[0001a] +Velkommen til Jotunheimen! [0001b] +Welcome to the Jotunheimen! [0001c] +Welcome to Jotunheimen! [0001d] +Welcome to Jotunheimen! [0002a] Fjellene mellom Sognefjorden og Valdresflya, Breheimen og Skarvheimen inneholder hele spennvidden i norsk fjellnatur. [0002b] The range between the Sogne Fjord and Valdresflya, Breheimen and Skarvheimen takes in the sweep of the Norwegian mountain wilds. [0002c] The mountains between Sognefjord and Valdresflya, Breheimen and Skarvheimen encompass the entire spectrum of Norwegian mountain nature. [0002d] The mountains between Sognefjorden and Valdresflya, Breheimen and Skarvheimen include the whole range of Norwegian mountain scenery. [0003a] Her finnes mektige breer og en større samling topper over 2000 meter enn noe annet sted i landet, her finnes dype daler og store vidder, og her finnes ikke minst en svært variert flora og fauna. [0003b] Here there are mighty glaciers and greater concentrations of summits over 2000 meters than anywhere else in the country; here there are deep valleys and broad plateaus; and particularly here the flora and fauna are amazingly varied. [0003c] There are enormous glaciers here, and an array of peaks taller than 2000 meters that is greater than in any other place in the country; there are deep valleys and expansive plains here, and here one finds extremely varied flora and fauna. [0003d] There are extensive glaciers and a greater number of peaks above six thousand feet in elevation than anywhere else in Norway, as well as deep valleys, wide plateaus, and a very rich flora and fauna. [0004a] Å rekke over alt dette på en gang er selvsagt umulig, men selv om du bare har en helg til disposisjon, kan du få noen skikkelig gode smakebiter. [0004b] To tackle it all is, of course, impossible in one visit, but even if you only have a weekend available, you can sample its attractions. [0004c] To cover all of this at one time is obviously impossible, but even if you have only a weekend to spend, you will be able to experience a good sampling. [0004d] To cover this all in one go is, of course, out of the question, but even if you can only spare a weekend, you will get a real taste. [0005a] Uansett om du vil gå fra hytte til hytte eller bo fast et sted og gå dagsturer, er det nok av valgmuligheter. [0005b] Regardless of whether you hike from lodge to lodge or stay in one place and take day trips, there are plenty of choices. [0005c] Whether you want to hike from lodge to lodge, or make one place your home base and take day trips, there are plenty of choices. [0005d] Whether you prefer hut-to-hut walking or staying in one place and making day trips, there are plenty of possibilities. [0006a] Disse fire heftene gir noen eksempler på Jotunheimens mangfoldige meny uansett om det er naturen, kulturen eller turmulighetene som lokker mest. [0006b] These four brochures give a few examples of the Jotunheimen's abundant menu, irrespective of whether nature, culture or hiking routes are most tempting. [0006c] These four pamphlets provide some examples of Jotunheimen's multiple diversity, whether it is nature, culture or hiking opportunities that appeals to you most. [0006d] These four booklets will present tidbits from the varied menu of Jotunheimen that will satisfy a craving for nature, culture, and hiking alike. [0007a] Heftene inneholder de viktigste informasjonene du trenger for å få gode opplevelser i Jotunheimen: litt om historie og naturgrunnlag, presentasjon av overnattingssteder, gode turforslag, tips om klær og utstyr og råd om hva du skal gjøre hvis det skjer en ulykke. [0007b] The brochures provide the essential facts you need to enjoy the Jotunheimen: a little history, nature basics, an overview of lodgings, recommended hikes, hints on clothing and equipment, and advice on what to do in case of an accident. [0007c] The pamphlets contain the most essential information you will need in order to enjoy Jotunheimen: a little bit about the history and natural surroundings, a presentation of places where you can spend the night, helpful suggestions for trips, tips on weather and equipment and advice on what you should do in case of an accident. [0007d] The booklets contain the most important information you need to gain a variety of experiences in Jotunheimen: a bit on history and on the landscape, a presentation of the lodging available, different trip suggestions, advice on clothing and equipment and what to do in an emergency. [0008a] Det er opp til deg å velge en tur som passer for din form og bakgrunn og å bruke hodet underveis. [0008b] It's up to you to choose the hike that best suits your physical condition and background - and to think as you hike. [0008c] It is up to you to choose a trip that is appropriate for your physical condition and experience - and to use your head along the way. [0008d] It is up to you to pick a hike that suits your abilities - and to use your judgment along the way. [0009a] Da får du forhåpentligvis en så god smak av Jotunheimen at du kommer tilbake. [0009b] Hopefully, then, you will enjoy the Jotunheimen so much that you will return. [0009c] If you do this, you will hopefully have a good experience in Jotunheimen and come back again. [0009d] My hope is then that you will enjoy a taste of Jotunheimen that will lure you back. [0010a] +God tur! [0010b] +Happy hiking! [0010c] +Have a nice trip! [0010d] +Happy hiking! [0011a]
