;;; Hey, emacs(1), this is -*- Mode: fundamental; Coding: utf-8; -*- got it? ;;; ;;; a first shot at centralizing relevant information about components available ;;; in the LOGON tree. the file format is rigid: lines starting with whitespace ;;; or a semikolon are ignored. all other lines are interpreted as a component ;;; header (in square brackets), or as a keyword--value pair, one per line. ;;; [erg] rt=lingo/erg/ ne=LinGO English Resource Grammar le=MIT vn=1214 cp=english.grm lb=lkb/script [terg] rt=lingo/terg/ ne=LinGO English Resource Grammar le=MIT vn=trunk cp=english.grm lb=lkb/script [gg] rt=dfki/gg/ ne=DFKI German Grammar le=LGPLLR vn=0909 cp=german.grm lb=lkb/script [jacy] rt=dfki/jacy/ ne=DFKI Japanese Grammar le=MIT vn=0907 cp=japanese.grm lb=lkb/script [srg] rt=upf/srg/ ne=Spanish Resource Grammar le=LGPLLR vn=1007 cp=srg.grm lb=lkb/script