt-get install apache2-mpm-worker [125013340260] |Note :- If the LAMP server has been installed, the prefork MPM was probably preselected. [125013340270] |It may make sense to switch to the worker MPM in such cases, which is a good choice for busy download servers. [125013340280] |If something like PHP is in use as embedded interpreter (mod_php), though, then you need to stick to the prefork MPM, because libraries that are used by PHP might not be threadsafe. [125013340290] |Configure mod_geoip [125013340300] |mod_geoip is configured to look for the GeoIP data set in /var/lib/GeoIP. [125013340310] |You need to download the GeoIP data set. [125013340320] |We chose the larger “city” dataset: [125013340330] |wget http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCountry/GeoIP.dat.gz [125013340340] |gunzip GeoIP.dat.gz [125013340350] |sudo mkdir /var/lib/GeoIP [125013340360] |sudo cp GeoIP.dat /var/lib/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat [125013340370] |Configure mod_dbd [125013340380] |With Ubuntu 10.04, the DBD (Apache Portable Runtime DBD Framework) database adapter for PostgreSQL is already installed, because the driver is statically linked into the libaprutil1 shared object. libaprutil1-dbd-pgsql is a virtual package which is just a pointer to the libaprutil1 package. [125013340390] |Running the following snippet will create a configuration for mod_dbd: [125013340400] |sudo sh -c “cat >/etc/apache2/mods-available/dbd.conf < DBDriver pgsql DBDParams ‘host=localhost user=mirrorbrain password=12345 dbname=mirrorbrain connect_timeout=15′ EOF ” [125013340410] |Note:-Edit the password in the template here – take note of it, you’ll need it below, when you create a database user account. [125013340420] |Install PostgreSQL [125013340430] |Install the PostgreSQL server (here, version 8.4 is the current version): [125013340440] |sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.4 [125013340450] |Create the postgresql user account and database [125013340460] |Switch to user postgres: [125013340470] |sudo su - postgres [125013340480] |Create user: [125013340490] |createuser -P mirrorbrain Enter password for new role: Enter it again: Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n [125013340500] |Create database: [125013340510] |createdb -O mirrorbrain mirrorbrain createlang plpgsql mirrorbrain [125013340520] |Exit user postgres: [125013340530] |exit [125013340540] |Edit host-based authentication [125013340550] |Add line host mirrorbrain mirrorbrain md5 to the end of pg_hba.conf, which is to be found here: [125013340560] |sudo vim /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf [125013340570] |Start the PostgreSQL server: [125013340580] |sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 restart [125013340590] |Create needed users and groups [125013340600] |Create user and group mirrorbrain: [125013340610] |sudo groupadd -r mirrorbrain sudo useradd -r -m -g mirrorbrain -s /bin/bash -c “MirrorBrain user” -d /home/mirrorbrain mirrorbrain [125013340620] |Import initial mirrorbrain data [125013340630] |Import structure and data, running the commands as user mirrorbrain: [125013340640] |sudo su - mirrorbrain gunzip -c /usr/share/doc/mirrorbrain/sql/schema-postgresql.sql.gz | psql -U mirrorbrain mirrorbrain gunzip -c /usr/share/doc/mirrorbrain/sql/initialdata-postgresql.sql.gz | psql -U mirrorbrain mirrorbrain exit [125013340650] |Create needed directories [125013340660] |Create the following directory for logs, and give ownership to the new mirrorbrain user: [125013340670] |sudo mkdir /var/log/mirrorbrain sudo chown mirrorbrain:mirrorbrain /var/log/mirrorbrain sudo chmod 0750 /var/log/mirrorbrain [125013340680] |Once this installation completed you need to follow mirrorbrain configuration steps [125013350010] |Sqlkit - Edit data in a database [125013350020] |Sqlkit provides a GUI named sqledit to edit data in a database, as well as a package (sqlkit) in PyGtk. Sqledit (the application) can be run from the command line with arguments and will pop directly into the table/mask of the data, or without arguments and will present an input mask to write the database URL. [125013350030] |Sqlkit (the Python package) provides SqlMask and SqlTable, two widgets for editing database data. [125013350040] |It is meant to be used as a base for database desktop applications. [125013350050] |Features [125013350060] |Main features of sqlkit: [125013350070] |* Editor of databases in 2 modes: SqlTable &SqlMask. [125013350080] |Mask can embed tables of related tables. [125013350090] |* Based on sqlalchemy: can cope with many different database backend (Postgresql, Mysql, sqlite the most popular ones). [125013350100] |Can be used to edit any selectable you can build with sqlalchemy. [125013350110] |* Very powerfull filtering capabilities: [125013350120] |o each field can be used to filter visible records [125013350130] |o date filtering possible also on relative basis (good for saved queries) [125013350140] |o works on expressions too [125013350150] |o works on fields in related tables embedded in mask [125013350160] |* Completion both on normal fields and foreign key fields [125013350170] |* Very easy way to draw a layout for mask views [125013350180] |* Sqledit - the standalone program to browse and edit data: python script to edit db [125013350190] |* Completely effortless editing of Relationships [125013350200] |* Very easy way to set Defaults [125013350210] |* Possibility to display Totals in numeric fields [125013350220] |* Constraints: any possible sql constraint can be attached to a Mask or a Table. [125013350230] |It can be expressed as a normal sqlalchemy query or with django-like syntax. [125013350240] |Works on expressions too. [125013350250] |* SqlMask and SqlTable are widgets with several Signals [125013350260] |* Hooks for a very easy customization of behaviour and for validation [125013350270] |* More than 70 snippets of code to demonstrate each feature [125013350280] |Install sqlkit in Ubuntu [125013350290] |First you need to edit source.list file [125013350300] |gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [125013350310] |Add the following line [125013350320] |deb http://apt.argolinux.org/ lenny sqlkit [125013350330] |Save and exit the file [125013350340] |Install GPG key [125013350350] |wget http://apt.argolinux.org/sqlkit.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sqlkit.list [125013350360] |wget -O- http://apt.argolinux.org/dists/lenny/public.key| sudo apt-key add - [125013350370] |sudo apt-get update [125013350380] |and install it via: [125013350390] |apt-get install python-sqlkit [125013350400] |Screenshot [125013360010] |Howto install gimp 2.6.10 in ubuntu 10.04(Lucid) [125013360020] |GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. [125013360030] |It is a freely distributed piece of software suitable for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. [125013360040] |It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, a image format converter, etc. [125013360050] |Overview of Changes from GIMP 2.6.9 to GIMP 2.6.10 ================================================== [125013360060] |* Bugs fixed: [125013360070] |613328 - TGA files saved with incorrect header yOrigin data 623290 - Save As… does not save Windows Bitmap as default in dialog 621363 - CMYK decompose broken 595170 - brush - color from gradient works wrong in greyscale 613838 - Error in gimp-hue-saturation PDB call 622608 - GIMP crashes when clicking any scroll bar from combo boxes 565459 - newly opened images are put into the background [125013360080] |Install gimp 2.6.10 in ubuntu 10.04(Lucid) [125013360090] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013360100] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lucid-bleed/ppa [125013360110] |sudo apt-get update [125013360120] |sudo apt-get install gimp [125013370010] |Kubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) Beta Screenshots Gallery [125013370020] |Kubuntu will release version 10.10, the Maverick Meerkat, in October 2010. [125013370030] |With this Beta pre-release, we are introducing some new and interesting things in preparation for the next official version of Kubuntu. [125013370040] |This screenshots gallery includes new installer,applications and more [125013370050] |Kubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) Beta Screenshots [125013380010] |gphotoframe 1.0.1 released and ubuntu installation instructions included [125013380020] |Gnome Photo Frame is a photo frame gadget for the GNOME Desktop. [125013380030] |* Local folders [125013380040] |* F-Spot database [125013380050] |* Flickr API [125013380060] |* Picasa Web Album API [125013380070] |* Tumblr API [125013380080] |* RSS [125013380090] |What is new in gphotoframe 1.0.1 [125013380100] |* Added support for F-Spot 0.7.x database. [125013380110] |Install gphotoframe 1.0.1 in ubuntu [125013380120] |You need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list file [125013380130] |gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [125013380140] |Add the following line [125013380150] |deb http://www.tsurukawa.org/debian/squeeze/ ./ [125013380160] |Save and exit the file [125013380170] |Update source list [125013380180] |sudo apt-get update [125013380190] |Install gphotoframe using the following command [125013380200] |sudo apt-get install gphotoframe [125013390010] |Nautilus Terminal - An integrated terminal for Nautilus [125013390020] |Nautilus Terminal is an integrated terminal for Nautilus [125013390030] |What is new in latest version 0.3 [125013390040] |* Fixes the bug with “infinity” bash fork (lp:635846) [125013390050] |* Improve separation of property between nautilus’ windows [125013390060] |* New translations [125013390070] |Install Nautilus Terminal in ubuntu [125013390080] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013390090] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:flozz/flozz sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nautilus-terminal [125013390100] |NOTE :After Nautilus Terminal installation you have to restart nautilus using the following command from your terminal : [125013390110] |nautilus -q &&nautilus &exit [125013390120] |Screenshot [125013400010] |Shotwell 0.7.2 