[0011d] [0012a] +Vennlig hilsen [0012b] +Best regards, [0012c] +Best regards, [0012d] [0013a] +Per Roger Lauritzen [0013b] +Per Roger Lauritzen [0013c] +Per Roger Lauritzen [0013d] +Per Roger Lauritzen [0014a]
[0015a] +Fra veidemannsliv til turisme [0015b] +From hunters to tourists [0015c] +From Hunting to Tourism [0015d] +From Hunters to Tourists [0016a] Det er funnet både våpen og rester etter fangstgraver som bekrefter at reinen ble veidet i Jotunheimen allerede for flere tusen år siden. [0016b] Finds made of weapons and the remains of pitfalls confirm that reindeer were hunted in the Jotunheimen as early as several thousand years ago. [0016c] Both weapons and the remnants of hunting pits have been found, confirming that reindeer were hunted in Jotunheimen already several thousand years ago. [0016d] Finds of ancient weapons and trappers' pits indicate that reindeer were hunted in Jotunheimen thousands of years ago. [0017a] Sagn og myter fra fjellene viser også at dette fjellområdet tidlig hadde en viktig plass i våre forfedres bevissthet, og det ligger pilspisser så høyt til fjells at det var tydelig at selv ikke en tur på de aller høyeste toppene skremte dem. [0017b] Legends and myths of the mountains also show that this range early was prominent in our ancestors' awareness, and arrowheads lie so high up that it's clear that not even climbing the highest peaks frightened them. [0017c] Mountain legends and myths also reveal that this mountain area was important in our forefathers' consciousness, and arrowheads located high in the mountains make it clear that even a trip to the highest peaks did not daunt them. [0017d] Mountain legends and myths speak of how this region early gained an important place in the minds of our ancestors; and arrowheads have been found so high up that it is clear that even the tallest mountains did not scare them away. [0018a] De første primitive seterbuene i Jotunheimen ble sannsynligvis reist allerede før 1300-tallet. [0018b] The first primitive herder's huts in the Jotunheimen probably were built as early as the 14th century. [0018c] The first primitive mountain pasture farms in Jotunheimen were probably built already before the 1300's. [0018d] Jotunheimen's first primitive huts were probably built before 1300. [0019a] De var nødtørftig tømret sammen av grove stokker eller stablet opp av stein fra plassen for at seterfolkene skulle ha nattely. [0019b] They were meagerly put together of rough logs or piled up stones from the spot to give the herders shelter at night. [0019c] They were crudely put together with rough logs or stones piled up to provide shelter at night for the herders. [0019d] They were humble structures of rough timber or local rocks piled up to give shelter for the first people summering here. [0020a] Dyrene fikk klare seg under åpen himmel i mange århundrer ennå, men om natta lønte det seg å samle buskapen i en kve. [0020b] The animals had to get along in the open for several hundred years, but at night it paid to keep the livestock in a pen. [0020c] Their animals had to manage out of doors for many centuries to come, but at nighttime, it was wise to gather the livestock in a fold. [0020d] Their animals had to stay in the open for centuries yet, but at night the herd was better off in a pen, for bears and wolves were abundant - and eager to attack. [0021a] Bjørne- og ulvestammen var tallrik og angrepslysten. [0021b] Bears and wolves were numerous - and aggressive. [0021c] Bear and wolf packs were abundant and aggressive. [0021d] Their animals had to stay in the open for centuries yet, but at night the herd was better off in a pen, for bears and wolves were abundant - and eager to attack. [0022a] De første høyfjellsetrene dukket sannsynligvis opp som følge av økende beitepress i dalene og muligens også som et resultat av ønske om å kombinere jakt og fangst i fjellet med husdyrbruk. [0022b] The first high mountain summer dairies probably arose as an upshot of increasing overgrazing in the valleys and possibly also as a result of a desire to combine hunting and trapping in the mountains with animal husbandry. [0022c] The first high mountain farms probably emerged as the result of ever increasing grazing needs down in the valleys and possibly also out of the desire to combine hunting and trapping with animal husbandry in the mountains. [0022d] The first summer farms probably started due to insufficient pasturage in the valleys and perhaps also thanks to a desire to combine mountain hunting and gathering with livestock farming. [0023a] Lange avstander og kummerlige overnattingsforhold ble rettferdiggjort av frodige grasganger og flotte forhold for buskapen gjennom en lang sommer. [0023b] Long distances and miserable overnight conditions were justified by lush pastures and splendid surroundings for livestock throughout a long summer. [0023c] Long distances and miserable conditions for spending the night were justified by the lush expanses of pasture and the fine conditions for livestock throughout the long summer. [0023d] The long trek and primitive lodging were made up for by the rich pastures and healthy living for the animals during the summer. [0024a] Ja, selv vinterstid var det folk på mange setre, særlig i Sjodalen. [0024b] Yes, even in winter there were people at many summer dairies, particularly in Sjodalen. [0024c] Indeed, even during winter there were people at many