[125000080010] |
Ubuntu Hosting
[125000080020] |If you are looking for Ubuntu VPS hosting i would really suggest A2hosting
[125000080030] |A2 Hosting, Inc. is a web hosting company focused on satisfying our customers’ needs.If you are a developer, you can install the applications you need for your development and testing.
[125000080040] |What is VPS?
[125000080050] |A virtual private server (VPS) is a “slice” of a real physical server which runs its own operating system and is completely isolated from the rest of the system.
[125000080060] |Each VPS is given a share of the memory, storage, and CPU time of the physical server as well as its own IP address.
[125000080070] |Many hosting providers are beginning to offer VPS packages at rates that are approaching that of shared hosting.
[125000080080] |A2hosting is providing Ubuntu VPS Servers from $14.95/month
[125000080090] |Click on this for Ubuntu VPS hosting Package Details
[125000090010] |Install Firefox3.0a1 in Ubuntu
[125000090020] |Firefox 3.0 is the next generation release of the award-winning Firefox web browser from Mozilla.This article describes how to install fiefox3.0a1 in ubuntu linux system.The development name for Mozilla Firefox 3 is Gran Paradiso (a national park in Italy) and final version will be released in May 2007.
[125000090030] |Gran Paradiso Alpha 1 is an early developer milestone for the next major version of Firefox that is being built on top of the next generation of Mozilla’s layout engine, Gecko 1.9.
[125000090040] |Gran Paradiso Alpha 1 is being made available for testing purposes only, and is intended for web application developers and our testing community.
[125000090050] |Current users of Mozilla Firefox should not use Gran Paradiso Alpha 1.
[125000090060] |What is new in Firefox 3.0 ?
[125000090070] |If you want to know what is new in Firefox 2 check here
[125000090080] |Installing Firefox3.0a1 in ubuntu
[125000090090] |Preparing your system
[125000090100] |sudo apt-get install libstdc++5
[125000090110] |Now you need to take backup of your old firefox prferences
[125000090120] |sudo cp -R ~/.mozilla ~/.mozillabackup
[125000090130] |Now you need to download firefox 3.0a1 from Mozilla site
[125000090140] |wget -c http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-trunk/firefox-3.0a1.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2
[125000090150] |Unzip the .tar.bz2 file in /opt directory using the following command
[125000090160] |sudo tar -C /opt -jxvf firefox-3.0a1.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2
[125000090170] |Now you need to link the plugins using the following command
[125000090180] |cd /opt/firefox/plugins/
[125000090190] |sudo ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/* .
[125000090200] |Now you need to create a link to your new firefox launcher using the following command
[125000090210] |sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu --rename /usr/bin/firefox
[125000090220] |sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox
[125000090230] |sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox.ubuntu --rename /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox
[125000090240] |sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox
[125000090250] |This will complete the installation of firefox 3.0a1
[125000090260] |You can see in the following screen firefox 3.0a1 in action
[125000090270] |Firefox3.0a1 Addons
[125000090280] |If you want Firefox3.0a1 addons list check here
[125000090290] |Troubleshooting
[125000090300] |If you want to troubleshoot any problem with firefox3.0a1 check here
[125000090310] |For debian users they can run the above commands without sudo it should work without any problem.
[125000100010] |Setting up Dial-up connection in Ubuntu
[125000100020] |Dial-up access is a form of Internet access through which the client uses a modem connected to a computer and a telephone line to dial into an Internet service provider’s (ISP) node to establish a modem-to-modem link, which is then routed to the Internet.
[125000100030] |Most ISPs provide dial-up connections supporting PPP because it is a fast and efficient protocol for using TCP/IP over serial lines.
[125000100040] |PPP is designed for two-way networking; TCP/IP provides the transport protocol for data.
[125000100050] |PPP (Point to Point Protocol) uses several components on your system.
[125000100060] |The first is a daemon called pppd, which controls the use of PPP.
[125000100070] |The second is a driver called the high-level data link control (HDLC), which controls the flow of information between two machines.
[125000100080] |A third component of PPP is a routine called chat that dials the other end of the connection for you when you want it to.
[125000100090] |Configuring a Dial-Up Connection in Ubuntu
[125000100100] |Ubuntu includes some useful utilities to get your dial-up connection up and running.Here is the following ways you can connect to your dialup connection
[125000100110] |1)Using your networking option in Ubuntu
[125000100120] |2)using gnome-ppp
[125000100130] |3)using kppp (For Kubuntu)
[125000100140] |4)using wvdialconf wvdial
[125000100150] |5)using pppconfig pon/poff
[125000100160] |first thing you need to make sure your modem drivers are installed or not.If you want more details about modem drivers in ubuntu and installation check here
[125000100170] |Now we will see 3 ways how to configure dialup connection in ubuntu
[125000100180] |Before Starting
[125000100190] |Before configuring Dial-up connection you need to have the following information from your ISP
[125000100200] |1)Username
[125000100210] |2)Password
[125000100220] |3)Dail-in number
[125000100230] |Configuring a Dial-Up Connection using Networking option
[125000100240] |you can go to System—>Administration —>Networking
[125000100250] |
Once it open the application you should see the following screen
[125000100260] |In the above screen select modem connection option and click on properties you should see the following screen
[125000100270] |The first thing you will need to do is to enable the connection by ticking the Enable this connection box,now you need enter your ISP’s phone number as well as your username and password
[125000100280] |Next, click on the modem tab to specify details about your modem and also configure the speaker volume.
[125000100290] |Most telephone systems use tone dialling nowadays, so make sure this is selected .
[125000100300] |I have selected the speaker volume on medium.
[125000100310] |Now you need to click on options tab If you are using a laptop, then you will probably want to uncheck Set modem as default route to the Internet whilst you are on a LAN, otherwise you may struggle to see anything!
[125000100320] |Tick it when you are expecting to use your dial-up connection though, and Ubuntu will use this connection to get out onto the Internet.You need to select other two options checked.
[125000100330] |Now You can use the Gnome Modem Monitor and Network Monitor panel if you want to stop, start and monitor modem connections.
[125000100340] |Configuring a Dial-Up Connection using pppconfig
[125000100350] |configure a connection using pppconfig, a command line utility to help you to configure specific dial-up connection settings.This is a command line based option to manage dialup connections.
[125000100360] |Open a terminal from Applications >System Tools >Terminal and type
[125000100370] |sudo pppconfig
[125000100380] |Now you should see the following screen here you need to select “Create Create a connection” select ok and press enter
[125000100390] |Here you need to enter provider name and you can leave default one and in this example i am giving “comcast” select ok and press enter
[125000100400] |Next screen you need to select “Dynamic Use dynamic DNS” select ok and press enter
[125000100410] |You need to select Authentication method here i am selecting “chat :Use chat for login/password :Authentication” select ok and press enter
[125000100420] |Select login prompt option leave default select ok and press enter
[125000100430] |Select password prompt option leave default select ok and press enter
[125000100440] |Enter the username given to you by your ISP in this example i am using “ruchiw” select ok and press enter
[125000100450] |Enter the password given to you by your ISP in this example i am using “myfirstpassword” select ok and press enter
[125000100460] |Enter the modem speed as “115200″ select ok and press enter
[125000100470] |Select method of dialing as “Tone” select ok and press enter
[125000100480] |Enter the number to dial select ok and press enter
[125000100490] |Choose your modem configuration method if you want to detect your modem automatically select yes otherwise select no in this example i am selecting no select ok and press enter
[125000100500] |Select the modem port and i leave the default option select ok and press enter
[125000100510] |Here is the complete details you have choosen for your provider connection in this example comcast
[125000100520] |Finished the connection settings select ok and press enter
[125000100530] |Select “Quit Exit this utility”
[125000100540] |Exit the terminal window using the following command
[125000100550] |exit
[125000100560] |Connecting to your ISP
[125000100570] |Before you connect for the first time you need to add yourself to both the dip and dialout groups by using the commands
[125000100580] |sudo adduser YOURNAMEHERE dip
[125000100590] |sudo adduser YOURNAMEHERE dialout
[125000100600] |# connect to the ISP configured as “comcast”
[125000100610] |pon comcast
[125000100620] |# disconnect the ISP configured as “comcast”
[125000100630] |poff comcast
[125000100640] |If you are trying to connect as default “provider” you need to use the following commands to connect and disconnect
[125000100650] |pon
[125000100660] |poff
[125000100670] |You can check the last messages generated by these commands with
[125000100680] |# shows the (status) messages generated by pon and poff
[125000100690] |plog
[125000100700] |Configuring a Dial-Up Connection using gnome-ppp
[125000100710] |GNOME PPP is an easy to use graphical dialup connection configuring and dialing tool with system tray icon support.It uses GNOME/GTK+ for its graphical interface and integrates well in GNOME desktop environment, but it can be used in other environments.
[125000100720] |It also uses WvDial dialer as its backend, providing simple configuration via config files.
[125000100730] |You can also use plain wvdial if you don’t have X running.
[125000100740] |Install gnome-ppp Ubuntu
[125000100750] |sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp
[125000100760] |This will complete the installation.
[125000100770] |If you want to open the application go to Application--->Internet--->GNOME PPP
[125000100780] |Once application opens you should see the following screen
[125000100790] |In the above screen you need to click on setup to configure your settings you should see the following screen configre the modem settings
[125000100800] |Next click on networking tab to configure network settings
[125000100810] |Next click on options tab to configure general options
[125000100820] |Once you have all the details enter the details you can see the following screen
[125000110010] |Backup and Restore Your Ubuntu System using Sbackup
[125000110020] |Data can be lost in different ways some of them are because of hardware failures,you accidentally delete or overwrite a file.
[125000110030] |Some data loss occurs as a result of natural disasters and other circumstances beyond your control.
[125000110040] |Now we will see a easy backup and restore tool called “sbackup”
[125000110050] |SBackup is a simple backup solution intended for desktop use.
[125000110060] |It can backup any subset of files and directories.
[125000110070] |Exclusions can be defined by regular expressions.
[125000110080] |A maximum individual file size limit can be defined.
[125000110090] |Backups may be saved to any local and remote directories that are supported by gnome-vfs.
[125000110100] |There is a Gnome GUI interface for configuration and restore.