released and installation instructions included [125013400020] |Shotwell is an open source photo organizer designed for the GNOME desktop environment. [125013400030] |Features [125013400040] |•import photos from any digital camera supported by gPhoto •automatically organize events containing photos taken at the same time •non-destructive editing allows altering photos without ruining originals or using disk space for each copy •one-click auto-enhancement •rotate, mirror, and crop photos •reduce red-eye and adjust the exposure, saturation, tint, and temperature of your photos •export photos as they are or by specifying dimensions and JPEG quality to reduce size •edit any photo, even if it’s not imported to the Shotwell library [125013400050] |What is new in 0.7.2 version [125013400060] |* Fixed major startup problem when the user’s Pictures directory is actually a symbolic link. [125013400070] |* Fixed potential crasher when the user’s Pictures directory contains a large number of subdirectories. [125013400080] |* No longer asking if copying or linking if importing from Pictures directory (which will always be linked). [125013400090] |* Fixed update problem when using an external editor on a photo that was edited externally in an earlier session. [125013400100] |* Various bug fixes. [125013400110] |* Updated translations. [125013400120] |Install Shotwell 0.7.2 in ubuntu 10.04/9.10 [125013400130] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013400140] |$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yorba/ppa $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install shotwell [125013410010] |ClipGrab - Download online videos [125013410020] |ClipGrab is a free GPL’ed software for downloading online videos. [125013410030] |With ClipGrab you can download online clips from many sites with just some clicks and then automatically convert them into “usable” files. [125013410040] |This way, you can watch your favourite clips again and again wherever and whenever you like. [125013410050] |And since ClipGrab can also save your videos as audio files, you can also put them on your mp3 player if you like. [125013410060] |Which sites are supported by ClipGrab? [125013410070] |At the moment, the following sites are officially supported: [125013410080] |* YouTube [125013410090] |* Clipfish [125013410100] |* Collegehumor [125013410110] |* Dailymotion [125013410120] |* MyVideo [125013410130] |* MySpass [125013410140] |* Sevenload [125013410150] |* Tudou [125013410160] |* Vimeo [125013410170] |Which formats are supported by ClipGrab? [125013410180] |At the moment, ClipGrab supports these formats: [125013410190] |* MPEG4 (video) [125013410200] |* WMV (video) [125013410210] |* OGG Theora (video) [125013410220] |* MP3 (audio only) [125013410230] |* OGG Vorbis (audio only) [125013410240] |Install clipgrab in ubuntu 10.10/10.04/9.10 [125013410250] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013410260] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:clipgrab-team/ppa [125013410270] |sudo apt-get update [125013410280] |sudo apt-get install clipgrab [125013420010] |Fotoxx - Photo editing and collection management [125013420020] |Fotoxx is a free open source Linux program for photo editing and collection management. [125013420030] |The goal is to meet most user needs while remaining fast and easy to use. [125013420040] |Navigate a large image collection using a thumbnail gallery browser. [125013420050] |Import camera RAW files and edit with 16-bit color. [125013420060] |Save edited images as TIFF-8/16, PNG or JPEG with adjustable compression. [125013420070] |Edit the whole image or a selected area, with adjustable blending. [125013420080] |Edit functions have live feedback using the full window. [125013420090] |Add tags, dates, and star-ratings to images and search using these criteria and (wildcard) file names. [125013420100] |Edit functions include: [125013420110] |+ Brightness/contrast/color adjustments by dragging curves + Flatten brightness distribution (frequent quick fix) + Sharpen, Blur, Noise reduction, Red-eye removal + Trim, Rescale, Rotate any angle, Flip horizontal/vertical + Tone Mapping (enhance detail at all brightness levels) + Brightness uniformity (fix vignetting and other problems) + Composites: panorama, HDR, HDF, Stack (hand-held photos OK) + Warp (stretch/distort image or selected area by dragging the mouse) + Artful transforms (simulate drawing, painting, embossing) + Pixel edit with variable brush and blending + Edit parts of an image (select freehand, follow edges, match colors) + Copy selected area from one image and paste into another + Unlimited undo/redo, fast before/after comparison [125013420120] |Utility functions include: [125013420130] |+ Thumbnail browser and navigator, variable thumbnail size + Slide-show mode: full screen, no menu, keyboard navigation + Select images from the navigator and burn a CD or DVD + View and edit imbedded metadata (EXIF, IPTC, etc.) + Add your own tags, star-ratings, and descriptive text to images + Search by tags, ratings, dates, file names - show images in browser + Brightness distribution graph, live update + Batch functions: rename, resize/export, revise tags, import RAW + Generate thumbnails and tag index from existing image files + Monitor color check + Print images using a standard format or custom dimensions + Context dependent help (F1 key) + Comprehensive user guide (English) [125013420140] |Install Fotoxx in ubuntu 10.10/10/04/9.10 [125013420150] |You need to download .deb packages from here once you have deb packages you can install them by double clicking on it or open the terminal and run the following command (make sure you are in correct path) [125013420160] |sudo dpkg -i fotoxx-10.9.1-32.deb [125013420170] |Screenshot [125013430010] |Install Nautilus Elementary (Patched version of Nautilus) in ubuntu 10.10(Maverick)/10.04 (Lucid)/9.10 (Karmic) using PPA [125013430020] |Currently Nautilus is the default file browser in Ubuntu and Nautilus Elementary is a patched version of Nautilus with an emphasis for simplicity. [125013430030] |Install Nautilus-Elementary in ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid)/9.10 (Karmic) [125013430040] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013430050] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:am-monkeyd/nautilus-elementary-ppa [125013430060] |sudo apt-get update [125013430070] |sudo apt-get upgrade [125013430080] |After completing installation you need to restart nautilus [125013430090] |nautilus -q [125013430100] |Nautilus Elementary Video [125013440010] |pywo - Python Window Organizer [125013440020] |PyWO allows you to easily organize windows on the desktop using keyboard shortcuts. [125013440030] |It’s inspired by Quicktile, Compiz plugins: Grid, Put, and Maximumize. [125013440040] |Features: [125013440050] |* Move window in any direction and snap it to other windows’ edges [125013440060] |* Resize (expand or shrink) window in any direction [125013440070] |* Place window in predefined places on the desktop [125013440080] |* Use grid-like layout (place window and cycle predefined sizes) [125013440090] |* Switch windows’ positions [125013440100] |* Highly customizable [125013440110] |Install pywo in ubuntu [125013440120] |You need to download latest version from here you can extract this file after extracting you should be having pywo-0.2 directory now you go in to the directory [125013440130] |cd pywo-0.2 [125013440140] |Run the following command to start this application [125013440150] |./pywo.py [125013440160] |pywo in action [125013440170] |Default keyboard shortcuts: [125013440180] |Alt-Ctrl-Shift-Q - exit PyWO Alt-Ctrl-Shift-R - reload configuration file Alt-Ctrl-Shift-I - print debug information about window manager and current window [125013440190] |Alt-KP_Divide - switch windows (change position of the window) Alt-Shift-KP_Divide - cycle windows (change contents of the window) [125013440200] |Alt-KP_1-9 - move window in a direction (KP_1-9 - numpad keys) Shift-KP_1-9 - expand window in a direction (5 works as maximumize compiz plugin) Alt-Shift-KP_1-9 - shrink window Alt-Ctrl-KP_1-9 - put window to predefined position Ctrl_KP_1-9 - put and resize (grid), and cycle widths Ctrl-Shift_KP_1-9 - put and resize (grid), and cycle heights [125013440210] |You can check here for more information [125013460010] |Shutter - Feature-rich screenshot program (Ubuntu installation instructions included) [125013460020] |Shutter is a feature-rich screenshot program. [125013460030] |You can take a screenshot of a specific area, window, your whole screen, or even a Web site, apply different effects to it, draw on it to highlight points, and then upload to an image hosting site, all within one window. [125013460040] |Install shutter in ubuntu 10.10/10/04/9.10 [125013460050] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013460060] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shutter/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install shutter [125013460070] |Screenshot [125013470010] |twitim - Twitter client for GNOME [125013470020] |Twitim is a Twitter client for GNOME. [125013470030] |It is implemented with Gtk2-Perl. [125013470040] |* Custom watchlists [125013470050] |* Sounds and pop-up notifications [125013470060] |* Support XMPP [125013470070] |Install twitim in ubuntu [125013470080] |you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list file [125013470090] |gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [125013470100] |add the following line [125013470110] |deb http://www.tsurukawa.org/debian/squeeze/ ./ [125013470120] |Save and exit the file [125013470130] |Update source list [125013470140] |sudo apt-get update [125013470150] |Install twitim [125013470160] |sudo apt-get install twitim [125013470170] |Screenshot [125013480010] |Ding - Graphical dictionary lookup program [125013480020] |Ding is a Dictionary lookup program for the X window system (Linux, Unix - not for Mac or MS Windows). [125013480030] |It comes with a German-English Dictionary with approximately 270,000 entries. [125013480040] |It is based on Tk version >= 8.3 and uses the agrep or egrep tools for searching. [125013480050] |It has many configuration