of the mountain farms, especially in Sjodalen. [0024d] Even in the winter there were people at some summer farms, especially in Sjodalen. [0025a] Mange gårder sendte buskapen til fjells igjen senhøstes for at den skulle nyttiggjøre seg fôret som var lagret på setra. [0025b] Many farms sent livestock to the mountains again in late autumn so it could use the fodder stored at summer farms. [0025c] Many farms sent their livestock to the mountains again during the late fall so that they could make use of the feed laid up in the mountains. [0025d] Many farms sent their livestock to the mountains again in late fall to make use of the fodder stashed away at the summer farm. [0026a] Allerede i middelalderen startet sannsynligvis også skikken med å ale opp slaktedyr i fjellet. [0026b] Moreover, the custom of raising animals in the mountains probably started as early as the Middle Ages. [0026c] Already during the Middle Ages, the custom of sending animals to fatten in the mountains before slaughtering probably began. [0026d] It is likely that the tradition of mountain grazing for meat production began as early as the Middle Ages. [0027a] Oppkjøpere reiste rundt i bygdene om vinteren og kjøpte opp dyr. [0027b] Buyers traveled around to villages in winter and bought animals. [0027c] Buyers traveled around in the rural areas and bought up animals. [0027d] Traders visited rural areas in winter to buy cattle. [0028a] Utpå våren ble disse så samlet i store bølinger og drevet til fjells for å fetes opp på de rike beitene en fant mange steder, for eksempel rundt Bygdin og i Leirungsdalen. [0028b] Later in spring they were collected in larger herds and driven to the mountains to fatten on the rich pastures in many places, for instance around Bygdin and in Leirungsdalen. [0028c] During late spring, these were gathered together in large herds and taken to the mountains to fatten up on the rich grazing land that was found many places, such as, for example, around Bygdin Lake and in Leirungsdalen. [0028d] In the spring the animals were gathered in large herds and driven into the mountains to feed off the many rich pastures, such as at Bygdin and in Leirungsdalen. [0029a] Om høsten ble buskapen ført videre til byen for å selges som slaktedyr. [0029b] In autumn, the livestock was driven further to the city to be sold as slaughter animals. [0029c] During the fall, the livestock were herded to town and sold for slaughter. [0029d] In the fall the herd was driven on to the city to be sold for slaughter. [0030a] Å være bureiser, seterjente, driftekar eller reinjeger i Jotunheimen i de dager var nok en hardere tilværelse enn dagens mennesker kan forestille seg, og det er vel tvilsomt om våre forfedre oppfattet fjellene som et eventyrrike. [0030b] Being a settler, dairy maid, drover or reindeer hunter in Jotunheimen in those days certainly was a harder life than people of today can imagine, and it's doubtful that our ancestors regarded the mountains as a wonderland. [0030c] To clear and cultivate new land, or be a dairymaid, hired hand or reindeer hunter in Jotunheimen in these days entailed a harder existence than people of today can imagine, and it is rather doubtful that our forefathers regarded the mountains as a fairytale-like kingdom. [0030d] Back then a settler, a dairymaid, a drover, or a reindeer hunter in Jotunheimen undoubtedly led a harder life than people today can imagine, and it is unlikely that our ancestors looked upon the mountains as a fairyland. [0031a] Allikevel må vi regne med at de også hadde blikk for det vakre og mangfoldige i naturen i Jotunheimen. [0031b] However, we reckon that they also appreciated the beauty and variety of the scenery in the Jotunheimen. [0031c] Still, we can assume that they also had an eye for beauty and the diversity of nature in Jotunheimen. [0031d] And yet there is reason to believe that they did have an eye for the beauty and diversity in the Jotunheimen landscape. [0032a] Historiene om dåd og opplevelser i fjellet som fremdeles lever i bygdene, understreker i hvert fall at naturen ble verdsatt høyt. [0032b] Tales of exploits and experiences in the mountains that live on in the villages underscore in any case that the scenery was treasured. [0032c] At any rate, the tales of feats and adventures in the mountains that live on today in the rural communities bear witness to the fact that nature was highly revered. [0032d] The tales of exploits and incidents in the mountains still told in the countryside testify to the value placed on nature. [0033a] På begynnelsen av 1800-tallet fant de første vitenskapsmenn og kunstnere veien til Jotunheimen. [0033b] In the early 19th century, the first scientists and artists found their way to the Jotunheimen. [0033c] At the beginning of the 1800's, the first scientists and artists found their way to Jotunheimen. [0033d] In the early 1800s the first scientists and artists found their way into Jotunheimen. [0034a] Enkelte engelske turister fulgte også etter, mens den første egentlige norske turist kom først i 1854. [0034b] A few English tourists came soon thereafter, but the first real Norwegian tourist came in 1854. [0034c] A few English tourists also followed, but the first true Norwegian tourist didn't arrive until 1854. [0034d] Some English tourists followed, while the first true Norwegian tourist came only in 1854. [0035a] Det var Axel Arbo, som i 1854 vandret