[125000110110] |Installing sbackup in ubuntu
[125000110120] |sudo apt-get install sbackup
[125000110130] |You can use synaptic also for this if you want to know how to search this software and install check here
[125000110140] |Backup Your Data Using Sbackup
[125000110150] |Once you completed the installation you can access sbackup using System--->Administration--->Simple Backup Config you can see this in the following screen
[125000110160] |Next screen is asking for root password enter password and click ok
[125000110170] |Once it opens the sbackup application you can see the following screen where you can configure your backup settings first tab is general options in this example i am choosing “Use custom backup settings”
[125000110180] |Sbackup can be operated in 3 different modes
[125000110190] |Recommended Backup
[125000110200] |If you are new Ubuntu user or aren’t sure what you should backup.This will perform a daily backup of your /home,system data held in /etc,/usr/local and /var.This will deliberately exclude any files over 100MB.By default this backup will be stored /var/backup
[125000110210] |Custom Backup
[125000110220] |This is same as the recommended backup and in this you can change the settings include,exclude files,you can change the schedule time.
[125000110230] |Manual Backup
[125000110240] |If you want to backup some files from time to time this option is for you and you can click backup now button to manually perform a backup according to the settings on the other backup properties dialog box tabs.
[125000110250] |Next you click on “Include” tab here you can include any file or directory you want to backup
[125000110260] |If you click on “Add file” button you should see the following screen where you can select your files
[125000110270] |If you click on “Add Directory” button you should see the following screen where you can select your Directory for backup
[125000110280] |Next option is “Exclude” here you can exclude files and folders you don’t want to backup.Here you can exclude Paths,File Types,Regular Expressions,Max file,folder size
[125000110290] |Next option is “Destination” here i am leaving the default location i.e /var/backup if you want to chnage the backup store location you can select the “Use Custom local Backup directory” and enter the location
[125000110300] |Now you can select “Time” option here you can schedule when do you want to run your backup.
[125000110310] |Available options for backups you can see in the following screen you can select hourly,daily,weekly,monthly,custom options
[125000110320] |
Next option is “Purging” here you can select old and incomplete backups and you set the no.of days you want to purge after completing all the settings you need to click on “Save” button to save your settings.
[125000110330] |Now if you want to take backup just click on “Backup Now” or leave the schedule backup in this example i just clicked on “Backup Now” this is started a background process with process id you can see this in the following screen
[125000110340] |Restore Your Data Using Sbackup
[125000110350] |If you want to restore backups or any files,folders go to System--->Administration--->Simple Backup Restore you can see this in the following screen
[125000110360] |Once it opens you should see the following screen here you can select the restore source folder and available backups from drop-down menu here you can choose files and folders you want to restore and click on “Restore” button
[125000110370] |In this example i have choosen to restore one .iso file and once you select your file and click on “Restore” it will ask for your confirmation click on yes this will restore the file in orginal location if you want to restore in different location you need to select “Restore As” option
[125000110380] |Note:- By default Restored Files and Directories are owned by root this is because of sbackup will runs with root.You need to chnage these files or folder permissions using chmod or just right click and select properties of the file or folder.
[125000110390] |Backup Destination on Remote machine
[125000110400] |One more beauty about sbackup is you can store your backup on a remotemachine for this it will give the option of using SSH or FTP for this go to System---> Administration---> Simple Backup Config once it opens the application you need to click on destination tab here you can select “Use a remote Directory” option type ssh:// or ftp:// followed by the username:password, then @, then the remote host to connect to and the remote directory.
[125000110410] |Final Tip:-
[125000110420] |Sbackup doesn’t create a new backup file each time it runs and it creates an incremental backup.Which means that it updates the last backup with files that you changed or been created any files that haven’t been updated since the last backup are unchanged
[125000110430] |Sbackup Configuration from command line
[125000110440] |If you want to configure sbackup you need to Edit /etc/sbackup.conf file
[125000110450] |Restore Backup from command line
[125000110460] |Run “sudo srestore.py /var/backup/2006-11-18_03 /home/myuser /home/myuser/old”.
[125000110470] |You can omit the last parameter to restore to the same directory.
[125000120010] |Change Ubuntu System from DHCP to a Static IP Address
[125000120020] |If Your Ubuntu System has set to use DHCP, you will want to change it to a static IP address here is simple tip
[125000120030] |open the /etc/network/interfaces file.
[125000120040] |sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
[125000120050] |If you are using DHCP for your primary network card which is usually eth0, you will see the following lines
[125000120060] |auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp
[125000120070] |As you can see, it’s using DHCP right now.
[125000120080] |We are going to change dhcp to static, and then there are a number of options that should add and here is the example and you can change these settings according to your network settings.
[125000120090] |auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway
[125000120100] |Restart the neworking service using the following command
[125000120110] |sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
[125000130010] |Enable and Disable Ubuntu Root Password
[125000130020] |Ubuntu is one of the few Linux distributions out there that will not enable the root account.If you want to do something with root permission on the console you have to type sudo before the command.
[125000130030] |sudo” means superuser do. “sudo” will prompt for “Password:”.
[125000130040] |Please specify user password
[125000130050] |As you have noticed during the Ubuntu installation there was no question about the root password, as you might have been used to see during other Linux distribution installation process.Because of this your root accout is inactive.
[125000130060] |If you want to enable root account (which is not recommended) enter the following command.
[125000130070] |$sudo passwd root
[125000130080] |This will prompt for a new root password and once you confirm it, you can start using the root account to login.
[125000130090] |If you want to disable root account in ubuntu you need to lock the root account by using the following command
[125000130100] |$sudo passwd -l root
[125000130110] |If you want to work on a root console you’d better use the following command
[125000130120] |$sudo -i
[125000140010] |Firestarter Firewall for your Ubuntu Desktop
[125000140020] |Firestarter is an Open Source visual firewall program.
[125000140030] |The software aims to combine ease of use with powerful features, therefore serving both Linux desktop users and system administrators.
[125000140040] |Install Firestarter in Ubuntu
[125000140050] |If you want to install firestarter firewall run the following commannd
[125000140060] |sudo apt-get instal firestarter
[125000140070] |This will complete the installation
[125000140080] |If you want to open fire starter go to System--->Administration--->Firestarter
[125000140090] |For the first time you should see the following screen and click on forward
[125000140100] |Select Network Device setup and click on forward
[125000140110] |Select if you have any internet connection sharing and click on forward
[125000140120] |Here you need to click on check box next to start firewall now and click on save
[125000140130] |Now you should see the firestarter GUI like below
[125000140140] |Every time firestarter starting GUI it will prompt for root password may be this is bit difficult for this you can do the following steps to avoid password.
[125000140150] |export EDITOR=gedit sudo visudo
[125000140160] |Now you need to add the following line in /etc/sudoers file
[125000140170] |%ruchi ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/firestarter
[125000140180] |Replace %ruchi by your the name of the user or the group which can use sudo and do the modification.
[125000140190] |Now you can test this using the following procedure
[125000140200] |sudo - K
[125000140210] |sudo /usr/sbin/firestarter
[125000140220] |When it try to open it should not prompt for password
[125000140230] |Finally you need to add firestarter to startup programs list from system---> Preferences--->Sessions you should see the following screen in this you need to click on startup programs and click on add you should see a popup box prompting for startup command in this you need to enter the following command and click ok two times.
[125000140240] |
sudo /usr/sbin/firestarter
[125000140250] |Working with Firewall Policy
[125000140260] |Firestarted is having default policy does the following
[125000140270] |New inbound connections from the Internet to the firewall or client hosts are blocked.
[125000140280] |The firewall host is freely allowed to establish new connections.
[125000140290] |All client hosts are allowed to establish new connections to the Internet, but not to the firewall host.
[125000140300] |Traffic from the Internet in response to connection requests from the firewall or client hosts is allowed back in through the firewall.
[125000140310] |This policy allows normal Internet usage such as web browsing and e-mail on the secured hosts, but blocks any attempts to access network services from the outside and shields the local network.
[125000140320] |Creating your own Policy
[125000140330] |Before Creating new policy you need to know inbound and outbound policy
[125000140340] |Inbound policy
[125000140350] |All inbound network traffic that is not in response to a connection established by a secured host is always denied.
[125000140360] |User created inbound policy is therefore permissive by nature and consist of criteria that when met lift the restrictions on the creation of new incoming connections.
[125000140370] |Changes to inbound policy are made on the inbound policy section of the policy page in Firestarter.
[125000140380] |Outbound policy
[125000140390] |The purpose of outbound traffic policy is to specify the types of network traffic that are allowed out from the secured network to the Internet.
[125000140400] |Firestarter has two modes of operation when it comes to implementing outbound policy, a permissive (which is the default) and a restrictive mode.
[125000140410] |If you wan to create new policy you need to click on policy tab in this you need to make sure which policy you want in editing selection (inbound or outbound) in this example i have selected inbound traffic policy after that from the top menu click on policy and click on add you should see this in the following screen
[125000140420] |Now it will popup a box asking for allow coonections from ip,host or network,enter the comment and click on add
[125000140430] |The same way you need to add the outbound traffic policy you can see this in the following screen
[125000140440] |Firestarter version details
[125000150010] |Monitor your Ubuntu System with saidar
[125000150020] |saidar is a curses-based application to display system statistics.
[125000150030] |Statistics include CPU, processes, load, memory,swap, network I/O and disks I/O along with their free space.
[125000150040] |saidar utilizes libstatgrab library. libstatgrab is a library that provides cross platform access to statistics about the system on which it’s run.
[125000150050] |It’s written in C and presents a selection of useful interfaces which can be used to access key system statistics.
[125000150060] |The current list of statistics includes CPU usage, memory utilisation, disk usage, process counts, network traffic, disk I/O, and more.
[125000150070] |The current list of platforms is Solaris 2.x, Linux 2.2/2.4/2.6, FreeBSD 4.x/5.x, NetBSD 1.6.x, OpenBSD 3.x, DragonFly BSD 1.0, HP-UX, and Cygwin.
[125000150080] |The aim is to extend this to include as many operating systems as possible.
