This directory contains a tool for extracting transfer rules from parallel MRS corpora, developed at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) by Petter Haugereid (2010-2012). More detailed instructions on how to use it can be found at In order to make it work you need to have the LOGON system installed: You need a parallel corpus in two files. If one of the languages is Japanese, you will need to install the MeCab tagger: sudo apt-get install python-yaml sudo apt-get install mecab-ipadic-utf8 python-mecab You will need to download the Anymalign phrase aligner: And put it in the same directory as the bash script. To get more results, you should also use the MOSES system, but that is not a part of this procedure. This directory contains a shell script that runs through the whole procedure of rule extraction. It can be executed with: bash extr-rule.bash SOURCE TARGET CORPUS TRANSDIR e.g. bash extr-rule.bash corpora/mini.ja corpora/mini.en mini jaen TRANSDIR contains the language pair specific code. CORPUS is a name for this particular run The resulting transfer rule files are written into the TRANSDIR For more information abour each program run by the script, see comments in extr-rule.bash To add MOSES, use it to align the mrs files and then use to combine its phrase table with the one from anymalign.