options, such as search preferences, interface language (English or German), colors. [125013480060] |It has history and help functions and comes with useful key and mouse bindings for quick and easy lookups. [125013480070] |his package needs agrep or egrep as a back end. agrep is preferable, because it supports fault tolerant searching. [125013480080] |You have to install some translation dictionary word list with a word/phrase in two languages in one line with some kind of separator between them. [125013480090] |The default configuration of ding uses the German-English dictionary which can be found in the trans-de-en package, but you can use every other translation word lists with one entry per line. [125013480100] |Install ding in ubuntu [125013480110] |Open the terminal and run the following command [125013480120] |sudo apt-get install ding trans-de-en [125013480130] |Note:- A German-English translation dictionary.If you want another one you have to install accordingly [125013480140] |Screenshot [125013500010] |BEAST - Your Solution for Music Composition and Synthesis [125013500020] |Beast is a powerful music composition and modular synthesis application released as free software under the GNU GPL and GNU LGPL, that runs under unix. [125013500030] |It supports a wide range of standards in the field, such as MIDI, WAV/AIFF/MP3/OggVorbis/etc audio files and LADSPA modules. [125013500040] |It has excellent technical abilities like multitrack editing, unlimited undo/redo support, real-time synthesis support, 32bit audio rendering, full duplex support, multiprocessor support, conditional MMX/SSE utilisation for plugins, precise timing down to sample granularity, on demand and partial loading of wave files, on the fly decoding, stereo mixing, FFT scopes, MIDI automation and full scriptability in scheme. [125013500050] |Install BEAST in ubuntu [125013500060] |Open the terminal and run the following command [125013500070] |sudo apt-get install beast bse-alsa [125013500080] |Note:- bse-alsa is ALSA plugin for BEAST [125013500090] |Screenshot [125013520010] |Download The GNU/Linux Advanced Administration PDF Guide [125013520020] |The GNU/Linux systems have reached an important level of maturity, allowing to integrate them in almost any kind of work environment, from a desktop PC to the sever facilities of a big company. [125013520030] |In this ebook “The GNU/Linux Operating System”, the main contents are related with system administration. [125013520040] |You will learn how to install and configure several computer services, and how to optimize and synchronize the resources using GNU/Linux. [125013520050] |The topics covered in this 500+ page eBook include Linux network, server and data administration, Linux kernel, security, clustering, configuration, tuning, optimization, migration and coexistence with non-Linux systems. [125013520060] |A must read for any serious Linux system admin. [125013520070] |

    The GNU/Linux Advanced Administration eBook

    [125013520080] |In this ebook “The GNU/Linux Operating System”, the main contents are related with system administration. [125013520090] |You will learn how to install and configure several computer services, and how to optimize and synchronize the resources using GNU/Linux. [125013520100] |Download Now [125013530010] |DreamPie - Python shell which is designed to be reliable and fun [125013530020] |DreamPie was designed from the ground up to bring you a great interactive Python experience: [125013530030] |* DreamPie features a new concept for an interactive shell: the window is divided into the history box, which lets you view previous commands and their output, and the code box, where you write your code. [125013530040] |This allows you to edit any amount of code, just like in your favorite editor, and execute it when it’s ready. [125013530050] |You can also copy code from anywhere, edit it and run it instantly. [125013530060] |* The Copy code only command will copy the code you want to keep, so you can save it in a file. [125013530070] |The code is already formatted nicely with a four-space indentation. [125013530080] |* Features automatic completion of attributes and file names. [125013530090] |* Automatically displays function arguments and documentation. [125013530100] |* Keeps your recent results in the result history, for later user. [125013530110] |* Can automatically fold long outputs, so you can concentrate on what’s important. [125013530120] |* Lets you save the history of the session as an HTML file, for future reference. [125013530130] |You can then load the history file into DreamPie, and quickly redo previous commands. [125013530140] |* Automatically adds parentheses and optionally quotes when you press space after functions and methods. [125013530150] |For example, execfile fn automatically turns into execfile(“fn”). [125013530160] |* Supports interactive plotting with matplotlib. [125013530170] |(You have to set “interactive: True” in the matplotlibrc file for this to work.) [125013530180] |* Supports Python 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, Jython 2.5, IronPython 2.6 and Python 3.1. [125013530190] |* Works on Windows, Linux and Mac. [125013530200] |(Mac support requires MacPorts.) [125013530210] |* Extremely fast and responsive. [125013530220] |* Free software licensed under GPL version 3. [125013530230] |Install DreamPie in ubuntu 10.04/9.10 [125013530240] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013530250] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dreampie-devel/ppa [125013530260] |sudo apt-get update [125013530270] |sudo apt-get install dreampie [125013530280] |Screenshot [125013540010] |Justniffer - tcp packet sniffer [125013540020] |justniffer is a tcp packet sniffer. [125013540030] |It can log network traffic in a customizable way. can simulate web server logs as the Apache access_log. may include information such as response times. useful to troubleshoot performance issues. [125013540040] |It can also capture http traffic content (html, javascript, css, images, sounds, etc..) [125013540050] |And save it in a directory Main differences from other sniffers [125013540060] |Most of the sniffers are divided into two categories, packet an text sniffers. [125013540070] |Both suffer from incompleteness of information that may be collected and analyzed [125013540080] |* Packet sniffers collect too much data, such as packet headers details, and they make easy to analize low level network problem (such as tcp retrasmissions, or ip fragmentation) but make hard-working and time wasting to analize more high level details ( such as content correctness, keep-alive issues, connection timeouts, response time, etc) [125013540090] |* Textmode sniffers usually rebuild TCP stream but cannot collect low level information such as timestamps. [125013540100] |They often rebuild the tcp flow in a too simplistic way and fail when dealing with complex TCP/IP issues (reordering, retransmission, reassemlbying, etc). [125013540110] |TCP reassembling and reordering is a complex exercise, and require a deep knowledge of TCP/IP protocol and long experience in the field. [125013540120] |Usually,they are useful for pure grabbing content from network traffic. [125013540130] |Justniffer was born to help in toubleshooting perfomance in network tcp based services : HTTP, JDBC, RTSP, SIP, SMTP, IMAP, POP, LDAP, etc. [125013540140] |Install Justniffer in Ubuntu [125013540150] |download .deb package from here once you have deb you can install by double clicking on it [125013540160] |Screenshot [125013550010] |Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick) default wallpaper [New] [125013550020] |Here is new ubuntu 10.10 default wallpaper [125013550030] |You can download from here [125013560010] |How to install Adobe flash 10.2 (Preview) in Ubuntu 10.10 (maverick) Using PPA [125013560020] |Finally adobe released adobe flash preview version for 64-bit systems you can install this in ubuntu 10.10 using PPA [125013560030] |Install Adobe flash 10.2 (Preview) in Ubuntu 10.10 [125013560040] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013560050] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash [125013560060] |sudo apt-get update [125013560070] |sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-nonfree [125013560080] |If you use this PPA to install in ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) you will get 10.0.45 [125013570010] |Install nice bisigi themes on ubuntu 10.10 Beta (maverick) [125013570020] |Bisigi themes for ubuntu are the best ones i have seen so you can install in your ubuntu 10.10 beta using the following procedure [125013570030] |A maverick repository is available for bisigi themes.It’s a temporary repository published to track bugs (or request some new features) [125013570040] |Install bisigi themes ubuntu 10.10 beta [125013570050] |Run the following command from your terminal [125013570060] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bisigi/dev sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install bisigi-themes [125013580010] |CLIcompanion - Easy way of learning command line in Ubuntu [125013580020] |CLI Companion is an application that is used as a compliment to the Linux Terminal. [125013580030] |People unfamiliar with the terminal will find CLIcompanion useful to become acquainted with the terminal. [125013580040] |Using the built-in commands you can unlock the potential of the Terminal. [125013580050] |Experienced users can use CLIcompanion’s add command feature to build a command dictionary. [125013580060] |Store commands as you come across them and no more do you have to search for them. [125013580070] |Install CLIcompanion in ubuntu 10.04 [125013580080] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013580090] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:clicompanion-devs/clicompanion-nightlies sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install clicompanion [125013580100] |Using CLIcompanion [125013580110] |You can open clicompanion from Applications->Accessories [125013580120] |Main Window [125013580130] |The CLIcompanion has three columns. [125013580140] |The first column is the command. [125013580150] |The second column shows you if