[125000150090] |Install Saidar in ubuntu
[125000150100] |sudo apt-get install saidar
[125000150110] |This will complete the installation
[125000150120] |saidar syntax
[125000150130] |saidar [-d delay] [-v] [-h]
[125000150140] |If you want to use this application you can just type the following command
[125000150150] |saidar
[125000150160] |Now you should see the following screen which includes system statistics include CPU, processes, load, memory, swap, network I/O and disks I/O along with their free space.
[125000150170] |If you want to know more information and available options check saidar man page
[125000160010] |Enable DVD Playback in your ubuntu System
[125000160020] |DVD playback is not a feature that is installed by default due to license restrictions.
[125000160030] |This will show you how to install DVD playback capability on your Ubuntu linux machine.
[125000160040] |Note: In some parts of the world using DVD playback is not legal.
[125000160050] |Installing DVD playback is Very Easy.
[125000160060] |You’ll need to install the Seveas Repository before you’ll have access to it
[125000160070] |First you need to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list using the following command
[125000160080] |sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
[125000160090] |and enter the following sourcelist save the file and exit
[125000160100] |deb http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas all deb-src http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas all
[125000160110] |Now you need to copy the key using the following command
[125000160120] |wget http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/1135D466.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -
[125000160130] |Update your source list using the following command
[125000160140] |sudo apt-get update
[125000160150] |Install libdvdcss2 using the following command
[125000160160] |sudo aptitude install libdvdcss2
[125000160170] |or, if you prefer not to install Seveas repository you can run the following command to automatically download and install the appropriate files
[125000160180] |sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/./install-css.sh
[125000170010] |Install and Enable DVD playback and w32codecs in Ubuntu System
[125000170020] |w32codecs this is a package of codecs needed to play multiple formats, notably DivX. (disponible.
[125000170030] |Maintainer: MirSPCM)
[125000170040] |libdvdcss is a highly portable library for accessing and unscrambling DVDs encrypted with the CSS system.
[125000170050] |It is part of the VideoLAN project and is used by VLC and all other open source DVD players such as Ogle, xine-based players and MPlayer.
[125000170060] |DVD playback and w32codecs are not a feature that is installed by default due to license restrictions.
[125000170070] |Note: In some parts of the world using DVD playback is not legal.
[125000170080] |Installing libdvdcss2 and w32 video codecs in Ubuntu
[125000170090] |Support for WMV, RealMedia and other formats has been bundled into the w32codecs package.
[125000170100] |This package is not available from the Ubuntu repositories due to licensing and legal restrictions.
[125000170110] |Edit /etc/apt/sources.list file and enter the following repositories
[125000170120] |sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[125000170130] |For Ubuntu Dapper Users
[125000170140] |deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free deb-src http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free
[125000170150] |deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/freecontrib/ dapper free non-free deb-src http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/freecontrib/ dapper free non-free
[125000170160] |For Ubuntu Edgy Users
[125000170170] |deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ edgy free non-free deb-src http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ edgy free non-free
[125000170180] |deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/freecontrib/ edgy free non-free deb-src http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/freecontrib/ edgy free non-free
[125000170190] |You have one more option to install this DVD playback and w32codecs using Seveas Repository
[125000170200] |For Ubuntu Dapper Users
[125000170210] |deb http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl dapper-seveas all deb-src http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl dapper-seveas all
[125000170220] |For Ubuntu Edgy Users
[125000170230] |deb http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas all deb-src http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas all
[125000170240] |Now you need to copy the key using the following command
[125000170250] |wget http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/1135D466.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -
[125000170260] |sudo apt-get update
[125000170270] |sudo apt-get install w32codecs libdvdcss2
[125000170280] |If you want to download and install .deb packages you can download and install
[125000170290] |wget -c http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/dapper/non-free/w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb
[125000170300] |sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb
[125000170310] |wget -c http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/dapper/free/libdvdcss2-dev_1.2.9-1plf4_i386.deb
[125000170320] |sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2-dev_1.2.9-1plf4_i386.deb
[125000170330] |You can download Any harware Architecture from Here
[125000170340] |Using above download locations you can install more most of the mutimedia codecs for ubuntu
[125000170350] |If you are using Seveas Repository use the following commands to install
[125000170360] |sudo libdvdcss2 w32codecs
[125000180010] |Enable WPA Wireless access point in Ubuntu
[125000180020] |I have a Thoshiba laptop at home, I was running “Edgy Eft” (Ubuntu Linux 6.10) But one of the important things about it was its inability to connect to WPA-encrypted Wifi access points.In my home i have a WPA Enabled Wireless router so i need to connect to my wireless network using WPA.I am giving the procedure that worked for me to enable wpa in my toshiba laptop.
[125000180030] |Procedure to enable WPA Wireless in Ubuntu
[125000180040] |To update the source list run the following command
[125000180050] |sudo apt-get
[125000180060] |sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant
[125000180070] |sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome network-manager
[125000180080] |sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces
[125000180090] |Comment out everything other than “lo” entries in that file and save the file
[125000180100] |Create a file called /etc/default/wpasupplicant, add entry ENABLED=0 and save the file
[125000180110] |sudo touch /etc/default/wpasupplicant
[125000180120] |Reboot your system or use the following command
[125000180130] |sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart
[125000180140] |Once you login back in to your machine you need to left-click the network manager icon in Gnome and select your wireless network It should prompts for password, type, etc and It will ask you to choose a password for your new “keyring”.
[125000180150] |After enterring all the details my wireless network was connected and working fine you can see in the follwoing screen
[125000180160] |My wireless network also detected available wireless access point around my home you can see this in the following screen
[125000180170] |If you want to connect an existing wireless point you can see the following popup box asking for details of wireless network
[125000180180] |If you want to create a new wireless network you can see the following screen with the available options and after entering all the details you need to click on connect
[125000180190] |Possible Error and Solution
[125000180200] |If you see the following error
[125000180210] |The NetworkManager applet could not find some required resources.
[125000180220] |It cannot continue.
[125000180230] |Solution
[125000180240] |sudo gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor/
[125000190010] |Share your Ubuntu Desktop Using Remote Desktop
[125000190020] |vino is VNC server for GNOME.VNC is a protocol that allows remote display of a user’s desktop.
[125000190030] |This package provides a VNC server that integrates with GNOME, allowing you to export your running desktop to another computer for remote use or diagnosis.
[125000190040] |By default ubuntu will come with vino-server so it is very easy to configure to enable remote desktop sharing in your ubuntu machine.If you want to access ubuntu machine remotely you need to login in to your ubuntu system.
[125000190050] |Important note :-
[125000190060] |Remote Desktop will only work if there’s a GNOME login session.Leaving your computer with an unattended GNOME login session is not secure and not recommended.
[125000190070] |Some Tips
[125000190080] |1) You can lock your screen using System--->Quit
[125000190090] |Once you click on quit you should see the following screen here you need to select lockscreen
[125000190100] |2) switch off your monitor when computer is left unattended
[125000190110] |Configuring Remote Desktop
[125000190120] |First you need to go to System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop
[125000190130] |Once it opens you should see the following screen
[125000190140] |In the above screen you need to configure remote desktop preferences for sharing and security
[125000190150] |For Sharing
[125000190160] |you need to tick the box next to the following two options
[125000190170] |Allow other users to view your desktop Allow other users to control your desktop
[125000190180] |For Security
[125000190190] |you need to tick the box next to the following two options
[125000190200] |Ask you for confirmation (If you tick this option some one need to click on allow from remote desktop once it connected if you don’t want you can untick this option) Require the user to enter this password: Password: Specify the password
[125000190210] |Connecting from Ubuntu Machine
[125000190220] |Open your terminal from Applications--->Accessories--->Terminal and enter the following command
[125000190230] |vncviewer -fullscreen
[125000190240] |now you should see the following message asking for password enter the password after complete success you can see VNC authentication succeeded message and starting remote desktop
[125000190250] |VNC viewer version 3.3.7 - built Jul 4 2006 10:04:48 Copyright (C) 2002-2003 RealVNC Ltd. Copyright (C) 1994-2000 AT T Laboratories Cambridge.
[125000190260] |See http://www.realvnc.com for information on VNC.
[125000190270] |VNC server supports protocol version 3.7 (viewer 3.3) Password: VNC authentication succeeded
[125000190280] |If you want to quit vncviewer
[125000190290] |Press ‘F8′ and select Quit viewer
[125000190300] |Connecting from Windows machine
[125000190310] |If you are trying to connect from your windows machine you need to install vncviewer of your choice i have installed from here http://www.realvnc.com/download.html.Install this program once you install this you can opem from start--->All programs--->RealVNC--->VNC Viewer 4--->Run VNC Viewer once it opens you should see the following screen here enter the remotemachine ipaddress:0 format and click ok
[125000190320] |Now it will prompt for password enter your password and click ok
[125000190330] |Now on the remote machine you should see the following screen asking for permission to allow this connection you need to click on allow this will comeup only if you tick “Ask you for confirmation” option under sharing
[125000190340] |Once it connected you should see the remote machine desktop like the following screen
[125000200010] |Bandwidth Monitoring Tools for Ubuntu Users
[125000200020] |Bandwidth in computer networking refers to the data rate supported by a network connection or interface.
[125000200030] |One most commonly expresses bandwidth in terms of bits per second (bps).
[125000200040] |The term comes from the field of electrical engineering, where bandwidth represents the total distance or range between the highest and lowest signals on the communication channel (band).
[125000200050] |Bandwidth represents the capacity of the connection.
[125000200060] |The greater the capacity, the more likely that greater performance will follow, though overall performance also depends on other factors, such as latency.
[125000200070] |Here is the list of bandwidth monitoring tools for your network bandwidth
[125000200080] |bmon bwbar bwm bwm-ng iftop iperf ipfm speedometer cbm ibmonitor pktstat mactrack MRTG Cacti
[125000200090] |Now we will see each tool separately
[125000200100] |bmon
[125000200110] |bmon is a portable bandwidth monitor and rate estimator running on various operating systems.
[125000200120] |It supports various input methods for different architectures.
[125000200130] |Various output modes exist including an interactive curses interface, lightweight HTML output but also formatable ASCII output
[125000200140] |Current Stable Version :- 2.1.0
[125000200150] |Install bmon in Ubuntu
[125000200160] |sudo apt-get install bmon
[125000200170] |This will complete the installation.