gjennom Utladalen og året etter var på Galdhøpiggen. [0035b] He was Axel Arbo, who in 1854 walked through Utladalen and the year after was on Galdhøpiggen. [0035c] This was Axel Arbo, who had hiked through Utladalen in 1854 and who, a year later, climbed Galdhøpiggen. [0035d] He was Axel Arbo, who in 1854 hiked in Utladalen and the following year climbed Galdhøpiggen. [0036a] De første turistene som trengte inn i «Jotunfjeldene», som var betegnelsen før Aasmund Olavsson Vinje lanserte sitt mer fengende navn i «Fjøllstaven min» i 1862, var avhengig av de få setrene som fantes for å få tak over hodet. [0036b] The first tourists who penetrated into "Jotunfjeldene," which was the designation before Aasmund Olavsson Vinje introduced his more appealing name in "Fjøllstaven min" in 1862, depended on the few summer dairies there were to find shelter. [0036c] The first tourist who entered the «Jotunfjeldene», which was the term used before Aasmund Olavsson Vinje introduced the catchier name «Fjøllstaven min» in 1862, had to resort to the few mountain farms here in order to find shelter. [0036d] The first tourists venturing into the "Giant Mountains" ( which was the name used until the writer A. O. Vinje launched his more poetic name, Jotunheimen ("Home of the Giants"), in 1862) were dependent on the few farm huts for shelter. [0037a] De mest besøkte var flere av dem som siden har utviklet seg til store, populære turisthytter. [0037b] Most visited were several that since have developed into major, popular tourist lodges. [0037c] Those that were visited most often were a number that have since developed into large, popular tourist lodges. [0037d] The most frequently visited among those have later developed into large, popular hikers' huts. [0038a] De private hyttene Spiterstulen, Memurubu og Leirvassbu, og DNTs Gjendebu og Skogadalsbøen kan alle føre sine aner tilbake til midten av 1800-tallet og vel så det. [0038b] The private lodges, Spiterstulen, Memurubu and Leirvassbu, and DNT's Gjendebu and Skogadalsbøen can all trace their lineage back to the mid 19th century at least. [0038c] The private lodges of Spiterstulen, Memurubu and Leirvassbu, and DNT's Gjendebu and Skogadalsbøen can trace their roots back to the mid-1800's or earlier. [0038d] The private huts Spiterstulen, Memurubu, and Leirvassbu, along with DNT's Gjendebu and Skogadalsbøen, can all trace their roots back to the mid-1800s or earlier. [0039a] I 1874 ble den første T-merkede ruta i Norge åpnet fra Besseter i Sjodalen over Besseggen, til Memurubu. [0039b] In 1874, the first T-marked route in Norway was opened from Besseter in Sjodalen over Besseggen to Memurubu. [0039c] In 1874, the first T-marked route in Norway opened from Besseter in Sjodalen via Besseggen, to Memurubu. [0039d] In 1874 the first Norwegian trail to sport DNT's traditional red T was ready from Besseter in Sjodalen, over Besseggen, to Memurubu. [0040a] I dag er Jotunheimen det fjellområdet i landet som tiltrekker seg flest fotturister. [0040b] Today, Jotunheimen is the mountain area in the country that attracts the most hikers. [0040c] Today, Jotunheimen is the mountain area in the country that attracts the largest number of hikers. [0040d] Jotunheimen is nowadays the Norwegian mountain region that draws most hikers. [0041a] Over 30 000 følger hver sommer i Peer Gynts spor over Besseggen. [0041b] Each summer, more than 30,000 follow Peer Gynt's footsteps over Besseggen. [0041c] More than 30,000 each summer follow in Peer Gynt's footsteps over Besseggen. [0041d] Every summer more than 30,000 of them walk in Peer Gynt's footsteps along Besseggen. [0042a] Galdhøpiggen og Glittertind er også de reneste magneter, og tindene vest i Hurrungane lokker mange klatrere og brevandrere til å prøve seg. [0042b] Galdhøpiggen and Glittertind are also real magnets, and the peaks west in Hurrungane attract many climbers and glacier hikers to test themselves. [0042c] Galdhøpiggen and Glittertind are also veritable magnets, and the peaks west in Hurrungane tempt many climbers and glacier hikers to try their skills. [0042d] Galdhøpiggen and Glittertind also serve as magnets for hikers, and the peaks of Hurrungane, to the west, attract climbers and glacier walkers. [0043a] Siden den første varderuta så dagens lys, har rutenettet utviklet seg til å omfatte 650 kilometer. [0043b] Since the first cairn routes came into being, the route network has expanded to comprise 650 kilometers. [0043c] Since the first stone-marked route was established, the trail network has come to comprise 650 kilometers. [0043d] Since that first marked path, the trail system has expanded to more than four hundred miles. [0044a] Om vinteren, særlig rundt påsketider, kvister DNT og de private turisthyttene også bortimot 570 km skiløyper. [0044b] In winter, particularly at Easter time, DNT and the private tourist lodges mark nearly 570 km of ski trails with branches. [0044c] During the winter, especially around Easter, DNT and the private tourist lodges mark out nearly 570 kilometers of skiing trails. [0044d] In the winter, and especially at Easter time, DNT and private hut operators also put down stakes to mark some three hundred and fifty miles of ski trails. [0045a] Vil du vandre langs merkede ruter og bo på trivelige hytter i flott fjellnatur, har Jotunheimen alle valgmuligheter. [0045b] If you wish to ramble along marked routes and stay at cozy