the command needs information from the user. [125013580160] |Some commands need a path to a file. [125013580170] |Others might need a package name. [125013580180] |The third column is the command description. [125013580190] |Add Command [125013580200] |The add command feature allows for three pieces of information to be stored for each command. [125013580210] |Be mindful that not all commands will need the user variable field. [125013590010] |FoxTester - Install and launch multiple versions of Firefox [125013590020] |Install and launch multiple versions of Firefox while using the default installation and without affecting the default user profile. [125013590030] |It also allows to turn any installed version into the default browser, to be used with the user default profile. [125013590040] |* install and launch multiple versions of Firefox while using the default installation [125013590050] |* turn any installed version into the default browser, to be used with the user default profile. [125013590060] |* check the downloaded file hash numbers against those provided by Mozilla, through the browser context [125013590070] |The extension installs each version on a separate folder and create a separate profile for each one, which allows to run multiple versions at the same time, by using the -no-remote option. [125013590080] |Download FoxTester from here [125013590090] |Screenshot [125013600010] |GOFRIS - Locking the system’s got even easier [125013600020] |GOFRIS is an open source application that can be used for locking your Home folder. [125013600030] |It’s like Deep Freeze in Windows environment. [125013600040] |GOFRIS is recommended for public computers. [125013600050] |When GOFRIS is enabled in your system, any changes made in your Home folder will be deleted after restarting. [125013600060] |So, use GOFRIS carefully. [125013600070] |Note:- This application is still in development so this might break your system [125013600080] |Install gofris in ubuntu [125013600090] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013600100] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tldm217/gofris sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gofris-en [125013600110] |Screenshot [125013610010] |How to save the output of your telnet session [125013610020] |Many times i’ve used this website to get useful tips that helped me in ubuntu so I thought of giving back to this great community. [125013610030] |There’s a topic always asked about on forums and the answers are typically wrong, unuseful, doesnt work, etc.. [125013610040] |I had the same problem, I figured it out so I thought about posting it here. [125013610050] |How to save the infamous telnet output automatically to a file on your pc. [125013610060] |In terminal: [125013610070] |Install expect by doing: [125013610080] |sudo apt-get install expect [125013610090] |then, do an expect script of your telnet session, the way you want it. (internet is full of articles about expect scripting, and believe me it’s real easy!) [125013610100] |then in terminal launch the script using expect and use the program “tee” to redirect the output to a file on ur pc. [125013610110] |example: [125013610120] |we have an expect script called fetch. [125013610130] |in terminal we do: [125013610140] |expect fetch | tee example.txt [125013610150] |this command will launch connect to telnet, automatically do the commands u put in the fetch script, and send all the output till the end to a file in ur current directory named example.txt [125013610160] |if the operation is a routine (fetching data for example regularly) u can add the command to cron to schedule it to run anytime u want automatically and save u the output data. [125013610170] |to do that enter crontab -e in terminal and add the job there, or alternatively do: [125013610180] |sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule [125013610190] |and edit cron graphically, but needless to say, the terminal gives u a wider set of control and options on cron. [125013620010] |Steadyflow download manager version 0.1 Released [New] [125013620020] |This is new download manager with the following features This release features: [125013620030] |* A basic GNOME download manager, supporting all URL protocols known by GIO/GVFS. [125013620040] |This includes, among others, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and SMB. [125013620050] |* Pausing, resuming, and restarting downloads upon application restart. [125013620060] |* An application indicator, or a notification area icon for platforms without Ayatana libraries. [125013620070] |* An instant search/filter box. [125013620080] |* Ability to add downloads via the command line and D-Bus, for browser extension writers. [125013620090] |* Notification bubbles upon starting and finishing downloads (can be disabled). [125013620100] |Install Steadyflow download manager in ubuntu 10.10/10.04 [125013620110] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013620120] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sikon/steadyflow [125013620130] |sudo apt-get update [125013620140] |sudo apt-get install steadyflow [125013620150] |Screenshot [125013630010] |Tip:How to restore accidently deleted top panel in ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) [125013630020] |If you are new to ubuntu and for some reason if you accidently deleted top panel in ubuntu 10.04 don’t worry you can restore using the following procedure [125013630030] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013630040] |gconftool-2 --shutdown [125013630050] |rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel [125013630060] |pkill gnome-panel [125013640010] |Ubuntu tip: How to reset compiz settings to default system settings from command-line [125013640020] |This tutorial will explain How to reset compiz settings to default system settings from command-line [125013640030] |Open the terminal and run the following command [125013640040] |gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz [125013640050] |Finally restart your system [125013650010] |GmailWatcher - Gmail notifier specifically designed for Ubuntu [PPA Installation instructions included] [125013650020] |GmailWatcher is a Gmail notifier specifically designed for the Ubuntu Operating System. [125013650030] |It relies heavily on Ubuntu specific packages like MeMenu, Notifications, DesktopCouch but we are planning a stock Gnome version also so that people on Fedora, Suse and other rocking distribution can use it too. [125013650040] |Features [125013650050] |* Multiple Accounts [125013650060] |* Google Apps support [125013650070] |* Ubuntu Messaging Menu Notification [125013650080] |* Email Summaries view [125013650090] |* Themes support for summaries view [125013650100] |* Per Label Notifications [125013650110] |* Can be paused for some time to save bandwidth [125013650120] |* All settings except the password are synced across computers using Ubuntu one [125013650130] |* Passwords are stored in Gnome-Keyring [125013650140] |Install GmailWatcher in ubuntu 10.10/10.04 [125013650150] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013650160] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:loneowais/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gmailwatcher [125013650170] |Credit goes here [125013650180] |Screenshot [125013660010] |YAPET - Yet Another Password Encryption Tool [125013660020] |YAPET is a text based password manager using the Blowfish encryption algorithm. [125013660030] |Because of its small footprint and very few library dependencies, it is suited for installing on desktop and server systems alike. [125013660040] |The text based user interface allows to run YAPET easy and painlessly in a Secure Shell session. [125013660050] |Install YAPET in ubuntu [125013660060] |download .deb package from here once you have deb package you can install by double cliking on it [125013670010] |Install midori web browser in ubuntu 10.10/10.04 [Using PPA] [125013670020] |Midori is a lightweight web browser. [125013670030] |Midori Features [125013670040] |* Full integration with GTK+2. [125013670050] |* Fast rendering with WebKit. [125013670060] |* Tabs, windows and session management. [125013670070] |* Bookmarks are stored with XBEL. [125013670080] |* Searchbox based on OpenSearch. [125013670090] |* Custom context menu actions. [125013670100] |* User scripts and user styles support. [125013670110] |* Extensible via Lua scripts. [125013670120] |Install midori web browser in ubuntu 10.10/10.04 [125013670130] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013670140] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:midori/ppa [125013670150] |sudo apt-get update [125013670160] |sudo apt-get install midori [125013680010] |Radio Tray - Online radio streaming player [125013680020] |Radio Tray is an online radio streaming player that runs on a Linux system tray. [125013680030] |Its goal is to have the minimum interface possible, making it very straightforward to use. [125013680040] |Radio Tray is not a full featured music player, there are plenty of excellent music players already. [125013680050] |However, there was a need for a simple application with minimal interface just to listen to online radios. [125013680060] |And that’s the sole purpose of Radio Tray. [125013680070] |Radio Tray is Free Software, licensed under the GPL. [125013680080] |Features [125013680090] |* plays most media formats (based on gstreamer libraries) [125013680100] |* bookmarks support, with sorting [125013680110] |* easy to use [125013680120] |* supports PLS playlist format (Shoutcast/Icecast) [125013680130] |* supports M3U playlist format [125013680140] |* supports ASX, WAX and WVX playlist format [125013680150] |Install Radio Tray in ubuntu [125013680160] |Download .deb package from here once you have deb package you can install by double clicking on it. [125013680170] |Screenshot [125013690010] |Syncing your BlackBerry on Ubuntu [125013690020] |Linux users who also use a BlackBerry ™ now have an option for managing their BlackBerry directly from Linux. [125013690030] |Barry is an Open Source application that will provide synchronization, backup, restore and program management for BlackBerry ™ devices. [125013690040] |Barry