[125000200180] |If you want to open the application you need to enter the following command
[125000200190] |bmon
[125000200200] |you should see the following output
[125000200210] |If i select the eth0 i should see all the traffic details
[125000200220] |If you want to know more available options check man page
[125000200230] |bwbar
[125000200240] |This program will output a PNG and a text file that can be used in scripts or be included in web pages to show current bandwidth usage.
[125000200250] |The amount of total bandwidth can be customized.
[125000200260] |The PNG output appears as a bar graph showing maximum possible usage with the current inbound or outbound usage shown as a differently colored bar.
[125000200270] |Current Stable Version :- 1.2.3
[125000200280] |Install bwbar in ubuntu
[125000200290] |sudo apt-get install bwbar
[125000200300] |This will complete the installation
[125000200310] |There is a /etc/default/bwbar file to configure before this package will work and here is my config
[125000200320] |# Directory to put files into DIR=/var/www # Who to run as RUNAS=www-data # What are the options (eth0, scale of 1.5mbps) OPTIONS=”eth0 1.5″
[125000200330] |Now you need to chnage the permissions using the following command
[125000200340] |sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/bwbar/
[125000200350] |Start the bwbar using the following command
[125000200360] |sudo /etc/init.d/bwbar start
[125000200370] |You can also launch bwbar using the following command
[125000200380] |bwbar eth0 100 -x 200 -y 7 -t 10 -p network.png -f network.txt -d /var/www/bwbar
[125000200390] |Now you need to go to http://serverip/bwbar you should see the bandwidth bar as follows
[125000200400] |If you want to know about available option check man page
[125000200410] |bwm
[125000200420] |BandWidth Monitor This is a very tiny bandwidth monitor (not X11).
[125000200430] |Can monitor up to 16 interfaces in the in the same time, and shows totals too.
[125000200440] |Current Stable Version :- 1.1.0
[125000200450] |Install bwm ubuntu
[125000200460] |sudo apt-get install bwm
[125000200470] |This will complete the installation now
[125000200480] |If you want to run the application use the following command
[125000200490] |bwm
[125000200500] |Output looks like below
[125000200510] |If you want more details and available options check man page
[125000200520] |bwm-ng
[125000200530] |small and simple console-based bandwidth monitor.Bandwidth Monitor NG is a small and simple console-based live bandwidth monitor.
[125000200540] |Current Stable Version :- 0.5
[125000200550] |features
[125000200560] |supports /proc/net/dev, netstat, getifaddr, sysctl, kstat and libstatgrab
[125000200570] |unlimited number of interfaces supported
[125000200580] |interfaces are added or removed dynamically from list
[125000200590] |white-/blacklist of interfaces
[125000200600] |output of KB/s, Kb/s, packets, errors, average, max and total sum
[125000200610] |output in curses, plain console, CSV or HTML
[125000200620] |configfile
[125000200630] |Install bwm-ng in ubuntu
[125000200640] |sudo apt-get install bwm-ng
[125000200650] |This will complete the installation
[125000200660] |If you want to run the application you need to use the following command
[125000200670] |bwm-ng
[125000200680] |Output looks like below
[125000200690] |If you want more details and available options check man page
[125000200700] |iftop
[125000200710] |iftop does for network usage what top does for CPU usage.
[125000200720] |It listens to network traffic on a named interface and displays a table of current bandwidth usage by pairs of hosts.
[125000200730] |Current Stable Version :- 0.17
[125000200740] |Install iftop in ubuntu
[125000200750] |sudo apt-get install iftop
[125000200760] |This will complete the installation
[125000200770] |If you want to run the application you need to use the following command
[125000200780] |iftop
[125000200790] |Output looks like below
[125000200800] |If you want more details and available options check man page
[125000200810] |ipfm
[125000200820] |IP Flow Meter (IPFM) is a bandwidth analysis tool, that measures how much bandwidth specified hosts use on their Internet link.
[125000200830] |Current Stable Version :- 0.11.5
[125000200840] |Install ipfm in Ubuntu
[125000200850] |sudo apt-get install ipfm
[125000200860] |This will complete the installation
[125000200870] |Now if you want to configure this for your network you need to copy example configuration file from /usr/share/doc/ipfm/examples if you want to check this file click here
[125000200880] |once you configure this file you need to start the service using the following command
[125000200890] |sudo /etc/init.d/ipfm start
[125000200900] |If you want more details and available options check man page
[125000200910] |Speedometer
[125000200920] |Measure and display the rate of data across a network connection or data being stored in a file.
[125000200930] |Current Stable Version :- 2.4
[125000200940] |Install speedometer in ubuntu
[125000200950] |Check which version of python is the default by running
[125000200960] |python -V
[125000200970] |Then issue the following commands as root to install speedometer (choose the correct Urwid package for your python version, ie. if python -V reports version 2.3.X then install python2.3-urwid)
[125000200980] |apt-get install python2.4-urwid
[125000200990] |Download the speedometer.py source file.
[125000201000] |As user issue the following commands in the directory that you downloaded the source file
[125000201010] |sudo cp speedometer.py /usr/local/bin/speedometer
[125000201020] |sudo chown root: /usr/local/bin/speedometer
[125000201030] |sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/speedometer
[125000201040] |Now you can run the speedometer application using the following
[125000201050] |/usr/local/bin/speedometer
[125000201060] |Now you should see the following screen output
[125000201070] |Speedometer Usage
[125000201080] |Usage: speedometer [options] tap [[-c] tap]
[125000201090] |Available options
[125000201100] |speedometer -h
[125000201110] |Usage: speedometer [options] tap [[-c] tap]…
[125000201120] |Monitor network traffic or speed/progress of a file transfer.
[125000201130] |At least one tap must be entered. -c starts a new column, otherwise taps are piled vertically.
[125000201140] |Taps:
[125000201150] |[-f] filename [size] display download speed [with progress bar]
[125000201160] |-f must be used if directly following another
[125000201170] |file tap without an expected size specified
[125000201180] |-rx network-interface display bytes received on network-interface
[125000201190] |-tx network-interface display bytes transmitted on network-interface
[125000201200] |Options:
[125000201210] |-i interval-in-seconds eg.
[125000201220] |“5″ or “0.25″ default: “1″
[125000201230] |-p use plain-text display (one tap only)
[125000201240] |-b use old blocky display instead of smoothed display even when UTF-8 encoding is detected
[125000201250] |-z report zero size on files that don’t exist instead of waiting for them to be created
[125000201260] |Usage Examples
[125000201270] |How long it will take for my 38MB transfer to finish?
[125000201280] |speedometer favorite_episode.rm $((38*1024*1024))
[125000201290] |How quickly is another transfer going?
[125000201300] |speedometer dl/big.avi
[125000201310] |How fast is this LAN?
[125000201320] |$ cat /dev/zero | nc -l -p 12345
[125000201330] |$ nc host-a 12345 >/dev/null
[125000201340] |$ speedometer -rx eth0
[125000201350] |How fast is the upstream on this ADSL line?
[125000201360] |speedometer -tx ppp0
[125000201370] |How fast can I write data to my filesystem? (with at least 1GB free)
[125000201380] |dd bs=1000000 count=1000 if=/dev/zero of=big_nothing speedometer big_nothing
[125000201390] |cbm
[125000201400] |cbm — the Color Bandwidth Meter — displays the current traffic on all network devices.
[125000201410] |Current Stable Version :- 0.1-1
[125000201420] |Install cbm in ubuntu
[125000201430] |First you need to download the .deb package from here
[125000201440] |once you have the .deb package you need to install using the following comamnd
[125000201450] |sudo dpkg -i cbm_0.1-1_i386.deb
[125000201460] |this will complete the installation now if you want to use the appltcation use the following command
[125000201470] |cbm
[125000201480] |Output looks like below
[125000201490] |pktstat
[125000201500] |pktstat listens to the network and shows the bandwidth being consumed by packets of various kinds in realtime.
[125000201510] |It understands some protocols (including FTP,HTTP, and X11) and adds a descriptive name next to the entry (e.g., ‘RETR cd8.iso’, ‘GET http://slashdot.org/’ or ‘xclock -fg blue’).
[125000201520] |Current Stable Version :- 1.8.3
[125000201530] |Install pktstat in Ubuntu
[125000201540] |First you need to download .rpm package from here once you have the .rpm package you need to convert this .rpm file to .deb file using alien
[125000201550] |Install alien
[125000201560] |sudo apt-get install alien
[125000201570] |Now you need to use the follwoing command to convert .rpm to .deb
[125000201580] |sudo alien -k pktstat-1.7.2q-0.i386.rpm
[125000201590] |Now you should be having pktstat_1.7.2q-0_i386.deb package
[125000201600] |Install pktstat in Ubuntu
[125000201610] |sudo dpkg -i pktstat_1.7.2q-0_i386.deb
[125000201620] |This will complete the installation now you can open the application using the following command
[125000201630] |pktstat
[125000201640] |output looks like below
[125000201650] |
If you want more available options for pktstat check man page
[125000201660] |ibmonitor
[125000201670] |ibmonitor is an interactive linux console application which shows bandwidth consumed and total data transferred on all interfaces.
[125000201680] |Current Stable Version :- 1.4
[125000201690] |Its main features are:
[125000201700] |Shows received, transmitted and total bandwidth of each interface
[125000201710] |Calculates and displays the combined value of all interfaces
[125000201720] |Displays total data transferred per interface in KB/MB/GB
[125000201730] |Values can be displayed in Kbits/sec(Kbps) and/or KBytes/sec(KBps)
[125000201740] |Can show maximum bandwidth consumed on each interface since start of utility
[125000201750] |Can show average bandwidth consumption on each interface since start of utility
[125000201760] |The output with all features (max, avg and display in Kbps and KBps) easily fits on a 80×24 console or xterm
[125000201770] |Can interactively change its output display format depending on key pressed by user.
[125000201780] |Install ibmonitor in Ubuntu
[125000201790] |First you need to download the latest version from here
[125000201800] |wget http://ovh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/ibmonitor/ibmonitor-1.4.tar.gz
[125000201810] |Now you have ibmonitor-1.4.tar.gz
[125000201820] |Extract this file using the following commands
[125000201830] |tar xvfz ibmonitor-1.4.tar.gz
[125000201840] |cd ibmonitor
[125000201850] |If you want to run the application use the following command
[125000201860] |Once you are in ibmonitor folder use
[125000201870] |./ibmonitor
[125000201880] |Output looks like the following screen
[125000201890] |iperf
[125000201900] |While tools to measure network performance, such as ttcp, exist, most are very old and have confusing options.