lodges in splendid mountain scenery, Jotunheimen has all possibilities. [0045c] If you want to hike along marked routes and spend nights in pleasant lodges in beautiful mountain surroundings, then Jotunheimen has every possible choice. [0045d] If moving along marked trails and staying at huts in a gorgeous mountain setting appeals to you, Jotunheimen gives you a variety of choices. [0046a] Vil du unngå både merkede ruter og hytter, er det heller ikke vanskelig, her er det fremdeles nok av plass å røre seg på for dem som vil ha rom, ro og utfordringer. [0046b] If you wish to shun marked routes and lodges, it's not difficult, because here there still is enough room to roam for those who seek space, stillness and challenge. [0046c] If you want to avoid both the marked routes and the lodges, this is not a problem, either; here there is still enough room for those who want open spaces, quiet and personal challenges. [0046d] And if you prefer to stay clear of beaten paths and huts, your options are still ample; the area provides acreage enough for those seeking space, peace, and challenge. [0047a]
[0048a] +Norsk fjellmuseum [0048b] +Norwegian Mountain Museum [0048c] +Norwegian Mountain Museum [0048d] +The Norwegian Mountain Museum [0049a] Et besøk på Norsk Fjellmuseum i Lom gir en god oversikt over både naturgrunnlaget og folks bruk av Jotunheimen opp gjennom historien. [0049b] A visit to the Norwegian Mountain Museum in Lom gives a great overview of the environment and human uses of the Jotunheimen throughout history. [0049c] A visit to the Norwegian Mountain Museum in Lom provides a good overview of the natural environment and people's use of the Jotunheimen mountains up through history. [0049d] A visit to the Norwegian Mountain Museum in Lom will give you a good look at the natural history of the area. [0050a] DNT har samlet en del utstyr og dokumentasjon fra fotturismens og foreningens historie, og dette inngår i museets samlinger. [0050b] DNT has collected many implements and documents representing hiking and Association history and included them in the museum collections. [0050c] DNT has collected equipment and documentation on the history of mountain tourism and the association, and these are included in the museum's exhibits. [0050d] It also has equipment and documentation relating to the history of hiking and climbing and DNT, put together by the club. [0051a] Museet har status som senter for Jotunheimen Nasjonalpark og inneholder også Loms turistinformasjon. [0051b] The Museum has the status of the center for the Jotunheimen National Park and also has the Lom Tourist Information Bureau. [0051c] The museum has the status of center for the Jotunheimen National Park and also houses Lom's tourist information office. [0051d] The museum also serves as a center for Jotunheimen National Park and has local tourist information. [0052a]
[0053a] +Mangfoldig flora og fauna [0053b] +Myriad flora and fauna [0053c] +Diverse Flora and Fauna [0053d] +A Varied Flora and Fauna [0054a] Bergartene som Jotunheimen består av, er rundt en milliard år gamle, og de ble skjøvet på plass i dette området for omtrent 400 millioner år siden av gigantiske krefter. [0054b] The rock types that the Jotunheimen comprises are about a billion years old, and they were thrust into place in this area some 400 million years ago by enormous forces. [0054c] The rock species that Jotunheimen is composed of are about a billion years old and were pushed together by tremendous natural forces about 400 million years ago. [0054d] The rocks of Jotunheimen are some one billion years old and were heaved into place here by giant forces around four hundred million years ago. [0055a] Siden har vann, is, vind og vær slipt og formet fram det landskapet vi ser i dag i en prosess som fortsetter hele tiden. [0055b] Since then, water, ice, wind and weather have ground and shaped the landscape that we see today in a process that is ongoing. [0055c] Since then, water, ice, wind and weather have formed and shaped the landscape we see today in a process that continues constantly. [0055d] Since then weathering has scoured and shaped the landscape we see today in a process that still continues. [0056a] Området rommer hele skalaen av naturtyper fra steile, karrige topper og store breer til dype daler og frodige lier. [0056b] The area takes in the spectrum of topographic features, from sheer, barren peaks and large glaciers to deep valleys and lush hillsides. [0056c] The area encompasses the entire spectrum of topography from sheer, barren peaks and large glaciers to deep valleys and fertile hillsides. [0056d] The terrain ranges from rugged, barren mountains and large glaciers to deep valleys and verdant hillsides. [0057a] Erosjonskreftene har mange steder skapt godt jordsmonn, og siden det stort sett er nok av både nedbør og sol, ligger forholdene mange steder til rette for at planter skal vokse og trives. [0057b] Erosion has in many places left fertile soil, and since there mostly is enough precipitation and sun, the conditions in many places lend themselves to the growth and thriving of plants. [0057c] The forces of erosion have created good soil in many places, and since precipitation and sunshine are generally abundant, conditions are favorable in many spots for plants to grow and thrive. [0057d] In many places erosion has created fertile soil; and since there is generally