is primarily developed on Linux, but is intended as a cross platform library and application set, targeting Linux, BSD, 32/64bit, and big/little endian systems. [125013690050] |The Barry project began in October 2005 and has steadily added features and polish to Blackberry usage on Linux ever since. [125013690060] |We were the first to reverse engineer the battery charging handshake via USB. [125013690070] |Today, it is possible to: [125013690080] |* charge your Blackberry’s battery from your USB port [125013690090] |* parse the following database records: Address Book, Email, Calendar, Service Book, Memos, Tasks, PIN Messages, Saved Email, Folders, Phone Call Logs, and SMS messages [125013690100] |* build the following database records: Address Book, Calendar, Memos, Tasks [125013690110] |* export Address Book contacts in text or LDAP LDIF format [125013690120] |* make full data backups and restores of your device using a GUI [125013690130] |* synchronize contacts and calendar items using the OpenSync framework [125013690140] |* use the Blackberry as a modem [125013690150] |* install and manage Java applications from the command line [125013690160] |* take screenshots of your device [125013690170] |* set the device time from the command line [125013690180] |* …and more [125013690190] |Install barry in ubuntu 10.10/10.04/9.10 [125013690200] |Open terminal and run the following commands [125013690210] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:doctormo/barry-snapshot sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install barry-util opensync-plugin-barry-4x [125013690220] |Credit goes from here [125013700010] |Mediadownloader - Watch,Preview,slideshow,download from youtube and google image [125013700020] |Mediadownloader is an opensource software that let you search, watch and download items with Google Image and YouTube. [125013700030] |Search results are displayed within a mouse scrollable view, as well as mobile devices do. [125013700040] |You will see thumbnails that are conform with your search criteria, doubleclick to view, rightclick to popup a menu and choose to download the single image or video, remove from global downloads or browse the web page.A tip for search all images in specific domain is to just leave the search field blank and fill the field “in this domain” with the address of the site you want (for example “deviantart.com”). [125013700050] |In the YouTube tab you can search Top Rated, Top Favorites, Most Viewed etc. or search with words, if you want a specific video, you can insert its 11 chars id.Set an image as wallpaper is only supported on Gnome, Kde 3.5 and windows. [125013700060] |Choose which to remove and download them into a specific folder with choosen naming. [125013700070] |Install Mediadownloader in Ubuntu [125013700080] |Download .deb files from here once you have deb file install by double clicking on it. [125013700090] |Screenshot [125013710010] |PDF Mod - Simple application for modifying PDF documents [125013710020] |PDF Mod is a simple application for modifying PDF documents. [125013710030] |You can reorder, rotate, and remove pages, export images from a document, edit the title, subject, author, and keywords, and combine documents via drag and drop. [125013710040] |Install PDF mod in ubuntu 10.04/9.10 [125013710050] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013710060] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pdfmod-team/ppa [125013710070] |sudo apt-get update [125013710080] |sudo apt-get install pdfmod [125013710090] |For ubuntu 10.10 users just run the following command from your terminal [125013710100] |sudo apt-get install pdfmod [125013710110] |Screenshot [125013720010] |X File Explorer (Xfe) - A lightweight file manager for X11 [125013720020] |X File Explorer (Xfe) is an MS-Explorer or Commander like file manager for X. It is based on the popular, but discontinued, X Win Commander, originally developed by Maxim Baranov.Xfe is developed since 2002 by Roland Baudin, a french Linux enthusiast. [125013720030] |Xfe Features [125013720040] |* Very fast graphic user interface [125013720050] |* Small memory footprint [125013720060] |* UTF-8 support (through the FOX 1.6 library) [125013720070] |* Commander/Explorer interface with four file manager modes : a) one panel, b) directory tree and one panel, c) two panels, and d) directory tree and two panels [125013720080] |* Integrated text editor (X File Write, xfw) [125013720090] |* Integrated text viewer (X File View, xfv) [125013720100] |* Integrated image viewer (X File Image, xfi) [125013720110] |* Integrated RPM or DEB packages viewer / installer / uninstaller (X File Package, xfp) [125013720120] |* Copy/cut/paste files from and to your favorite desktop (GNOME/KDE/XFCE/ROX) [125013720130] |* Drag and Drop in Xfe and from and to your favorite desktop [125013720140] |* Root mode with authentication by su or sudo [125013720150] |* Status line [125013720160] |* File associations [125013720170] |* Optional trash can for file delete operations (compliant with Freedesktop standards) [125013720180] |* Auto save registry [125013720190] |* Double click or single click files and directories navigation [125013720200] |* Mouse right click pop-up menu in tree list and file lists [125013720210] |* Change file attributes [125013720220] |* Mount/Unmount devices (for Linux only) [125013720230] |* Toolbars [125013720240] |* Bookmarks [125013720250] |* Back and forward history lists for directory navigation [125013720260] |* Path linker for directory navigation [125013720270] |* Color themes (GNOME, KDE, Windows, …) [125013720280] |* Icon themes (Xfe, GNOME, KDE, XFCE, Tango, Windows…) [125013720290] |* Create / Extract archives (tar, compress, zip, gzip, bzip2, lzh, rar, ace, arj and 7zip formats are supported) [125013720300] |* Tooltips with file properties [125013720310] |* Progress bars or dialogs for lengthy file operations [125013720320] |* Thumbnails image previews [125013720330] |* Configurable key bindings [125013720340] |* Startup notification [125013720350] |* Ability to enqueue multimedia files (open command) [125013720360] |* Available in 19 languages [125013720370] |* and much more… [125013720380] |Install XFE in ubuntu [125013720390] |Open the terminal and run the following command [125013720400] |sudo apt-get install xfe xfe-i18n xfe-themes [125013720410] |Note :- xfe-i18n - This package provides support many locales for non-English interfaces. [125013720420] |Screenshot [125013730010] |Install LiVES 1.3.10 in ubuntu 10.04 using PPA [125013730020] |LiVES is a Video Editing System. [125013730030] |It is designed to be simple to use, yet powerful. [125013730040] |It is small in size, yet it has many advanced features. [125013730050] |LiVES mixes realtime video performance and non-linear editing in one professional quality application. [125013730060] |It will let you start editing and making video right away, without having to worry about formats, frame sizes, or framerates. [125013730070] |It is a very flexible tool which is used by both professional VJ’s and video editors - mix and switch clips from the keyboard, use dozens of realtime effects, trim and edit your clips in the clip editor, and bring them together using the multitrack timeline. [125013730080] |You can even record your performance in real time, and then edit it further or render it straight away. [125013730090] |For the more technically minded, the application is frame and sample accurate, and it can be controlled remotely or scripted for use as a video server. [125013730100] |And it supports all of the latest free standards. [125013730110] |What is new in LiVES 1.3.10 [125013730120] |Fix regression in multitrack effects rendering. [125013730130] |Updated translation to Ukranian. [125013730140] |Install LiVES 1.3.10 in ubuntu 10.04 [125013730150] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013730160] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/programs-ppa [125013730170] |sudo apt-get update [125013730180] |sudo apt-get install lives [125013730190] |Screenshot [125013740010] |Downtimed: System downtime monitoring and reporting tool [125013740020] |downtimed is a program for monitoring operating system downtime, uptime, shutdowns and crashes and for keeping record of such events. [125013740030] |downtimed is a daemon process which is intended to be started automatically from system boot scripts every time when the operating system of a server starts. [125013740040] |First the daemon logs its findings about the previous downtime to a specified logging destination as well as in a database file which can be displayed with downtimes command. [125013740050] |Thereafter the downtimed daemon just keeps waiting in the background and periodically updates a time stamp file on the disk. [125013740060] |The time stamp is used to determine the approximate time when the system was last up and running. [125013740070] |In case of a graceful system shutdown it records a stamp to another file on the disk. [125013740080] |These files are used for reporting the next time the daemon starts. [125013740090] |downtimes is a command-line tool which can be used to inspect previous downtime records recorded in the downtime database file. [125013740100] |This sofware works currently on recent FreeBSD and GNU/Linux based operating system distributions. [125013740110] |It can be ported to other modern UNIX-like operating systems relatively easily. [125013740120] |The software is available under Simplified BSD license. [125013740130] |Install downtimed in ubuntu 10.04 [125013740140] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013740150] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:snabb/downtimed [125013740160] |sudo apt-get update [125013740170] |sudo apt-get install downtimed [125013740180] |Using downtimed [125013740190] |Syntax [125013740200] |downtimes [-d downtimedbfile] [-n num] [-s sleep] [125013740210] |downtimes -v [125013740220] |OPTIONS [125013740230] |-d downtimedbfile- Use the specified downtime database file instead of the system default. [125013740240] |-n num Define how many latest downtime records to output. [125013740250] |Default is all. [125013740260] |-s sleep - Calculate the