[125000201910] |Iperf was developed as a modern alternative for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance.
[125000201920] |Iperf is a tool to measure maximum TCP bandwidth, allowing the tuning of various parameters and UDP characteristics.
[125000201930] |Iperf reports bandwidth, delay jitter, datagram loss.
[125000201940] |Current Stable Version :- 2.0.2
[125000201950] |Install iperf in ubuntu
[125000201960] |sudo apt-get install iperf
[125000201970] |iperf Syntax
[125000201980] |iperf [-s|-c host] [options]
[125000201990] |Example
[125000202000] |iperf -c server address -F file-name
[125000202010] |iperf -c server address -I
[125000202020] |The -F option is for file input.
[125000202030] |The -I option is for input from stdin.
[125000202040] |If you want more details and available options check man page
[125000202050] |tcptrack
[125000202060] |tcptrack is a sniffer which displays information about TCP connections it sees on a network interface.
[125000202070] |It passively watches for connections on the network interface, keeps track of their state and displays a list of connections in a manner similar to the unix ‘top’ command.
[125000202080] |It displays source and destination addresses and ports, connection state, idle time, and bandwidth usage.
[125000202090] |Current Stable Version :- 1.1.5
[125000202100] |Install tcptrack in Ubuntu
[125000202110] |sudo apt-get install tcptrack
[125000202120] |this will complete the installation
[125000202130] |tcptrack Syntax
[125000202140] |tcptrack [-dfhvp] [-r ] -i []
[125000202150] |Examples
[125000202160] |tcptrack requires only one parameter to run: the -i flag followed by an interface name that you want tcptrack to monitor.
[125000202170] |This is the most basic way to run tcptrack
[125000202180] |tcptrack -i eth0
[125000202190] |tcptrack can also take a pcap filter expression as an argument.
[125000202200] |The format of this filter expression is the same as that of tcpdump and other libpcap-based sniffers.
[125000202210] |The following example will only show connections from host
[125000202220] |tcptrack -i eth0 src or dst
[125000202230] |The next example will only show web traffic (ie, traffic on port 80)
[125000202240] |tcptrack -i eth0 port 80
[125000202250] |The following output screen will show you more details
[125000202260] |MRTG
[125000202270] |The Multi Router Traffic Grapher or just simply MRTG is free software for monitoring the traffic load on network links.
[125000202280] |It allows the user to see traffic load on a network over time in graphical form.
[125000202290] |Current Stable Version :- 2.15.0
[125000202300] |Project Homepage
[125000202310] |http://oss.oetiker.ch/mrtg/
[125000202320] |Cacti
[125000202330] |Cacti is a complete network graphing solution designed to harness the power of RRDTool’s data storage and graphing functionality.
[125000202340] |Cacti provides a fast poller, advanced graph templating, multiple data acquisition methods, and user management features out of the box.
[125000202350] |All of this is wrapped in an intuitive,easy to use interface that makes sense for LAN-sized installations up to complex networks with hundreds of devices.
[125000202360] |Current Stable Version :- 0.8.6i
[125000202370] |Project Homepage
[125000202380] |http://www.cacti.net
[125000202390] |Regarding MRTG and Cacti i am going write detailed articles in future
[125000210010] |Install Mplayer in Ubuntu
[125000210020] |MPlayer is a movie and animation player that supports a wide range of codecs and file formats, including MPEG 1/2/4,DivX 3/4/5, Windows Media 7/8/9, RealAudio/Video up to 9, Quicktime 5/6, and Vivo 1/2.
[125000210030] |It has many MX/SSE(2)/3Dnow(Ex) optimized native audio and video codecs, but allows using XAnim’s and RealPlayer’s binary codec plugins, and Win32 codec DLLs.
[125000210040] |It has basic VCD/DVD playback functionality, including DVD subtitles, but supports many text-based subtitle formats too.
[125000210050] |For video output, nearly every existing interface is supported.
[125000210060] |It’s also able to convert any supported files to raw/divx/mpeg4 AVI (pcm/mp3 audio), and even video grabbing from V4L devices.
[125000210070] |Install Mplayer in Ubuntu Dapper You need to add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list file
[125000210080] |gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[125000210090] |enter these two lines and save your file
[125000210100] |deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse
[125000210110] |Install Mplayer in Ubuntu Edgy eft
[125000210120] |You need to add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list file
[125000210130] |gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[125000210140] |enter these two lines and save your file
[125000210150] |deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy universe multiverse deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy universe multiverse
[125000210160] |Now you need to run the following command to update the source list
[125000210170] |sudo apt-get update
[125000210180] |Install mplayer using the following command
[125000210190] |sudo apt-get install mplayer
[125000210200] |if you want to open mplayer just type
[125000210210] |gmplayer
[125000210220] |or
[125000210230] |You can Open from Applications--->Sound Video---> Mplayer Movie Player
[125000210240] |If you want to install Mplayer with plug-in for Mozilla Firefox run the following commandsudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer
[125000220010] |Install Opera Web Browser in Ubuntu
[125000220020] |Opera is a full-featured Internet tool, most notably a fully standard conforming Web browser.
[125000220030] |Opera includes pop-up blocking, tabbed browsing, integrated searches, and advanced functions like a password manager, mouse gestures, native Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) support, an email program, RSS newsfeeds, and IRC chat.
[125000220040] |It is designed to be fast and highly customizable.
[125000220050] |If you want to install opera web browser you need to download the latest version from here you can select which version of ubuntu (Dapper,Edgy etc) you are using and click on download
[125000220060] |Now you should be having the opera_9.10-20061214.6-shared-qt_en_i386.deb(current stable) package it might be diffrent once opera release any new version
[125000220070] |Install Opera Web Browser in Ubuntu
[125000220080] |Now you need to install opera .deb package using the following command
[125000220090] |sudo dpkg -i opera_9.10-20061214.6-shared-qt_en_i386.deb
[125000220100] |This will complete the installation
[125000220110] |Now you need to go to Applications—>Internet–>Opera and you can see in the following screen
[125000220120] |If you try to open for the first time you should see the following screen here click on i agree
[125000220130] |Opera web Browser in action
[125000220140] |Opera web Browser Version Details
[125000220150] |This is one way to install opera web browser and you can use canonical commercial source list to install opera web browser.
[125000230010] |Create backup of all installed packages using APTonCD in Ubuntu
[125000230020] |APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs (you choose the type of media) with all of the packages you’ve downloaded via APT-GET or APTITUDE, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers.One thing you need to remember this will create backup all the packages installed using apt-get,synaptic because these package arcives are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives
[125000230030] |APTonCD will also allow you to automatically create media with all of your .deb packages located in one especific repository, so that you can install them into your computers without the need for an internet conection.
[125000230040] |APTonCD Features
[125000230050] |Create media with all your downloaded packages;
[125000230060] |Create media with all packages from an especific repository
[125000230070] |Download all official Ubuntu repositories (main,restricted,universe and multiverse) into removable media (CD/DVD);
[125000230080] |Perform backup/restore all packages installed via apt;
[125000230090] |Install, with the same CD/DVD, the same programs into several different machines;
[125000230100] |Upgrade softwares/packages for several different machines, downloading them only one time;
[125000230110] |Install APTonCD in Ubuntu
[125000230120] |sudo apt-get install aptoncd
[125000230130] |or you can download .deb package from here once you have this you can install using the following command
[125000230140] |sudo dpkg -i aptoncd_0.1beta-1_all.deb
[125000230150] |Backup all your installed Packages
[125000230160] |This will complete the installation and if you want to open the application go to System -> Administration -> AptonCD
[125000230170] |Once it opens you should see the following screen
[125000230180] |In the above screen you can see two tabs called create and restore first one is create tab now if you want to create a backup of your installed packaged you need to click on “Create AptonCD” now you should see the following screen reading all the available packages from /var/cache/apt/archives directory Once it read all the packages and you should see the following screen
[125000230190] |
Here you can add any other packages you want to add and click ok
[125000230200] |Here you can see APTonCD creating the necessary CD/DVD image and saves it in the location you had chosen is in progress
[125000230210] |Here you can see the .iso image stored successfully in the location i had chosen and you can use this image you can burn CD/DVD
[125000230220] |Restore Packages
[125000230230] |If you want to restore your backup you need to click on restore tab now you should see the following screen this is having three options as follows
[125000230240] |Restore APTonCD
[125000230250] |Restores all packages available from an APTonCD media to your computer
[125000230260] |Restore .iso Image
[125000230270] |Restores packages from an APTonCD .iso image previously generated and stored locally
[125000230280] |Add CD/DVD
[125000230290] |Add a CD or DVD created as a repository for apt-get,aptitude or synaptic
[125000230300] |You can choose which one is suitable for you and restore all your packages
[125000230310] |APTonCD Version Details
[125000230320] |This tools is very useful if you want to install same packages in different machine you can save your bandwidth and if you have slow internet connection
[125000240010] |Find which Ubuntu Linux Version you are running
[125000240020] |There are times ubuntu users and admins want to find which version of ubuntu linux version is running on their machines.This is very useful for those who is helping their customers and they want to know which version they are running and if you took over new system admin job you want to know which version is running on your servers or desktops.
[125000240030] |Find or identify which version of ubuntu Linux you are running
[125000240040] |You can find in different ways in ubuntu
[125000240050] |Solution 1
[125000240060] |cat /etc/issue
[125000240070] |The file /etc/issue holds the version of Ubuntu installed on your system
[125000240080] |Solution 2
[125000240090] |lsb_release -a
[125000240100] |or
[125000240110] |cat /etc/lsb-release
[125000250010] |Gmail Notifier for your Ubuntu Desktop
[125000250020] |CheckGmail is an alternative Gmail Notifier for Linux and other *nix systems.
[125000250030] |It is fast, secure and uses minimal bandwidth via the use of Atom feeds.