plenty of sun and precipitation, conditions are often conducive to plant growth. [0058a] Høyder og temperaturer byr selvfølgelig på store forskjeller, og dermed blir naturlig nok også variasjonene i plantelivet store. [0058b] Altitude and temperature of course vary widely, and consequently the diversification in plant life is great. [0058c] Altitudes and temperatures vary greatly, of course, and because of this, the variations in flora are naturally great. [0058d] Differences in elevation and temperature naturally tend to produce a considerable diversity in the vegetation. [0059a] På plasser som Vettismorki og i Sjodalen står tunge, trauste malmfuruer på geledd, og på en tur gjennom Utladalen en varm sommerdag vil du finne en frodighet som er langt sydligere breddegrader verdig. [0059b] At places such as Vettismorki and in Sjodalen, there are massive, sturdy Douglas firs lined up, and on a hike through Utladalen of a warm summer day, you'll see lushness worthy of far more southerly latitudes. [0059c] At places such as Vettismorki and in Sjodalen, stalwart and stocky core pines stand lined up, and on a trip through Utladalen on a warm summer day, you will find the kind of lushness that is more often associated with more southern climes. [0059d] In such places as Vettismorki and Sjodalen there are rows of giant, aged pines, and on a trip through Utladalen on a hot summer day you will see a lushness worthy of far more southerly latitudes. [0060a] Det er også med på å skape en mangeartet og spennende fjellheim at det langs breddene av Gjende vokser både hegg og markjordbær. [0060b] Also contributing to the diversity and thrill of the mountain wilds are growths of chokecherries and wild strawberries along the shores of Gjende. [0060c] Also contributing to the diversity of species and excitement of the mountains, is the fact that both bird cherry and wild strawberries grow along the banks of Gjende. [0060d] Hawthorn and mountain strawberry growing along the banks of Gjende also contribute to a rich and interesting mountain landscape, where the gnarled mountain birch stretches its bright green crowns towards the horizon higher up than anywhere else in Norway, to almost 4000 feet! [0061a] Der strekker også kronglete fjellbjørk sine lysegrønne kroner mot himmelranden høyere oppe i liene enn andre steder i landet, rundt 1200 meter! [0061b] Gnarled mountain birch stretch their light green crowns toward the heavens higher up on the hillsides than other places in the country, at about 1200 meters. [0061c] Here, too, twisted mountain birch trees stretch their light green crowns toward the skyline at higher altitudes than in other places in the country, up to around 1200 meters! [0061d] Hawthorn and mountain strawberry growing along the banks of Gjende also contribute to a rich and interesting mountain landscape, where the gnarled mountain birch stretches its bright green crowns towards the horizon higher up than anywhere else in Norway, to almost 4000 feet! [0062a] En rekke av våre blomsterplanter har også sine høyderekorder langs Gjende, og blandingen av varmekjær lavlandsflora og ren alpin flora er ganske enestående. [0062b] Many of our flowers also have their elevation records along Gjende, and the mélange of warmth-loving lowland flora and pure Alpine flora is quite unique. [0062c] A number of our flowering plants also hold records for altitude along Gjende, and the mixture of thermophilic lowland flora and purely alpine flora is unique. [0062d] A number of flowering plants also reach their altitude highs along Gjende, providing a unique mix of a heat-loving lowland flora and a pure alpine one. [0063a] Her kan du finne orkideer som liten nattfiol og brudespore like i nærheten av høyfjellsplanter som rødsildre og greplyng. [0063b] Here you can find orchids such as little dame's rocket and fragrant orchid near to high-mountain plants such as purple saxifrage and alpine azalea. [0063c] Here you can find orchids such as the Lesser Butterfly-orchid and the Fragrant Orchid side by side with high mountain plants such as Purple Saxifrage and the Alpine Azalea. [0063d] Here you may find the lesser butterfly orchid and the fragrant orchid right next to true alpine plants such as purple saxifrage and creeping azalea. [0064a] Sistnevnte sorter finner du også på det karrige snaufjellet. [0064b] The latter species is also found on scraggy bare mountains. [0064c] The latter species may also be found on the barren mountaintops. [0064d] The latter two you will also find on barren, rocky surfaces. [0065a] Høyderekorden har imidlertid issoleia, hele 2370 meter over havet nikker den mot deg. [0065b] The altitude record however is held by the glacier buttercup; fully 2370 meters above sea level it nods at you. [0065c] The record for altitude, however, is held by the Glacier Buttercup; it noddingly greets you 2370 meters above sea level. [0065d] But the altitude record is held by the glacier crowfoot, which will nod at you above 7700 feet. [0066a] Variert planteliv gir grunnlag for et variert dyreliv. [0066b] Plant diversity provides a basis for animal diversity. [0066c] Varied plant life provides the basis for varied animal life. [0066d] The diverse vegetation allows for variation in fauna. [0067a] Selve karakterdyret er villreinen. [0067b] The habitual animal is the wild reindeer. [0067c] The most characteristic animal is the wild reindeer. [0067d] The