approximate crash time by specifying what was the sleep value of downtimed. [125013740270] |-v Display the program version number, copyright message and the default settings. [125013740280] |Screenshot [125013750010] |Steadyflow 0.1.5 download manager released with a new application icon [125013750020] |Steadyflow is a download manager which aims for minimalism, ease of use, and a clean, malleable codebase. [125013750030] |It should be easy to control, whether from the GUI, commandline, or D-Bus.We have already discussed about steadyflow initial release. [125013750040] |What is new in 0.1.5 [125013750050] |A new application icon was included. [125013750060] |Some UI strings were translated. [125013750070] |The add dialog is now pre-populated with the clipboard contents if the clipboard contains a valid URL. “steadyflow… add” without arguments now launches a blank add dialog (possibly populated with the clipboard contents). [125013750080] |Bugs were fixed [125013750090] |Install Steadyflow 0.1.5 in ubuntu 10.10/10.04 [125013750100] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013750110] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sikon/steadyflow [125013750120] |sudo apt-get update [125013750130] |sudo apt-get install steadyflow [125013760010] |Ubuntu Netbook Edition Review [125013760020] |I got a very good conditioned asus eeepc 701 and the first distro of choice after chatting on freenode channel #eeepc was ubuntu netbook edition or une for short (10.04 Lucid). [125013760030] |I took the advice and installed away via the instructions from the webpage but there was a glitch.. [125013760040] |I ended up having to mount the usb and having to rename the file isolinux.cfg inside of the isolinux directory to syslinux.cfg as well as renaming the folder isolinux to syslinux. [125013760050] |The install is simple enough I don’t have to tell you that. [125013760060] |I let the installer have it’s way with the 4GB solid state disk soldered into this netbook. [125013760070] |But why does une require 4GB of space for netbooks ? [125013760080] |Well, it turns out that shotwell had not managed to replace f-spot as of yet and tomboy is still being used by mono as well even though gnote exists along with the countless other “note” taking applications. [125013760090] |So many applications installed by default, needless to say I freed up over 1.4GB of space by removing lots and lots of unneeded applications. [125013760100] |I’m using web apps for most of the tasks, using chrome (open source version) but midori would probably be just as good and I probably will switch. [125013760110] |Turns out there are plenty of web im apps and they work with the webcam &mic just perfect so no need for wasted space on chat applications of any kind. [125013760120] |It’s called a netbook for a reason. [125013760130] |And the net is very good at the moment with a plethora of applications for the using. [125013760140] |But wow the user interface is really awesome (kudos on that canonical &tm.). [125013760150] |The only problem I’ve had is wanting to add weblinks to my ‘favorites’. [125013760160] |And I did have to fool around a bit to make a favorite so that nautilus opened to a certain directory on an extra 16GB SD card. [125013760170] |I’ve not modified the desktop to make any change as it’s easy enough but it could be simplified even more. [125013760180] |From my end-user view if revenue is of interest to whomever (and it is) maybe offer up more web services and not charge for apps but for the services ie office, chat, email, server usage for downloading apps rather then charging for apps. [125013760190] |Making the une much lighter as a result and freeing up space for, ahem, people’s FILES you know pictures, documents, music etc.. [125013760200] |It’s called a netbook for a reason. [125013760210] |In the end I’m happy with une on the ole eeepc and thank those who make it available. [125013770010] |How to read Ext3/Ext4 linux partition from windows 7 [125013770020] |The ext3 or third extended filesystem is a journaled file system that is commonly used by the Linux kernel. [125013770030] |It is the default file system for many popular Linux distributions. [125013770040] |The ext4 or fourth extended filesystem is a journaling file system for Linux, developed as the successor to ext3. [125013770050] |It was born as a series of backward compatible extensions to remove 64-bit storage limits and add other performance improvements to ext3.However, other Linux kernel developers opposed accepting extensions to ext3 for stability reasons and proposed to fork the source code of ext3, rename it as ext4, and do all the development there, without affecting the current ext3 users [125013770060] |Ext2Read is an explorer like utility to explore ext2/ext3/ext4 files. [125013770070] |It now supports LVM2 and EXT4 extents. [125013770080] |It can be used to view and copy files and folders. [125013770090] |It can recursively copy entire folders. [125013770100] |It can also be used to view and copy disk and file [125013770110] |You can download Ext2Read from here [125013770120] |Screenshot [125013770130] |Ext2Fsd is an ext2 file system driver for Windows 2000, XP, Vista. [125013770140] |It’s a free software and everyone can distribute and modify it under GPL2. [125013770150] |Procedure o follow [125013770160] |Important Note:- When creating/formatting the ext4 filesystem, make sure to add “-O ^extent” which means disabling the “extent” feature bit. [125013770170] |The following steps will not work if your ext4 filesystem still has “extent” feature enabled. ext2 and ext3 partitions should be fine. [125013770180] |First Download ext2fsd from here [125013770190] |Right-click the downloaded file and click Properties. [125013770200] |Set the compatibility mode to “Windows Vista Service Pack 2? and check “Run as administrator”. [125013770210] |Run the ext2fsd installer. [125013770220] |During install, we recommend you uncheck the “enable write access” feature to safeguard against losing data in your Linux partitions. [125013770230] |Restart your Windows 7 PC and run the Ext2 Volume Manager from Start Menu. [125013770240] |Important Note:- Use these tools with your own risk if you don’t use them properly it will remove your linux partition data [125013770250] |If you have any other tools to do this you share with us. [125013780010] |Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) reaches end-of-life on October 23, 2010 [125013780020] |Ubuntu announced its 9.04 release almost 18 months ago, on April 23, 2009. [125013780030] |As with the earlier releases, Ubuntu committed to ongoing security and critical fixes for a period of 18 months. [125013780040] |The support period is now nearing its end and Ubuntu 9.04 will reach end of life on Friday, October 23, 2010. [125013780050] |At that time, Ubuntu Security Notices will no longer include information or updated packages for Ubuntu 9.04. [125013780060] |The supported upgrade path from Ubuntu 9.04 is via Ubuntu 9.10. [125013780070] |Instructions and caveats for the upgrade may be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades. [125013780080] |Note that upgrades to version 10.04 LTS and beyond are only supported in multiple steps, via an upgrade first to 9.10, then to 10.04 LTS. [125013780090] |Both Ubuntu 9.10 and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS continue to be actively supported with security updates and select high-impact bug fixes. [125013780100] |All announcements of official security updates for Ubuntu releases are sent to the ubuntu-security-announce mailing list, information about which may be found at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-security-announce. [125013780110] |Since its launch in October 2004 Ubuntu has become one of the most highly regarded Linux distributions with millions of users in homes, schools, businesses and governments around the world. [125013780120] |Ubuntu is Open Source software, costs nothing to download, and users are free to customise or alter their software in order to meet their needs. [125013790010] |How to install XMMS on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) [125013790020] |XMMS is a multimedia player for unix systems. [125013790030] |XMMS stands for X MultiMedia System and can play media files such as MP3, MOD’s, WAV and others with the use of Input plugins. [125013790040] |XMMS is mainly targeted at music playback, but through thirdparty plugins some rudimentary video capabilities exists, but there are much better systems other than XMMS for video support. [125013790050] |Note:- Installing using this procedure might break your system [125013790060] |How to install XMMS on Ubuntu 10.04 [125013790070] |Preparing your system [125013790080] |Download following file [125013790090] |libglib1.2ldbl_1.2.10-19build1_i386.deb - download from here [125013790100] |Install by double clicking on it. [125013790110] |Downloaded and install the following packages in the following order and you can download from here [125013790120] |libgtk1.2-common_1.2.10-18.1build2_all.deb libgtk1.2_1.2.10-18.1build2_i386.deb [125013790130] |Install by double clicking on it. [125013790140] |Now you need to install XMMS download .deb package from here [125013790150] |xmms_1.2.10+20070601-1build2_i386.deb [125013790160] |For 64-bit users [125013790170] |Download required packages [125013790180] |cd /tmp [125013790190] |wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10815906/libglib1.2ldbl_1.2.10-19build1_amd64.deb wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11167863/libgtk1.2-common_1.2.10-18.1build2_all.deb wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11167856/libgtk1.2_1.2.10-18.1build2_amd64.deb wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11173506/xmms_1.2.10%2B20070601-1build2_amd64.deb [125013790200] |Install them using the following commands from your terminal or by double clicking on it [125013790210] |sudo gdebi libgtk1.2-common_1.2.10-18.1build2_all.deb sudo gdebi libglib1.2ldbl_1.2.10-19build1_amd64.deb sudo gdebi libgtk1.2_1.2.10-18.1build2_amd64.deb sudo gdebi xmms_1.2.10+20070601-1build2_amd64.deb [125013790220] |get some basic skins: [125013790230] |wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/1433551/xmms-skins_0.6-1_all.deb [125013790240] |sudo gdebi xmms-skins_0.6-1_all.deb [125013790250] |Add Skins dir: [ALT+S] -> ‘Add Directory’ -> browse to /usr/share/xmms/Skins [125013790260] |Classic Winamp2 skin: [125013790270] |wget -P ~/.xmms/Skins http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-files/64790-Winamp.tar.gz [125013790280] |Credit goes here [125013800010] |Sun Java6 packages got new PPA [New] for ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick)/10.04(Lucid) [125013800020] |Sun Java6 Community PPA [125013800030] |1. “Community Team to provide regular Sun Java Updates” team 2. [125013800040] |Sun Java6 Community PPA [125013800050] |Currently sun java6 packages are working fine now for ubuntu 10.10 and 10.04 users [125013800060] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013800070] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sun-java-community-team/sun-java6 [125013800080] |sudo apt-get update [125013800090] |sudo apt-get install sun-java6 [125013820010] |Pinguy OS released and Review included [125013820020] |A couple of months ago I released Pinguy OS and posted about it here.Since then it has had many improvements and bug fixes, so if you had any problems with it before they should now be fixed. [125013820030] |Pinguy OS an out-of-the-box working operating system for everyone, not just geeks [125013820040] |This OS is for people that have never used Linux before or for people that just want an out-of-the-box working OS without doing all the tweaks and enhancements that everyone seems to do when installing a fresh copy of Ubuntu or other Linux based Distro’s. [125013820050] |What Is Pinguy OS? [125013820060] |Ubuntu is a great OS and undoubtedly the most popular and easiest Linux based Distro to use but even with its default setup and chosen programs it’s still lacking functionality and ease of use for most new users. [125013820070] |So what I decided to do was build a Distro that looks good, could do everything most user would ever want to do and that was very simple to use. [125013820080] |I started out by listening to what my friends and family wanted to use their PC for and found the most user friendly programs for the task they wanted to do. [125013820090] |After a while I got a good idea what most people use their PC for and what programs where the easiest to use. [125013820100] |Like using Shotwell for easily uploading images to Facebook, gtkpod for putting music, photos and video on a ipod/iphone and mvPod for converting the video to a iPod friendly format. [125013820110] |So all the programs in Pinguy OS have been chosen because of there ease of use and functionality, I also changed every file type to open with the right program, like for some reason by default .iso are opened with Archive Manager so I changed that to Brasero Disc Burner. [125013820120] |As I already said apart from it being easy to use I also wanted it to be a very good looking operating system. [125013820130] |There are now a lot of programs out there for Linux to give the OS a very smart and polished implementation, like CoverGloobus, Gloobus Preview, GNOME Do, and Docky. [125013820140] |These programs don’t just give the OS a good look and feel but they are also very useful and handy. [125013820150] |Pinguy OS is just an optimise build of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Minimal CD with added repositories, tweaks and enhancements that can run as a Live DVD or be installed. [125013820160] |It has all the added packages needed for video, music and web content e.g. flash and java, plus a few fixes as well. [125013820170] |Like fixing the wireless problems, gwibber’s Facebook problem and flash videos in full-screen. [125013820180] |Everything is set-up for samba, all you need to do is right click a folder you want to share and add a password in samba using system-config-samba. [125013820190] |It also has a UPnP/DLNA server (pms-linux) so you can share your music, video’s etc. [125013820200] |With a PS3, XBOX 360, Smart Phones or any other UPnP/DLNA media reader. [125013820210] |Nautilus has been replaced for Elementary-Nautilus with added plug-ins so it can get music and video art from the web. [125013820220] |The default theme is Elementary using ttf-droid font with Docky and a custom Conky. [125013820230] |Here’s Some Screenshots: [125013820240] |I have added DVB support to Totem for anyone with a TV card that wants to watch tv on their PC but don’t want to install a dedicated program like myth-tv. [125013820250] |Why Make Pinguy OS? [125013820260] |I know what I am doing is not going to appeal to everyone, and a lot of people are not going to like the idea of me using Ubuntu instead of building my own base, even though Ubuntu uses Debian. [125013820270] |I do have a set of goals for Pinguy OS that I am going to keep too. [125013820280] |The problem is if you loose track of your goals and try to keep everyone happy the Distro will fall apart very quickly. [125013820290] |There maybe a few programs on there that may seem out of place like PMS-Linux, but this will be a must have program pretty soon because its a UPnP/DLNA server, and lot of people are getting entertainment systems that use UPnP/DLNA to stream music/video. [125013820300] |Nearly everything that is coming out has the ability to access a UPnP/DLNA server. [125013820310] |So this is something I thought the Distro should have. [125013820320] |I was going to use Mediatomb but after testing it on a few people they really struggled to get it working that’s why I ended up with PMS-Linux. [125013820330] |What I would like for this Distro is for everyone to be able to install it and use it straight away with little or no knowledge about Linux or computers. [125013820340] |But I don’t want to make it so simplistic that it becomes un-usable for more complex tasks that a more experienced user would want to do. [125013820350] |There doesn’t seem to be a Distro out there that’s setup and ready to use with the minimal amount of needed programs. [125013820360] |The Distro’s I have seen that go over 700MB seem to try and fill a 4.7GB DVD. [125013820370] |The problem with this is they fill it with way to many programs that most users are never going to use, and the programs are usually poorly chosen because they just don’t have the time to test and try other ones. [125013820380] |Also I see some of these Distro’s install KDE and Gnome together. [125013820390] |I have never understood the reasoning behind anyone using more then one desktop on the same Distro. [125013820400] |Then there are the Distros that just don’t add enough because they have to keep it under 700MB. [125013820410] |These Distro just feel unfinished, they are lacking so much functionality out of the box, they look dowdy and stale compared to a more modern operating system and can’t even share files on your network because most of the time Samba has been left out. [125013820420] |I have never understood why any one would release a Distro that looks worse then XP and could do less out of the box. [125013820430] |Pinguy OS Goals [125013820440] |The goal is to have an out-of-the-box working operating system with intelligent chosen programs that all work and are easy to use. [125013820450] |I don’t want it to have every program under the sun like Ultimate Edition does, I just want a few well built programs for tasks that most people do. [125013820460] |I don’t want to many programs on there that can do the same task. [125013820470] |Most people buy their PC/Laptops with the OS installed and preconfigured. [125013820480] |Not many people install their OS their self and the ones that try usually haven’t got a clue what to do afterwards. [125013820490] |What I am trying to do is to have a operating system that works and acts like a preconfigured OS like the ones you get when buying a new PC. that’s also very easy to be installed. [125013820500] |32-Bit or 64-Bit? [125013820510] |If you have a 64-Bit processor you should go with the 64-Bit version of the OS, unless you have a technical or business reasons for not migrating to 64-bit Linux with compatible hardware, there is no reason to stick around with a 32-bit. [125013820520] |The main reason for going with 64-bit is because it’s faster then 32-bit on the same hardware and there aren’t many programs now that don’t run on 64-bit. [125013820530] |The following processors support 64-Bit: [125013820540] |
  • AMD 64-Bit processors ( Athlon 64, Opteron, later Sempron, Turion 64, Phenom, Athlon II and Phenom II processors)
  • [125013820550] |
  • Intel 64-Bit processors (Celeron D, later Pentium 4, Pentium D, later Xeon, Core 2 (not Core Duo), Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, and Atom processors)
  • [125013820560] |There maybe more so please check to see if your processor is compatible. [125013820570] |If you have any doubts or are not sure if you have a 64-Bit processor go with the 32-Bit version as this will work on both 32 and 64-Bit processors. [125013820580] |Recommended minimum requirements [125013820590] |Pinguy OS should run reasonably well on a computer with the following minimum hardware specification. [125013820600] |However, features such as visual effects may not run smoothly. [125013820610] |
  • 700 MHz x86 processor
  • [125013820620] |
  • 384 MB of system memory (RAM)
  • [125013820630] |
  • 8 GB of disk space
  • [125013820640] |
  • Graphics card capable of 1024×768 resolution
  • [125013820650] |
  • Sound card
  • [125013820660] |
  • A network or Internet connection
  • [125013820670] |Recommended for visual effects [125013820680] |Visual effects provide various special graphical effects for your desktop to make it look and feel more fun and easier to use. [125013820690] |If your computer is not powerful enough to run visual effects, you can turn them off and will still have a usable Pinguy OS desktop. [125013820700] |Visual effects are turned on by default if you have a graphics card which is supported. [125013820710] |For information on supported graphics cards, see DesktopEffects. [125013820720] |
  • 1.2 GHz x86 processor
  • [125013820730] |
  • 384 MB of system memory (RAM)
  • [125013820740] |
