;;; <<< Determiners >>> the := det-word & [ ORTH "the" ]. that := det-word-3sing & [ ORTH "that" ]. those := det-word-non-3sing & [ ORTH "those" ]. ;;; <<< Nouns >>> aardvark := noun-word-3sing & [ ORTH "aardvark" ]. aardvarks := noun-word-non-3sing & [ ORTH "aardvarks" ]. dog := noun-word-3sing & [ ORTH "dog" ]. dogs := noun-word-non-3sing & [ ORTH "dogs" ]. cat := noun-word-3sing & [ ORTH "cat" ]. cats := noun-word-non-3sing & [ ORTH "cats" ]. ;;; <<< Verbs >>> barks := pres-3sing-iv & [ ORTH "barks" ]. bark := pres-non-3sing-iv & [ ORTH "bark" ]. chased :=trans-verb & [ ORTH "chased" ]. gave := dtv-np-np & [ ORTH "gave" ]. gave2 := dtv-np-pp & [ ORTH "gave" ]. ;;; <<< Perpositions >>> to := prep-word & [ ORTH "to" ]. near := prep-word & [ ORTH "near" ].