reindeer is emblematic, and it was probably a large herd of them that attracted our first fur-clad ancestors into Jotunheimen. [0068a] Det var sannsynligvis en ganske tallrik stamme som trakk de første skinnkledde forfedrene våre inn i Jotunheimen. [0068b] Most likely, its numerous stocks first drew our fur-clad ancestors into the Jotunheimen. [0068c] There was probably a very plentiful herd that first attracted our pelt-clad forefathers into Jotunheimen. [0068d] The reindeer is emblematic, and it was probably a large herd of them that attracted our first fur-clad ancestors into Jotunheimen. [0069a] I mange generasjoner var villreinjakta svært viktig, noe restene etter fangstgraver og ledegjerder vitner om. [0069b] For many generations, wild reindeer hunting was vital, as the remains of pitfalls and guide walls attest. [0069c] For many generations, reindeer hunting was very important; a fact corroborated by remnants from hunting pits and guiding fences. [0069d] For many generations reindeer hunting remained very important, as is testified to by the traces of pitfalls and drive lanes. [0070a] Reinsdyrgravene var i hvert fall i bruk helt fram til 1624. [0070b] Reindeer pitfalls were in any case in use up to 1624. [0070c] Reindeer hunting pits were in use at least until 1624. [0070d] The reindeer pits were in use at least until 1624, when they were prohibited by Christian IV; but in some parts they may have been used as late as the 1800s. [0071a] Det året ble de forbudt av Kristian IV, men sannsynligvis ble de benyttet helt fram til 1800-tallet enkelte steder. [0071b] In that year they were forbidden by Kristian IV, but probably were used up to the 19th century in some places. [0071c] That year, Kristian IV banned pit-hunting, but in certain places they probably continued to be used until the 1800's. [0071d] The reindeer pits were in use at least until 1624, when they were prohibited by Christian IV; but in some parts they may have been used as late as the 1800s. [0072a] Etter hvert som moderne våpen ble tatt i bruk, samtidig som det ble innført tamrein, gikk villreinstammen kraftig tilbake. [0072b] With time, as modern weapons came into use concurrently with the introduction of tame reindeer, the wild reindeer stocks dwindled. [0072c] With the advent of modern hunting weapons and at the same time the introduction of domesticated reindeer, the stocks of wild reindeer decreased dramatically. [0072d] With the introduction of modern weapons and domesticated reindeer, the herd of wild reindeer was much reduced. [0073a] Tamreinholdet skapte mye vondt blod mellom jegerne og de som drev med tamrein. [0073b] Keeping tame reindeer caused bad blood between hunters and those who kept the tame reindeer. [0073c] The keeping of domestic reindeer caused a lot of bad blood between hunters and those who kept domesticated herds. [0073d] Reindeer keeping created a lot of bad blood between hunters and farmers. [0074a] Mange tamrein ble nok skutt av folk som ikke tok det så nøye med øremerkene, og mange forsvant nok over alle hauger sammen med villreinflokker. [0074b] Many tame reindeer certainly were shot by people who took little notice of earmarks, and many disappeared over the hills with wild reindeer herds. [0074c] Many a domestic reindeer was shot by people who didn't bother much about earmarks, and many of them ran off with the wild herds of reindeer. [0074d] Many domesticated reindeer were shot by people who paid little attention to the earmarks, and others disappeared into the wild herds. [0075a] I dag finnes det noen tusen tamrein øst i Jotunheimen, mens villreinen holder til i vest. [0075b] Today there are a few thousand tame reindeer in the east of Jotunheimen, while the wild reindeer stick to the west. [0075c] Today there are a few thousand domestic reindeer east in Jotunheimen, while the wild reindeer remain in the west. [0075d] Today there are a few thousand domesticated reindeer in the eastern part of Jotunheimen, while the wild ones keep to the west, where this stately animal is still hunted. [0076a] Der drives det også jakt på dette staselige dyret. [0076b] There the stately animal is also hunted. [0076c] These gracious animals are also hunted there. [0076d] Today there are a few thousand domesticated reindeer in the eastern part of Jotunheimen, while the wild ones keep to the west, where this stately animal is still hunted. [0077a] I dalstrøkene i utkanten av Jotunheimen er det faste stammer av elg, for eksempel i Utladalen, Veodalen, Sjodalen og langs Gjende. [0077b] In the valleys on the fringes of the Jotunheimen there are permanent stocks of moose, such as in Utladalen, Veodalen, Sjodalen and along Gjende. [0077c] In the valley regions on the outskirts of Jotunheimen, there are permanent herds of moose, for example in Utladalen, Veodalen, and Sjodalen and along Gjende. [0077d] In the valleys at the outskirts of Jotunheimen there are permanent herds of moose, for instance in Utladalen, Veodalen, Sjodalen, and along Gjende. [0078a] Hjort og rådyr er så langt bare sett i Utladalen. [0078b] Deer and roe deer have thus far been seen only in Utladalen. [0078c] Red deer and roe deer have so far been seen only in Utladalen. [0078d] Deer have so far only been spotted in Utladalen. [0079a] I våre dager er det langt mellom de store rovdyrene, men i tidligere tider hadde de et fristed i Jotunheimen. [0079b] Today, there are