  • Supported graphics card (see DesktopEffects)
  • [125013820750] |Download Links: [125013820760] |Pinguy OS i686 (32-Bit) - *Final Release Branded* - Works on most systems [125013820770] |
  • Download Link: Pinguy_OS_10.04.1.2-Branded_i686.iso
  • [125013820780] |
  • Torrent Link: Pinguy_OS_10.04.1.2-Branded_i686.torrent
  • [125013820790] |
  • Size: 1.33 GB
  • [125013820800] |
  • md5sum: 334de5c969dd4a9c519c7616c9293c23
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  • [125013830010] |How to Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick) using PPA [125013830020] |Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in the early 1990s. Java applications are compiled to bytecode, which at runtime is either interpreted or compiled to native machine code for execution. [125013830030] |The language itself derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. [125013830040] |JavaScript, a scripting language, shares a similar name and has similar syntax, but is not directly related to Java. [125013830050] |Install java in ubuntu 10.10 [125013830060] |Open the terminal and run the following commands [125013830070] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sun-java-community-team/sun-java6 [125013830080] |sudo apt-get update [125013830090] |sudo apt-get install sun-java6 [125013830100] |Ubuntu 10.04(Lucid) users also can install java using this PPA [125013840010] |Popper - Email Notifier [125013840020] |Popper reads the new emails from POP3 and IMAP email servers and notifies about the number, subject, sender and time of new emails in the indicator applet and via a notification bubble. [125013840030] |Install popper in ubuntu [125013840040] |Download .deb packages from here once you have deb packages you can install them by double clicking on it. [125013840050] |Screenshot [125013850010] |Synaptic Package Manager Beginners Guide For Ubuntu Users [125013850020] |Synaptic is a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing software packages on Debian-based distributions. [125013850030] |If you are using Debian or Ubuntu you will easily find Synaptic in the System Tools menu or in the Administration menu. [125013850040] |Synaptic uses the GTK graphic libraries . [125013850050] |So, if you are using GNOME on your debian-based distro you will probably have Synaptic installed as well. [125013850060] |Synaptic is a graphical package management program for apt. [125013850070] |It provides the same features as the apt-get command line utility with a GUI front-end based on Gtk+. [125013850080] |A Complete Beginner’s Manual for Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) Download Now Now we will see how to add repositories,install,remove and update software packages [125013850090] |Adding repositories Using Synaptic [125013850100] |To Open Synaptic Package manager go to System--->Administration--->Synaptic package manager [125013850110] |once it opens you should see the following screen asking for the password for root or equivalent users.To manage package installations you need administration privileges; so you need to either be root or to authenticate as such. [125013850120] |Once it open the Synaptic Package Manager you should see the following screen.The main window is divided into three sections that is a package browser on the left, the package list on the upper right, and package details on the lower right. [125013850130] |The status bar shows you the system state at a glance. [125013850140] |Now if you want to add repositories you need to go to settings--->Repositories you can see this in the following screen [125013850150] |Once it opens the Repositories menu you should see similar to the following screen in this screen you can select ubuntu software,other software,updates,,Authentication and statistics.Now we will see one by one first tab is ubuntu software here you can ubuntu repositories like main,universe,multiverse,restricted,source code and the name of the server you want to download from [125013850160] |Main Repositories [125013850170] |The main distribution component contains applications that are free software, can freely be redistributed and are fully supported by the Ubuntu team. [125013850180] |This includes the most popular and most reliable open source applications available, much of which is installed by default when you install Ubuntu. [125013850190] |Restricted Repositories [125013850200] |The restricted component is reserved for software that is very commonly used, and which is supported by the Ubuntu team even though it is not available under a completely free licence. [125013850210] |Please note that it may not be possible to provide complete support for this software since we are unable to fix the software ourselves, but can only forward problem reports to the actual authors. [125013850220] |Universe Repositories [125013850230] |The universe component is a snapshot of the free, open source, and Linux world. [125013850240] |In universe you can find almost every piece of open source software, and software available under a variety of less open licences, all built automatically from a variety of public sources. [125013850250] |All of this software is compiled against the libraries and using the tools that form part of main, so it should install and work well with the software in main, but it comes with no guarantee of security fixes and support. [125013850260] |The universe component includes thousands of pieces of software. [125013850270] |Through universe, users are able to have the diversity and flexibility offered by the vast open source world on top of a stable Ubuntu core. [125013850280] |Multiverse Repositories [125013850290] |The “multiverse” component contains software that is “not free”, which means the licensing requirements of this software do not meet the Ubuntu “main” Component Licence Policy. [125013850300] |Now if you click on other software tab you should see similar to the following screen here you can add partner,third party repositories and if you want to add CD-ROM repositories you can do so [125013850310] |If you want to add new source click on add you should see the following screen here you need to enter your source and click on add source [125013850320] |Next one is Updates tab here ou can select ubuntu updates options [125013850330] |Now you can click on authentication tab here you can import the authentication keys for the packages you can click on import key file to import [125013850340] |Download Now Final Tab is Statistics this is only for popularity contest [125013850350] |After finishing all your settings you need to click on close once you click on close.you should see the following screen with the information saying you need to click on reload button to take effect of your new settings [125013850360] |Now you need to click on reload button located at the top panel of Synaptic manager or simply you can press or press Ctrl + R [125013850370] |You can see all the required packages are downloading in progress once it finish the download you are ready with your new Repositories list. [125013850380] |Install a Package Using Synaptic Package Manager [125013850390] |For example you want to install a package called dia-gnome for this you need to select the package and right click on that you should see the following screen here you need to select mark for installation or press Ctrl + I [125013850400] |This will popup a window saying that some of the other packages also required changes click on mark [125013850410] |You can see this package is marked for installation with an arrow mark next to the check box [125013850420] |Now you need to apply these changes by clicking on “Apply” in the toolbar or press Ctrl + P [125013850430] |Now it will show you the packages are going to be installed here you need to click on apply [125013850440] |Installing the package is in progress [125013850450] |Changes are applied successfully window and click on close [125013850460] |Remove a Package Using Synaptic Package Manager [125013850470] |Now if you want to remove installed package you need to select that package and right click on that you need to select Mark for removal option [125013850480] |A Complete Beginner’s Manual for Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) Download Now Here you can see the packages are going to be removed [125013850490] |You need to click on apply or press Ctrl + P [125013850500] |Confirmation message you need to click on apply [125013850510] |Removing package in progress [125013850520] |Changes are applied successfully window appears here you need to click on close [125013850530] |Upgrade a Package Using Synaptic Package Manager [125013850540] |You need to Click Reload or press Ctrl + R to make Synaptic aware of the latest updates. [125013850550] |Now you need to Right-click on the package you want to upgrade and choose Mark for Upgrade from the context menu, or press Ctrl + U. [125013850560] |Now you can see with the selected package with UP arrow mark [125013850570] |Once you have finished with your choices, click on Apply in the toolbar or press Ctrl + P. [125013850580] |A dialog box appears with a summary of changes that will be made. [125013850590] |Confirm the changes by clicking on Apply. [125013850600] |This will start the selected package download and installation process [125013850610] |Changes are applied successfully window and click on close [125013850620] |Search a Package Using Synaptic Package Manager [125013850630] |If you want to search a package you need enter package name under quick search box and click on search option in synaptic tool bar [125013850640] |In this example i am searching for shortwell and selecting for installation [125013850650] |Additional required changes widow here you need to click on mark [125013850660] |Selected package installation in progress [125013850670] |Changes are applied successfully window and click on close [125013850680] |As a front-end to apt,Synaptic uses the system-wide list of software repositories file located at /etc/apt/sources.list file.This tools is very simple to use for new users how to install,remove,upgrade packages [125013850690] |A Complete Beginner’s Manual for Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) Download Now