This interface provides on-line access to the DELPH-IN German Grammar (GG; pronounced [gI:g]). Using facilities of the (a) Linguistic Knowledge Builder (LKB) grammar engineering platform, (b) high-efficiency PET System parser, (c) [incr tsdb()] profiling environment, and (d) Redwoods treebanking tools, the interface allows one to input one sentence at a time, analyze it using the GG, and visualize analysis results in various forms.
This on-line version, for the time being, only has access to the hand-built GG lexicon (of some thirty thousand lexemes, mostly taken from the scheduling domain, as well as from the Negra and TiGer corpora). Please be prepared to accomodate some vocabulary restrictions. Clicking the Sample button will activate a random selection from the German MRS test suite.
The LOGON on-line pages make relatively heavy use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and (some) JavaScript; while it should be possible to navigate without JavaScript, for the CSS to work properly, you will need a modern, HTML 4.0.1 compliant browser (e.g. FireFox or Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x, IE 5.x, and later versions or derivatives). Please relay bug reports and suggestions for improvement back to the GG and DELPH-IN developers.