few large predators, but in the past they roamed free in the Jotunheimen. [0079c] In modern times, predatory animals are seldom encountered, but in earlier times, they had their haven in Jotunheimen. [0079d] These days large beasts of prey are few and far between, but in former times Jotunheimen provided a sanctuary for them. [0080a] Blant annet var Utladalen kjent for sin store bjørnestamme. [0080b] For one, Utladalen was known for its many bears. [0080c] Utladalen, among other places, was known for its sizeable bear population. [0080d] Utladalen was thus famous for its bears. [0081a] Jakten på bamsen var faktisk den viktigste inntektskilden for folkene på fjellgården Vormeli. [0081b] Bear hunting was in fact the principal source of income for the people of the Vormeli mountain farm. [0081c] Hunting for bear was actually the most important source of income for the people at the Vormeli mountain farm. [0081d] Bear-hunting was in fact the most important source of income for the residents at the mountain farm Vormeli. [0082a] I den senere tid er det bare sporadisk sett spor etter bjørn, jerv og gaupe i Jotunheimen. [0082b] More recently there have been only sporadic tracks of bear, wolverine and lynx in the Jotunheimen. [0082c] In recent times, only occasional traces of bear, wolverines and lynx have been seen in Jotunheimen. [0082d] In recent years there have been only sporadic reports of bear, wolverine, and lynx tracks in the region. [0083a] De små rovdyrene, som mink, røyskatt, snømus og rødrev, er derimot vanlige, mens fjellreven dessverre er nesten borte fra dette fjellområdet også. [0083b] The small predators, such as minks, stoats, weasels and red foxes, are on the other hand common, while the Arctic fox regrettably has all but disappeared from this mountain area. [0083c] On the other hand, the smaller predators, such as mink, the short-tailed and the European weasels, and red foxes, are common, while the arctic fox has unfortunately almost disappeared from the mountain area, as well. [0083d] But smaller beasts of prey, such as mink, weasels, and the red fox, are common, while the arctic fox has almost vanished also from this area. [0084a] Blant gnagerne finnes det både hare, fjellrotte og lemen, men bestandene svinger kraftig. [0084b] Of the rodents there are hares, tundra voles and lemmings, but their stocks vary widely. [0084c] Among rodents, there are mountain hares, rats and lemmings, but the stocks fluctuate dramatically. [0084d] Among the rodents there are hare, vole, and lemming, but their population fluctuates greatly. [0085a] Fuglelivet er slik man kan vente seg i denne type fjell. [0085b] Bird life is as might be expected in this type of mountains. [0085c] Bird life in this type of mountain environment is what one might expect. [0085d] The bird life is typical of an area of this kind. [0086a] Fjellvåken er den vanligste rovfuglen, men det finnes også en og annen ørn, særlig i vest. [0086b] The rough-legged hawk is the most common bird of prey, but there also are other hawks, particularly in the west. [0086c] The rough-legged hawk is the most common bird of prey, but there are also a few eagles, especially to the west. [0086d] The rough-legged hawk is the most common predator, but an occasional eagle may be seen, especially in the west, as may several falcons. [0087a] Det samme gjelder for øvrig flere falkearter. [0087b] For that matter, the same is true of several falcon species. [0087c] The same is true of several other falcon species. [0087d] The rough-legged hawk is the most common predator, but an occasional eagle may be seen, especially in the west, as may several falcons. [0088a] De mest vanlige medlemmene i småfuglbestanden er løvsanger, gråsisik, snøspurv, heipiplerke og bjerkefink. [0088b] The most common small bird species are willow warbler, redpoll, snow bunting, meadow pipit and brambling. [0088c] The most common members of the bird stock here are the willow warbler, the redpoll, the snow bunting, the meadow pipit and the brambling. [0088d] Of the songbirds those most frequently seen are willow warbler, redpoll, snow bunting, meadow pipit, and brambling. [0089a] Det er også ender i området, særlig krikkand og kvinand, og én og annen storlom slenger også innom. [0089b] There also are ducks in the area, particularly teals and golden eyes, and one or two Arctic loons occasionally wander in. [0089c] There are also ducks in the area, especially the teal and the goldeneye, and an occasional arctic loon also stops by. [0089d] There are also ducks, especially teal and common goldeneye, and on occasion an arctic loon. [0090a] For øvrig er det vel med Jotunheimen som mange andre fjellområder: det finnes stadig flere måker. [0090b] Besides, for the Jotunheimen as for many other mountain areas: there are increasing numbers of gulls. [0090c] Besides this, Jotunheimen is like many other mountain areas: there are more and more seagulls. [0090d] As in other mountain regions, Jotunheimen has an increasing number of gulls. [0091a] Om vinteren er særlig ravnen tallrik. [0091b] In winter, particularly ravens are numerous. [0091c] In the wintertime, ravens are especially abundant. [0091d] [0092a] Av fisk er det bare ørret, og bestanden varierer ganske mye. [0092b] Of the fish there are only trout, and stocks vary considerably. [0092c] In terms of fish, there are only trout, and the stock varies a lot. [0092d]