[125000250040] |CheckGmail is a system tray application that checks a Gmail account for new mail.
[125000250050] |When new mail is present the tray icon changes, an optional animated popup is displayed and a tooltip displays the number and details of new messages.
[125000250060] |Each message can be opened directly in a browser window, and many common Gmail operations (marking as read, archiving, deleting or reporting as spam) can be carried out on messages directly within CheckGmail, without the need to use the Gmail web interface.
[125000250070] |Installing checkgmail in Ubuntu
[125000250080] |For Ubuntu Dapper Users
[125000250090] |Add this repository in Ubuntu Dapper
[125000250100] |You need to edit the source list file and add the following lines
[125000250110] |sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[125000250120] |deb http://asher256-repository.tuxfamily.org dapper main dupdate french deb http://asher256-repository.tuxfamily.org ubuntu main dupdate french
[125000250130] |Save the changes and exit
[125000250140] |You need to update source list using the following command
[125000250150] |sudo apt-get update
[125000250160] |Install checkgmail using the following command
[125000250170] |sudo apt-get install checkgmail
[125000250180] |For Ubuntu Edgy Users
[125000250190] |CheckGmail is now part of the Ubuntu Universe packages.
[125000250200] |Therefore make sure you add Universe repositories into your sources.list file
[125000250210] |Install checkgmail using the following command
[125000250220] |sudo apt-get install checkgmail
[125000250230] |This will complete the installation part and now you need to run the application for this you need to press Alt+F2 you should see the following screen
[125000250240] |Now you need to click on “Run with file” you should see the following screen here you need to select your checkgmail from /usr/bin/checkgmail and click ok
[125000250250] |Once you select the checkgmail application you can see the following screen and click on “Run”
[125000250260] |Now you should see the following screen here you need to select your gmail account details,how frequency you want to check your gmail,gmail system tray option etc and click ok
[125000250270] |Here is the example how you can see the gmail notifier once you receive an email in your gmail account
[125000250280] |Now you need to run your application after restarting for this you need to go to System--->Preferences--->Sessions
[125000250290] |You should see the following screen and here you need to click on “Add”
[125000250300] |Now you should see the following screen here you need to click on “Browse”
[125000250310] |
Here you need to select your checkgmail application from /usr/bin/checkgmail and click on open
[125000250320] |Now you can see the following screen once you select your application and click ok
[125000250330] |
That’s it now your checkgmail application will be starting whenever you start your system
[125000260010] |Install Google Picasa image organizer in Ubuntu
[125000260020] |Picasa is software that helps you instantly find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC.
[125000260030] |Every time you open Picasa, it automatically locates all your pictures (even ones you forgot you had) and sorts them into visual albums organized by date with folder names you will recognize.
[125000260040] |Picasa also makes advanced editing simple by putting one-click fixes and powerful effects at your fingertips.
[125000260050] |First you need to download picasa for linux from here
[125000260060] |sudo wget http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/pool/non-free/p/picasa/picasa_2.2.2820-5_i386.deb
[125000260070] |now we have a picasa .deb package
[125000260080] |Install .deb package
[125000260090] |sudo dpkg -i picasa_2.2.2820-5_i386.deb
[125000260100] |this will complete the installation
[125000260110] |Now you need to open picasa from Applications--->Graphics--->Picasa
[125000260120] |First time it will prompt for license click on i agree
[125000260130] |This will open the window asking for complete scan or only desktop select your option and continue
[125000260140] |It will find all the available images in your system you can see this in the following screen
[125000270010] |Mount your widows Partitions and make it read and writable
[125000270020] |Some of ubuntu users are running their ubuntu machine as dual boot with windows and if you want to access your windows partition data using this guide in a simple manner.
[125000270030] |This tutorial will show you how to mount NTFS and FAT partitions in ubuntu
[125000270040] |For mounting TFS we are going to use one small tool called NTFS-3G this is very powerfull and simple tool.
[125000270050] |The NTFS-3G driver is an open source, freely available NTFS driver for Linux with read and write support.
[125000270060] |It provides safe and fast handling of the Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 file systems.
[125000270070] |Most POSIX file system operations are supported, with the notable exception of file ownership and access right changes.
[125000270080] |You need to edit the sources.list file using the following command
[125000270090] |sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[125000270100] |and add the following repositories which is suitable for you
[125000270110] |If you are running Ubuntu Dapper enter the following lines save and exit the file
[125000270120] |deb http://givre.cabspace.com/ubuntu/ dapper main main-all deb http://ntfs-3g.sitesweetsite.info/ubuntu/ dapper main main-all deb http://flomertens.keo.in/ubuntu/ dapper main main-all
[125000270130] |If you are running Ubuntu Edgy enter the following lines save and exit the file
[125000270140] |deb http://givre.cabspace.com/ubuntu/ edgy main deb http://ntfs-3g.sitesweetsite.info/ubuntu/ edgy main deb http://flomertens.keo.in/ubuntu/ edgy main
[125000270150] |Now you need to import th GPG key for these repositories using the any one of the following command
[125000270160] |wget http://flomertens.keo.in/ubuntu/givre_key.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -
[125000270170] |wget http://givre.cabspace.com/ubuntu/givre_key.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -
[125000270180] |Now you need to update the source list using the following command
[125000270190] |sudo apt-get update
[125000270200] |Install ntfs-3g in Ubuntu
[125000270210] |If you want to install ntfs-3g run the following command from your terminal
[125000270220] |sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g
[125000270230] |Configuring ntfs-3g
[125000270240] |Now you need to use the following command to determine all the available partitions
[125000270250] |sudo fdisk -l
[125000270260] |Now you need to configure your NTFS partitions in /etc/fstab file before doing any changes in /etc/fstab file we will take a backup of this file using the following command (Highly Recommended)
[125000270270] |sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
[125000270280] |Now you need to create a directory where do you mount your windows partitions in this example i ma creating windows directory
[125000270290] |sudo mkdir /media/windows
[125000270300] |If you want to mount /dev/hda1 is your windows partition you need to enter the following line in /etc/fstab file
[125000270310] |/dev/ /media/ ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
[125000270320] |You need to replace your partition and mount point with your details
[125000270330] |Example
[125000270340] |/dev/hda3 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
[125000270350] |save and exit the file
[125000270360] |If you want to mount as read only you need to enter the following line in /etc/fstabfile
[125000270370] |/dev/hda3 /media/windows ntfs-3g ro,locale=en_US.utf8,uid=1000 0 0
[125000270380] |If You want to change your locale option you need to run the following command in a terminal to know which one is supported by your system.
[125000270390] |locale -a
[125000270400] |Now if you want these new chnages to take effect there are two options one is you can simply reboot your machine and the second one is without rebooting you need to run the following commands
[125000270410] |To unmount
[125000270420] |sudo umount -a
[125000270430] |To Mount
[125000270440] |sudo mount -a
[125000270450] |If you want to know more available options for ntfs-3g check man page
[125000270460] |If you want to mount and unmount Windows partitions (FAT) manually, and allow all users to read and write
[125000270470] |Follow the same procedure to get the list of your windows partitions,create a directory where do you want to mount and you do the following command from your teminal replace /dev/hda3,/media/windows/ to your environment
[125000270480] |sudo mount /dev/hda3 /media/windows/ -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,umask=000
[125000270490] |If you want to mount FAT partitions on boot-up to allow users to read and write use the following command in your /etc/fstab file you can see the above procedure how to take backup of fstab file before you do any changes
[125000270500] |/dev/hda3 /media/windows vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0
[125000280010] |Playing encrypted DVDs in Ubuntu
[125000280020] |The movie players provided in Ubuntu can play back unencrypted DVDs.
[125000280030] |However, many commercial DVDs are encrypted with a weak algorithm called Content Scrambling System (CSS).You can enable playback of encrypted DVDs with MPlayer, xine and Totem-xine by installing libdvdcss2.
[125000280040] |The CSS key sets are licensed to manufacturers who incorporate them into products such as DVD drives, DVD players and DVD movie releases.Most DVD players are equipped with a CSS Decryption module.
[125000280050] |Installing libdvdcss2
[125000280060] |First you need to install the libdvdread3 package using the following command
[125000280070] |sudo apt-get install libdvdread3
[125000280080] |Now download the libdvdcss2 library using the following command
[125000280090] |sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh
[125000280100] |For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) users use the following command
[125000280110] |sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh
[125000280120] |If you want to download libdvdcss2 library manually you can download from here
[125000280130] |For AMD64 Users
[125000280140] |First you need to install the following packages
[125000280150] |sudo apt-get install debhelper build-essential fakeroot
[125000280160] |Now download the libdvdcss2 library using the following command
[125000280170] |sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh
[125000280180] |For Ubuntu Edgy Users use the following command
[125000280190] |sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh
[125000280200] |That’s it now Your DVD player should now play back encrypted DVDs.You can ope your Movie player from Applications >Sound Video
[125000290010] |Recover Data from a Damaged hard disk using dd_rhelp
[125000290020] |dd_rhelp is a bash script that handles a very usefull program written in C which is called dd_rescue, it roughly act as the dd linux command with the caracteristic to NOT stop when it falls on read/write errors.
[125000290030] |This makes dd_rescue the best tool for recovering hard drive having bad sectors.In short, it’ll use dd_rescue on your entire disc, but will try to gather the maximum valid data before trying for ages on badsectors.
[125000290040] |So if you leave dd_rhelp work for infinite time, it’ll have the same effect as a simple dd_rescue.
[125000290050] |But because you might not have this infinite time , dd_rhelp will jump over bad sectors and rescue valid data.
[125000290060] |In the long run, it’ll parse all your device with dd_rescue.
[125000290070] |You can Ctrl-C it whenever you want, and rerun-it at will, it’ll resume it’s job as it depends on the log files dd_rescue creates.In addition, progress will be shown in a ASCII picture of your device beeing rescued.
[125000290080] |Why use dd_rhelp and not dd_rescue ?
[125000290090] |dd_rhelp uses dd_rescue to compute a recovery path through the device that will focus on valid data recovering.
[125000290100] |This recovery path will go through all the device, exactly as dd_rescue could do it on its own without any path.
[125000290110] |This means that dd_rhelp will save you time ONLY IF YOU INTEND TO CANCEL ITS JOB BEFORE THE END of a full recovery.
