the := det-lxm & [ ORTH "the" ]. that := det-lxm-3sing & [ ORTH "that" ]. those := det-lxm-non-3sing & [ ORTH "those" ]. dog := noun-lxm-intransitive & [ ORTH "dog" ]. cat := noun-lxm-intransitive & [ ORTH "cat" ]. aardvark := noun-lxm-intransitive & [ ORTH "aardvark" ]. tree := noun-lxm-intransitive & [ ORTH "tree" ]. bark := verb-lxm-intransitive & [ ORTH "bark" ]. chase := verb-lxm-strict-transitive & [ ORTH "chase" ]. climb := verb-lxm-opt-transitive & [ ORTH "climb" ]. have := verb-lxm-strict-transitive & [ ORTH "have" ]. own := verb-lxm-strict-transitive & [ ORTH "own" ]. give := verb-lxm-ditransitive-np-np & [ ORTH "give" ]. give-2 := verb-lxm-ditransitive-np-pp & [ ORTH "give" ]. near := prep-lxm & [ ORTH "near" ]. to := prep-nomod-lxm & [ ORTH "to" ]. fierce := adj-lxm & [ ORTH "fierce" ]. angry := adj-lxm & [ ORTH "angry" ]. happily := adv-lxm & [ ORTH "happily" ].