+ export DeepBank (for angelina) + re-parse (non-WSJ) Redwoods corpora + re-generate WeScience and Redwoods models + debug time-outs in 64-bit mode - tag lingo/redwoods - validate that confidence and annotator survice in auto-update + debug unification failures in DT overlays - validate head table (compare to DT overlays) and re-generate from DT + see whether prefixes on MWEs can be enabled without too much effort - maybe identify (and harmonize) predicate abstractions for export to SEM-I + include bridging machinery (disabled by default) - optional overlay with DT constructions (for robust composition) - validate that dan is using the same WSJ skeletons as are in SVN + parse NANC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- general setup: the LOGON Tree, plus a number of overlays ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $LOGONROOT/lingo/terg --> http://logon.emmtee.net/erg/tags/1214 $LOGONROOT/coli/deepbank --> http://svn.delph-in.net/deepbank/tags/1.1 $LOGONROOT/lingo/redwoods --> http://logon.emmtee.net/extras/trunk/lingo/redwoods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update all the profiles of a forthcoming new ERG release ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for i in csli mrs esd fracas; do /opt/slurm/bin/sbatch ${LOGONROOT}/uio/titan/parse --reset --seconds \ --terg --best 500 --compare readings,p-input \ --time 180 --memory 2048 --edges 200000 --size 8192 \ --update/skeptical --compress --thin $i; sleep 0.5; done for i in hike rondane \ jh0 jh1 jh2 jh3 jh4 jh5 jhk jhu tg1 tg2 tgk tgu ps psk psu \ cb trec sc01 sc02 sc03 rtc000 rtc001; do /opt/slurm/bin/sbatch ${LOGONROOT}/uio/titan/parse --reset --seconds \ --terg+tnt --best 500 --compare readings,p-input \ --time 240 --memory 4096 --edges 200000 --size 8192 \ --update/skeptical --compress --thin $i; sleep 0.5; done for i in ws01 ws02 ws03 ws04 ws05 ws06 ws07 ws08 ws09 ws10 ws11 ws12 ws13; do /opt/slurm/bin/sbatch ${LOGONROOT}/uio/titan/parse --reset --seconds \ --terg+tnt/wiki --best 500 --compare readings,p-input \ --time 240 --memory 4096 --edges 200000 --size 8192 \ --update/skeptical --compress --thin $i; sleep 0.5; done for i in ws214; do /opt/slurm/bin/sbatch ${LOGONROOT}/uio/titan/parse --reset --seconds \ --erg+tnt/gml/wiki --best 500 --compare readings,p-input \ --time 240 --memory 4096 --edges 200000 --size 8192 \ --update/skeptical --compress --thin $i; sleep 0.5; done for i in wlb03 wnb03; do /opt/slurm/bin/sbatch ${LOGONROOT}/uio/titan/parse --reset --seconds \ --terg+tnt/html --best 500 --compare readings,p-input \ --time 240 --memory 4096 --edges 200000 --size 8192 \ --update/skeptical --compress --thin $i; sleep 0.5; done for i in ecoc ecos ecpa ecpr vm6 vm13 vm31 vm32; do /opt/slurm/bin/sbatch ${LOGONROOT}/uio/titan/parse --reset --seconds \ --terg+tnt/speech --best 500 --compare readings,p-input \ --time 180 --memory 4096 --edges 200000 --size 8192 \ --update/skeptical --compress --thin $i; sleep 0.5; done wsj="wsj00a wsj00b wsj00c wsj00d wsj01a wsj01b wsj01c wsj01d wsj02a wsj02b wsj02c wsj02d wsj03a wsj03b wsj03c wsj04a wsj04b wsj04c wsj04d wsj04e wsj05a wsj05b wsj05c wsj05d wsj05e wsj06a wsj06b wsj06c wsj06d wsj07a wsj07b wsj07c wsj07d wsj07e wsj08a wsj09a wsj09b wsj09c wsj09d wsj09e wsj10a wsj10b wsj10c wsj10d wsj11a wsj11b wsj11c wsj11d wsj11e wsj12a wsj12b wsj12c wsj12d wsj12e wsj13a wsj13b wsj13c wsj13d wsj13e wsj14a wsj14b wsj14c wsj14d wsj14e wsj15a wsj15b wsj15c wsj15d wsj15e wsj16a wsj16b wsj16c wsj16d wsj16e wsj16f wsj17a wsj17b wsj17c wsj17d wsj18a wsj18b wsj18c wsj18d wsj18e wsj19a wsj19b wsj19c wsj19d wsj20a wsj20b wsj20c wsj20d wsj20e wsj21a wsj21b wsj21c wsj21d" for i in $wsj; do /opt/slurm/bin/sbatch ${LOGONROOT}/uio/titan/parse --reset --seconds \ --terg+tnt/wsj --best 500 --compare readings,p-input \ --time 600 --memory 6144 --edges 400000 --size 8192 \ --gold gold/deepbank/${i} --update/skeptical --compress --thin ${i}; sleep 0.5; done { ti=0; tp=0; tr=0; for id in $wsj; do profile=$id/14-07-21/pet.64.1; # profile=$id; if [ -f $profile/parse.gz ]; then i=$(zcat $profile/item.gz 2> /dev/null | wc -l); ti=$[$ti + $i]; o=$(zcat $profile/parse.gz 2> /dev/null | wc -l); p=$(tsdb -home $profile -query 'select i-id where readings > 0' | wc -l); tp=$[$tp + $p]; r=$(tsdb -home $profile -query 'select i-id where t-active > 0' | wc -l); tr=$[$tr + $r]; if [ $i != $o ]; then echo "incomplete: $id ($i vs. $o)"; else if [ $r -eq 0 ]; then echo "suspicious: $id"; fi echo "$id $i $p $r" fi; else echo "bogus: $id"; fi; done raw=$[$tp * 100 / $ti]; cooked=$[$tr * 100 / $ti]; echo "$tp parses and $tr results for $ti items ($raw% and $cooked% coverage)." } for i in $wsj; do /opt/slurm/bin/sbatch ${LOGONROOT}/uio/titan/redwoods \ --deepbank --target ${LOGONROOT}/coli/deepbank/export \ --export input,derivation,tree,mrs,eds ${i}; sleep 0.5; done