[125000290120] |Because a considerable amount of time is taken to try to rescue badsectors.
[125000290130] |This amount of time can be mesured in days, month, years, depending on your device capacity and its defectiveness.
[125000290140] |You might not want to spend this time knowing that 99 percent of this time will be taken to look at badsector and won’t lead to any more data recovering.
[125000290150] |dd_rhelp shifts this useless waiting time to the end.
[125000290160] |Using dd_rescue strait throughout your device make your waiting time dependent on the badsector distribution.
[125000290170] |Install dd_rhelp
[125000290180] |First you need to download latest version from here
[125000290190] |Preparing your system
[125000290200] |sudo apt-get install make gcc g++ ddrescue
[125000290210] |Download dd_rhelp using the follwoing command
[125000290220] |wget http://www.kalysto.org/pkg/dd_rhelp-0.0.6.tar.gz
[125000290230] |Now you have dd_rhelp-0.0.6.tar.gz file
[125000290240] |Extract this file using the following command
[125000290250] |tar xzvf dd_rhelp-0.0.6.tar.gz
[125000290260] |cd dd_rhelp-0.0.6
[125000290270] |Run the following commands
[125000290280] |sudo ./configure
[125000290290] |sudo make
[125000290300] |sudo make install
[125000290310] |This will complete the installation and this will install program under /usr/local/bin/dd_rhelp
[125000290320] |dd_rhelp Syntax
[125000290330] |dd_rhelp {filename|device} {output-file} [{info}]
or dd_rhelp --help
or dd_rhelp --version
[125000290340] |Now we will see how to use ddrescue under damaged disk
[125000290350] |If you have a damaged hard disk /dev/sda1 and you have an empty space hard disk /dev/sda2 Now if you want to copy data from /dev/sda1 to /dev/sda2 use the following command
[125000290360] |sudo dd_rhelp /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2/backup.img
[125000290370] |Output looks like below
[125000290380] |/usr/bin/tail: Warning: “+number” syntax is deprecated, please use “-n +number” === launched via ‘dd_rhelp’ at 0k, 0 >>>=== dd_rescue: (info): ipos: 104384.0k, opos: 104384.0k, xferd: 104384.0k errs: 0, errxfer: 0.0k, succxfer: 104384.0k +curr.rate: 10178kB/s, avg.rate: 8532kB/s, avg.load: 31.3% dd_rescue: (info): /dev/sda2 (104391.0k): EOF Summary for /dev/sda2 -> backup.img: dd_rescue: (info): ipos: 104391.0k, opos: 104391.0k, xferd: 104391.0k errs: 0, errxfer: 0.0k, succxfer: 104391.0k +curr.rate: 355kB/s, avg.rate: 8519kB/s, avg.load: 31.3% /usr/bin/tail: Warning: “+number” syntax is deprecated, please use “-n +number”
[125000290390] |This copies an image of /dev/sda1 to sda2
[125000290400] |Now you need to check the backup image consistency this will check for is there any problems with this image.
[125000290410] |sudo fsck -y /dev/sda2/backup.img
[125000290420] |After finishing this checking you need to mount your disk image in to your other hard disk
[125000290430] |sudo mount /dev/sda2/backup.img /mnt/recoverydata
[125000290440] |This will mount all the data from the backup.img under /mnt/recoverydata now you can try to access the data it should work without any problem.
[125000290450] |Restore image
[125000290460] |If you want to restore this image use the following command
[125000290470] |sudo dd_rhelp /dev/sda2/backup.img /dev/sda1
[125000290480] |Copy Disk Image to remote machine using SSH
[125000290490] |If you want to copy your disk image to remote machine over ssh you need to use the following command
[125000290500] |sudo dd_rhelp /dev/sda1 - | ssh username@machineip ‘cat /datarecovery/backup.img’
[125000290510] |This will be prompetd for password of the username you have menctioned in the above command after entering the password
[125000290520] |dd_rhelp strats copying obviously it will take some time to copy over the network.
[125000300010] |Securely Administer Your Ubuntu Server Remotely
[125000300020] |If you want to Administer Your Ubuntu Server Remotely in secure manner for your daily tasks or some maintenance for this you need to install SSH server.SSH provides you with the ability to remotely log in to your server and run commandsall over an encrypted channel.
[125000300030] |Plus, SSH offers a number of advanced functions that can make remote administration simpler.
[125000300040] |Install SSH server in Ubuntu
[125000300050] |sudo apt-get install openssh-server
[125000300060] |This will complete the installation.the package will take care of creating the initial RSA and DSA keys you need, as well as providing you with a default SSH config.
[125000300070] |Connecting to the server
[125000300080] |Now you can connect to the server from other machines using the following command
[125000300090] |ssh serveripaddress
[125000300100] |Example
[125000300110] |ssh
[125000300120] |Configure SSH
[125000300130] |The main configuration file located at /etc/ssh/sshd_config and the default configuration will enables remote root logins and X11 forwarding which is not good for your server security.So now we will disable these two options.
[125000300140] |Disable remorte root logins
[125000300150] |For this you need to search for the following line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file
[125000300160] |PermitRootLogin yes
[125000300170] |and chnage this to the following one
[125000300180] |PermitRootLogin no
[125000300190] |Disable X11 forwarding
[125000300200] |For this you need to search for the following line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file
[125000300210] |X11Forwarding yes
[125000300220] |and chnage this to the following one
[125000300230] |X11Forwarding no
[125000300240] |After finishing your configuration you need to restart SSH server using the following command
[125000300250] |sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
[125000300260] |X11 Forwarding
[125000300270] |If you want to use X11 Forwarding option so that you can connect your remote machine desktop using Xterm if you want to connect the X11 session you need to use the following command
[125000300280] |ssh -X serveripaddress
[125000300290] |Copy Files Securely using SCP
[125000300300] |Another common need is to be able to copy files between servers you are administering.
[125000300310] |While you could set up FTP on all of the servers, this is a less-than-ideal and potentially insecure solution.
[125000300320] |SSH includes within it the capability to copy files using the scp command.
[125000300330] |This has the added benefit of copying the files over a secure channel along with taking advantage of any key-based authentication you might have already set up.
[125000300340] |To copy a file to a remote machine use the following command
[125000300350] |scp /path/to/file user@remotehost:/path/to/destination
[125000300360] |If you need to copy from the remote host to the local host, reverse the above command
[125000300370] |scp user@remotehost:/path/to/file /path/to/destination
[125000300380] |if you need to copy an entire directory full of files to a remote location, use the -r argument
[125000300390] |scp -r /path/to/directory/ user@remotehost:/path/to/destination/
[125000300400] |If you are transferring logfiles or other highly compressible files, you might benefit from the -C argument.
[125000300410] |This turns on compression, which, while it will increase the CPU usage during the copy, should also increase the speed in which the file transfers.
[125000300420] |Use the -l argument to limit how much bandwidth is used.
[125000300430] |Follow -l with the bandwidth you want to use in kilobits per second.
[125000300440] |So, to transfer a file and limit it to 256 Kbps use the following command
[125000300450] |scp -l 256 /path/to/file user@remotehost:/path/to/destination
[125000310010] |Install .rpm Files in Ubuntu
[125000310020] |Some time you might find some applications are having only .rpm files but you want a .deb package for your debian,Ubuntu and other debian derived ditributions.If you can’t find .deb debian package in any of the debian,ubuntu repositories or elsewhere, you can use the alien package converter to install the .rpm file.
[125000310030] |Alien is a program that converts between the rpm, dpkg, stampede slp, and slackware tgz file formats.
[125000310040] |If you want to use a package from another distribution than the one you have installed on your system, you can use alien to convert it to your preferred package format and install it.
[125000310050] |Despite the large version number, alien is still (and will probably always be) rather experimental software.
[125000310060] |It has been used by many people for many years, but there are still many bugs and limitations.
[125000310070] |Alien should not be used to replace important system packages, like sysvinit, shared libraries, or other things that are essential for the functioning of your system.
[125000310080] |Many of these packages are set up differently by Debian and Red Hat, and packages from the different distributions cannot be used interchangably.
[125000310090] |In general, if you can’t uninstall the package without breaking your system, don’t try to replace it with an alien version.
[125000310100] |Install alien in Ubuntu
[125000310110] |sudo apt-get install alien
[125000310120] |This will install all the required packages.Now you can start converting your .rpm files to .deb packages.
[125000310130] |Available Options for alien
[125000310140] |Convert the package.rpm into a package.deb
[125000310150] |sudo alien -d package-name.rpm
[125000310160] |Convert the package.rpm into a package.deb, and install the generated package.
[125000310170] |sudo alien -i package-name.rpm
[125000310180] |If you want to keeps alien from changing the version number use the following command
[125000310190] |sudo alien -k rpm-package-file.rpm
[125000310200] |Example
[125000310210] |Suppose we have a avg antivirus avg71lms-r30-a0782.i386.rpm file
[125000310220] |To convert .rpm to debian
[125000310230] |sudo alien -k avg71lms-r30-a0782.i386.rpm
[125000310240] |Now you should be having avg71lms-r30-a0782.i386.deb file
[125000310250] |To install .deb file
[125000310260] |sudo dpkg -i avg71lms-r30-a0782.i386.deb
[125000310270] |If you don’t use -k option you should see avg71lms_r30-1_i386.deb file the difference is it will add 1
[125000310280] |If you want more available options for alien check alien man page
[125000320010] |Mount Network File systems (NFS,Samba) in Ubuntu
[125000320020] |Introduction
[125000320030] |NFS
[125000320040] |Network File System (NFS), a protocol originally developed by Sun Microsystems in 1984 and defined in RFCs 1094, 1813, and 3530 (obsoletes 3010) as a distributed file system, allows a user on a client computer to access files over a network as easily as if attached to its local disks.
[125000320050] |NFS, like many other protocols, builds on the Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call system (ONC RPC).
[125000320060] |Samba
[125000320070] |Samba is a free software re-implementation of SMB/CIFS networking protocol released under the GNU General Public License.
[125000320080] |As of version 3, Samba not only provides file and print services for various Microsoft Windows clients but can also integrate with a Windows Server domain, either as a Primary Domain Controller (PDC) or as a Domain Member.
