;;; Hey, emacs, this file is -*- mode: tdl -*- ... got that? ;;; ;;; feature structure templates used to abbreviate node labels in parse tree ;;; display: the first template that can be unified with the feature structure ;;; of a constituent (a node in a parse tree), will be used as its label. ;;; s-label := label & [ HEAD verb, VAL [ SPR <>, COMPS <> ], LABEL-NAME "S" ]. vp-label := label & [ HEAD verb, VAL [ SPR < [] >, COMPS <> ], LABEL-NAME "VP" ]. v-label := label & [ HEAD verb, LABEL-NAME "V" ]. np-label := label & [ HEAD noun, VAL [ SPR <>, COMPS <> ], LABEL-NAME "NP" ]. n-label := label & [ HEAD noun, VAL [ SPR < [] > ], LABEL-NAME "N" ]. det-label := label & [ HEAD det, LABEL-NAME "Det" ]. pp-label := label & [ HEAD prep, VAL [ SPR <>, COMPS <> ], LABEL-NAME "PP" ]. p-label := label & [ HEAD prep, LABEL-NAME "P" ]. adj-label := label & [ HEAD adj, LABEL-NAME "Adj" ].