# # $Id: Makefile.mak,v 1.8 1999/03/05 17:25:50 pvmsrc Exp $ # # Nmake file for the PVM console: pvm.exe # # PVM_ARCH = the official pvm-name of your processor # ARCHCFLAGS = special cc flags # ARCHLIB = special libs needed for daemon # !IF "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT" NULL= !ELSE NULL=nul !ENDIF !include $(PVM_ROOT)\conf\$(PVM_ARCH).def OBJS = $(PVM_ARCH)\cmds.obj $(PVM_ARCH)\cons.obj \ $(PVM_ARCH)\job.obj $(PVM_ARCH)\trc.obj LIBS = $(PVM_ROOT)\lib\$(PVM_ARCH)\libpvm3.lib \ $(PVM_ROOT)\tracer\$(PVM_ARCH)\libpvmtracer.lib all: paths pvm.exe # paths: if not exist $(PVM_ARCH) mkdir $(PVM_ARCH) if not exist "..\bin\$(PVM_ARCH)\$(NULL)" mkdir "..\bin\$(PVM_ARCH)" pvm.exe: $(OBJS) $(linkexe) $(conflags) \ $(OUTBIN)$(PVM_ROOT)\lib\$(PVM_ARCH)\pvm.exe \ $(OBJS) $(LIBS) $(link_flags) $(PVM_ARCH)\cmds.obj: $(PVM_ROOT)\console\cmds.c $(cc) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvars) \ $(OUT)$(PVM_ROOT)\console\$(PVM_ARCH)\cmds.obj \ $(PVM_ROOT)\console\cmds.c $(PVM_ARCH)\cons.obj: $(PVM_ROOT)\console\cons.c $(cc) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvars) \ $(OUT)$(PVM_ROOT)\console\$(PVM_ARCH)\cons.obj \ $(PVM_ROOT)\console\cons.c $(PVM_ARCH)\trc.obj: $(PVM_ROOT)\console\trc.c $(cc) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvars) \ $(OUT)$(PVM_ROOT)\console\$(PVM_ARCH)\trc.obj \ $(PVM_ROOT)\console\trc.c $(PVM_ARCH)\job.obj: $(PVM_ROOT)\console\job.c $(cc) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvars) \ $(OUT)$(PVM_ROOT)\console\$(PVM_ARCH)\job.obj \ $(PVM_ROOT)\console\job.c # Clean up everything but the .EXEs clean: -del $(PVM_ARCH)\*.obj -del $(PVM_ARCH)\*.pdb