[125000320090] |It can also be part of an Active Directory domain.
[125000320100] |Samba runs on most Unix and Unix-like systems, such as GNU/Linux, Solaris, and the BSD variants, including Apple’s Mac OS X Server (it was added to the OS X workstation edition with version 10.2).
[125000320110] |It is standard on nearly all distributions of Linux and is commonly included as a basic system service on other Unix-based systems as well.
[125000320120] |If you want to mount your NFS and samba file systems on ubuntu client machines you need to use the /etc/fstab file (short for filesystem table) keeps track of filesystems that you want to mount in static locations.
[125000320130] |fstab file looks like below
[125000320140] |# # /etc/fstab # #
[125000320150] |/dev/hdb5 / ext2 defaults 1 1 /dev/hdb2 /home ext2 defaults 1 2 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,ro,user 0 0 /dev/hda1 /mnt/dos/c msdos defaults 0 0 /dev/hdb1 /mnt/dos/d msdos defaults 0 0 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy ext2 noauto,user 0 0 /dev/hdb4 none ignore defaults 0 0
[125000320160] |none /proc proc defaults /dev/hdb3 none swap sw
[125000320170] |Note that this system has two IDE partitions, one which is used as /, and the other used as /home.
[125000320180] |It also has two DOS partitions which are mounted under /mnt.
[125000320190] |Note the user option provided for the cdrom, and the floppy drive.
[125000320200] |This is one of the many default parameters you can specify.
[125000320210] |In this case it means that any user can mount a cdrom, or floppy disk.
[125000320220] |Other options will be dealt with later.
[125000320230] |Mount NFS and smb File systems
[125000320240] |Network filesystems use slightly different syntax than ordinary partitions.Specifically, the syntax you use to describe the filesystem is different.
[125000320250] |For this example, we have an NFS share on host server1 at /mnt/apps, and a SMB file share on host server2 called accounts.
[125000320260] |We want to mount the NFS share at /mnt/software and the SMB share at /mnt/music.
[125000320270] |Before mount these file systems we need to create a directory where we are going to mount these shares, In this example i am going to create software and music two shares using the following commands
[125000320280] |sudo mount /mnt/software
[125000320290] |sudo mount /mnt/music
[125000320300] |To mount both of these partitions at boot time you need to add the following lines to your /etc/fstab file
[125000320310] |server1:/mnt/apps /mnt/software nfs defaults 0 0 //server2/music /mnt/music smb defaults 0 0
[125000320320] |In the above example explained as follows
[125000320330] |For NFS shares follow the hostname:/path/to/share syntax,
[125000320340] |For SMB shares follow the //hostname/share syntax.
[125000320350] |Other than that, the remaining fields are same for this example and If you want to use NFS or SMB options you can use in the options field.
[125000320360] |If you don’t want a partition to mount at boot time , add the noauto option to the list of options.
[125000320370] |If you want to know more available options you can check fstab man page and mount man page
[125000330010] |Installing Popular Applications On Your Ubuntu Desktop With Automatix2
[125000330020] |Automatix is a graphical interface for automating the installation of the most commonly requested applications in Debian based Linux operating systems.
[125000330030] |For Edgy Eft Users
[125000330040] |Installing on Ubuntu 6.10,Kubuntu 6.10,Xubuntu 6.10 i386,amd64
[125000330050] |Open terminal from Applications--->Accessories--->Terminal From terminal do the following enter each line and press enter
[125000330060] |echo “deb http://www.getautomatix.com/apt edgy main” | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
[125000330070] |wget http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/key.gpg.asc
[125000330080] |gpg --import key.gpg.asc
[125000330090] |gpg --export --armor 521A9C7C | sudo apt-key add -
[125000330100] |For Dapper Users
[125000330110] |Installing on Ubuntu 6.06,Kubuntu 6.06,Xubuntu 6.06 i386,amd64
[125000330120] |Open terminal from Applications--->Accessories--->Terminal From terminal do the following enter each line and press enter
[125000330130] |echo “deb http://www.getautomatix.com/apt dapper main” | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
[125000330140] |wget http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/key.gpg.asc
[125000330150] |gpg --import key.gpg.asc
[125000330160] |gpg --export --armor 521A9C7C | sudo apt-key add -
[125000330170] |Now you need to update your source list using the following command
[125000330180] |sudo apt-get update
[125000330190] |Install Automatix2 Using the following command
[125000330200] |sudo apt-get install automatix2
[125000330210] |This will complete the installation and now if you want to open the application you need to go to Applications--->System Tools--->Automatix you can see in the following screen
[125000330220] |This will prompt for root password and enter your root password and click ok
[125000330230] |Multimedia codecs information just click on yes
[125000330240] |Automatix2 is loading
[125000330250] |Automatix2 is Updating Source list
[125000330260] |Now you should see the following screen this is having different softwares in different categories first one is “File Sharing” this contains the following applications
[125000330270] |Azures - Installs Azureus bittorrent client
[125000330280] |Bittornado - Bittorent Client
[125000330290] |DCPP - Linux DC++ client
[125000330300] |Frostwire - P2P file sharing client (GPL clone of Limewire)
[125000330310] |aMule - Latest version of a P2P file sharing client
[125000330320] |“Internet” category includes the following applications
[125000330330] |AMSN 0.95 - MSN client with webcam support
[125000330340] |Checkgmail - A nifty gmail checker
[125000330350] |Gaim 2.0 beta3 - The latest version of a popular IM client compatible with YIM/MSN/AIM/Jabber etc
[125000330360] |GFTP - FTP client for GNOME with ssh capability
[125000330370] |Gizmo Project - VoIP phone
[125000330380] |GnomePPP - Graphical dialup connection tool (GNOME ONLY)
[125000330390] |Google Earth - Satellite Earth imagery application from Google
[125000330400] |NDISWrapper - A driver wrapper that allows you to use Windows driver for network cards
[125000330410] |Network Manager - A program and menu applet that allows you to easily change networks
[125000330420] |Opera Browser - Opera Web Browser
[125000330430] |Skype - A free Voice Over IP software
[125000330440] |SUN JAVA 1.5 JRE - Sun’s version 1.5 JRE The Firefox plugin
[125000330450] |Swiftfox Browser - optimized Firefox browser for your specific CPU
[125000330460] |Swiftfox Plugins - Java, Flash, Acrobat, Mplayer, MS fonts
[125000330470] |Thunderbird 1.5 - Email client
[125000330480] |XChat - a popular IRC client
[125000330490] |Next one is “Miscellaneous” category this contains the following applications
[125000330500] |Debian Menu - Shows all installed applications on your system
[125000330510] |Extra Fonts - Additional fonts and msttcorefonts
[125000330520] |Gdesklets - eyecandy for Gnome
[125000330530] |Nautilus Scripts - Open Nautilus, and any file with gedit with a right click, as root (GNOME ONLY)
[125000330540] |NVIDIA Driver - Installs NVIDIA drivers on select NVIDIA cards
[125000330550] |Slab - Novell’s “Slab” menu used in SLED 10
[125000330560] |Next category is “Multimedia” this contains the following applications
[125000330570] |AUD-DVD codecs - NON-FREE Audio and DVD codecs) (Installation of this option is illegal in the United States of America
[125000330580] |Avidemux - Video Editing Tool
[125000330590] |Democracy Player - Internet TV platform
[125000330600] |DVD Ripper - DVD ripper
[125000330610] |Flashplayer - Adobe Flash Player for FF
[125000330620] |Google Picasa - Photo editing application from Google
[125000330630] |Listen Media Manager - Latest version of a new media manager and player for GNOME
[125000330640] |Media Players - Totem-xine, VLC and Beep Media Player (with docklet)
[125000330650] |MPlayer FF plugin - MPlayer and Firefox 1.5 plugin
[125000330660] |Multimedia Codecs - Commonly needed audio and video codecs
[125000330670] |Multimedia Editing - Audio (Audacity) Video (Kino) and ID3 Tag (Easytag) editors
[125000330680] |RealPlayer - RealPlayer
[125000330690] |Ripper and Tuner - Streamripper (rips Internet radio streams) and Streamtuner (Internet radio client)
[125000330700] |iLinux - iLife Alternative (Banshee, F-Spot, Kino)
[125000330710] |Next category is “Office” this contains the following applications
[125000330720] |Acrobat Reader - Adobe Acrobat Reader and plugin for Firefox 1.5
[125000330730] |GnuCash - Money management software for GNOME
[125000330740] |OpenOffice Clipart - clipart in OpenOffice
[125000330750] |Next Category is “Utilities” this contains the following applications
[125000330760] |Archiving Tools - Additional archiving tools (rar, unrar, ace, and 7zip)
[125000330770] |Backup and Restore - A graphical backup and restore solution for Ubuntu (GNOME)
[125000330780] |Beagle - A Mono-based search program
[125000330790] |Boot-up Manager - Easy configuration of startup and shutdown scripts and services
[125000330800] |Ctrl-Alt-Del - This configures Ctrl-Alt-Del to Open Gnome System Monitor (GNOME ONLY)
[125000330810] |Gnome Security Suite - ClamAV Antivirus and firestarter Firewall
[125000330820] |Gnomebaker - The best GTK2 CD/DVD burning software
[125000330830] |Liferea - A RSS reader for GNOME
[125000330840] |Programming Tools - Anjuta (C/C++ IDE), Bluefish (HTML editor), Screem (web development), NVU (HTML editor)
[125000330850] |SUN JAVA 1.5 JDK - Sun’s version 1.5 JDK (Most users DONT need this)
[125000330860] |VMware Player - Runs Virtual Operating Systems
[125000330870] |Wine - Installs Wine
[125000330880] |Example
[125000330890] |Now we will see one example how to install VMware player using automatix first you need to tick the tick box option available next to VMware player application
[125000330900] |Now if you want to start installation you need to click on start button available at the top panel
[125000330910] |VMware player is installation in progress
[125000330920] |VMware player End User agreement select ok and press enter
[125000330930] |Accept VMware player license terms select yes and press enter
[125000330940] |Uninstall applications Using Automatix
[125000330950] |If you want to uninstall any application which you installed using automatix you need to click on uninstall tab select the application you want to uninstall and click on start button on top
[125000330960] |Automatix2 Version details