# # [incr tsdb()] --- Competence and Performance Profiling Environment # Copyright (c) 1996 -- 2005 Stephan Oepen (oe@csli.stanford.edu) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public # License for more details. # .menu.file create and maintain test suite databases; set tsdb(1) directories and options; update display {.menu.file.menu Reread} reread current database status (flush profile cache) {.menu.file.menu Rename} rename current database (change directory name) {.menu.file.menu Purge} purge all test run data from current database {.menu.file.menu Delete} delete current database {.menu.file.menu Create} create new database from test suite skeleton {.menu.file.menu Import} import ASCII test item file or tsdb(1) database into new database {.menu.file.menu Close} close all [incr tsdb()] client windows {.menu.file.menu Quit} quit from [incr tsdb()] podium (only, why would you?) # # `Browse' menu (and embedded cascades) # .menu.browse query and browse database schema and data from active (selected) database {.menu.browse.menu Database Schema} browse database schema (definition of relations, attributes, types et al.) {.menu.browse.menu Vocabulary} show lexicographically sorted list of lexical items (and usage frequencies) {.menu.browse.menu Test Items} browse (selected) fields from `item' relation {.menu.browse.menu Phenomena} browse (selected) fields from `phenomena' relation {.menu.browse.menu Test Run(s)} browse (selected) fields from `run' relation {.menu.browse.menu Parses} browse (selected) fields from `parse' relation {.menu.browse.menu Results} browse (selected) fields from `result' relation {.menu.browse.menu Errors} browse (selected) fields from `error' relation {.menu.browse.menu Custom Query} compose and submit custom TSQL query to current test suite database # # `Process' menu (and embedded cascades) # .menu.process load test suite vocabulary; start and control batch processing (a test run) {.menu.process.menu All Items} process all test items from current database {.menu.process.menu Positive Items} process grammatical test items from current database {.menu.process.menu Negative Items} process ungrammatical test items from current database {.menu.process.menu TSQL Condition} process test items from current database that satisfy the TSQL condition {.menu.process.menu Vocabulary} process test suite vocabulary; report lexical coverage # # `Analyze' menu (and embedded cascades) # .menu.analyze summarize or graph competence and performance profiles for current database # # `Compare' menu (and embedded cascades) # .menu.compare compare competence or performance profiles across test runs (i.e. databases) {.menu.compare.menu Source Database} select (g)old standard database to compare to {.menu.compare.menu Detail} compute and display detail comparison {.menu.compare.menu Decoration} select attributes (with common values in both databases) to decorate display {.menu.compare.menu Intersection} select attrbutes for intersection: display pairs of test items with at least one mismatch # # `Evolution' menu (and embedded cascades) # .menu.evolution tabulate or graph multiple competence and performance profiles over extended period # # `Options' menu (and embedded cascades) # .menu.options set [incr tsdb()] directories and options; restrict data set (TSQL condition); change aggregation parameters {.menu.options.menu Database Root} (view or) change base directory for [incr tsdb()] database directory tree {.menu.options.menu Skeleton Root} (view or) change directory containing [incr tsdb()] database skeletons {.menu.options.menu Update} update [incr tsdb()] podium status {.menu.options.menu TSQL Condition} select TSQL condition to restrict browsing, analysis, and comparison to subset from current data {.menu.options.menu Phenomena} select phenomena to restrict browsing, analysis, and comparison to subset from current data {.menu.options.menu New Condition} input and activate new TSQL condition (see above) {.menu.options.menu Aggregate By} select dimension (attribute) used in aggregation (class organization) in analysis and comparsion {.menu.options.menu Aggregation Parameters} (view or) change aggregation parameters: aggregate width, minimum size, lower and upper bounds {.menu.options.menu Switches} (view or) change various processing, memory management, and display switches # # `Help' menu (and embedded cascades) # .menu.help if only someone provided some help |:-{ # # aggregation parameter pane # .status.aggregate.lsize size (width) of individual aggregates in scale units .status.aggregate.esize use <Up> or <Shift-Up> to increment, <Down> or <Shift-Down> to decrement value .status.aggregate.lthreshold minimal number of items per aggregate .status.aggregate.ethreshold use <Up> or <Shift-Up> to increment, <Down> or <Shift-Down> to decrement value .status.aggregate.llower lower bound for aggregation (minimal value) .status.aggregate.elower use <Up> or <Shift-Up> to increment, <Down> or <Shift-Down> to decrement value .status.aggregate.lupper upper bound for aggregation (maximal value) .status.aggregate.eupper use <Up> or <Shift-Up> to increment, <Down> or <Shift-Down> to decrement value .status.aggregate.fill0 <Return> completes parameter input; <Control-G> aborts .status.aggregate.fill1 <Return> completes parameter input; <Control-G> aborts .status.aggregate.fill2 <Return> completes parameter input; <Control-G> aborts .status.aggregate.fill3 <Return> completes parameter input; <Control-G> aborts .status.aggregate.fill4 <Return> completes parameter input; <Control-G> aborts